Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

She Turned 2 Simple Ingredients Into a Cure For Cancer…

Dr. Johanna Budwig was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine six times, meaning that we should treat her work with respect. During her career (she died in 2003, at the age of 95), Dr. Budwig cured 90% of her cancer patients. She cured all types of cancer permanently by using non-toxic ingredients which don’t cause any side-effects. Due to her amazing success, Dr. Budwig became the greatest enemy to the pharmaceutical and nuclear industries. They have been suppressing her work ever since early 1950, which is the reason why most of us are not familiar with the Budwig Protocol. Continue reading

Spider peptides battle superbugs and cancer

Antibiotics are increasingly losing effectiveness against certain pathogens; now scientists have found a bacteria-killing spider peptide that could help remedy this trend.

As antibiotic resistance rises and fears over superbugs grow, scientists are looking for new treatment options. One area of focus is antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which could someday be an alternative to currently prescribed antibiotics, many of which are becoming increasingly useless against some bacteria. Now, a team reports in ACS Chemical Biology that they have improved the antimicrobial — and anticancer — properties of an AMP from a spider. Continue reading

Life with Cancer and the Steadfast Courage in the Face of Death

When I was first diagnosed (Karen’s Journey) I couldn’t help myself but to feel afraid, somehow I felt shame for feeling this emotion because I thought as a believer of God I had to be strong in every area of my life despite the challenges I may face. After all the word of God says in His perfect love there is no fear. Could it be then that I really didn’t know of His love? Or perhaps, I’m a normal human being with normal emotions? God gave us emotions right? Let me tell you… Yes!! It is normal to feel afraid!! Now, the question is… what do we do in the midst of that emotion? Do we allow it to paralyze us or do we move from it? So many questions and yet, the bible, pastors, therapists, family, relatives, friends, colleagues, will have their own very unique answer to this complex question. Would they all coincide that Steadfast Courage is a must? Continue reading

Updated ~ Dr. V.: 7 ways that stress affects cancer growth

Stress is not a friend to any individual who is on a healing journey with breast cancer. I have written about the connection between, immune impairment and tumor growth on many occasions and so have hundreds of other experts during the last decade.

A study published in September 2015, however, presents a fascinating take on the subject. The joint team, which included both medical and psychological researchers from UCLA, the University of Texas, The University of Iowa and the United States National Cancer Institute, analyzed data which explains how the nervous system, and in particular the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), plays a major part in tumor metastasis when the body is under chronic stress. Continue reading

10 Cancer Symptoms You Likely Ignore – but Shouldn’t

More than a million people in the U.S. get cancer each year according to the American Cancer Society. The best way to combat cancer is to discover it early, but yet people ignore symptoms they’re not aware of. Here are 10 cancer symptoms you should take note of – and take warning – but don’t be too over-reactive.  Continue reading

Breast Reconstruction: Get the Facts Before You Decide ~ Parts 1 & 2

If you have had a mastectomy for breast cancer or are considering one, you may also be considering what to do afterwards.  As you explore your options, you owe it to yourself to learn the facts about breast reconstruction surgery as well. This is a very personal decision so take your time in weighing the cost, both emotional and physical. Always make an informed decision when it comes to your body and health.
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The Signs & Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is the ninth most common cancer death in women and the fourth in terms of both men and women. According to recent research the five year survival rate for those diagnosed early is only 8% and this drops to 3% for those diagnosed at an advanced stage. This is mainly due to the fact that this type of cancer is extremely difficult to diagnose and is usually discovered when it’s advanced to an almost incurable stage.

So what is pancreatic cancer? Pancreatic cancer is a disease where the healthy cells within the pancreas stop working as they should, and begin to grow at an uncontrollable rate. As the cancerous cells begin to build up, they form tumors that can begin spreading to other parts of the body. When pancreatic tumors advance to a large enough size, they begin to impact the function of other organs. This can result in digestive problems as the stomach begins to produce too much acid, as well as issues with the liver and bile production. Continue reading

1/3 of all cancers could be prevented with these plant-based nutrients

Each year, over 10 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer, one million of them are Americans. While there is a common misconception that whether or not you will get cancer is pretty much luck of the draw, in reality, only about 10 percent of cancers are attributable to genetic factors. As many as 90 percent of all cancers can be blamed squarely on lifestyle and environmental factors, and are entirely avoidable. And there is even more good news: An article in the journal Nature states that a third of all cancer deaths are totally preventable “through increased consumption of natural compounds” which prevent cell duplication and induce apoptosis (cancer cell suicide). Continue reading

Prostate cancer breakthrough…

Combination of three plant-based nutrients found to MELT AWAY prostate cancer cells

A fascinating new study published in Precision Oncology has found that a combination of three plant-based nutrients “melts away” prostate cancer cells. The study, led by University of Texas researcher Stefano Tiziani, is entitled Combinatorial treatment with natural compounds in prostate cancer inhibits prostate tumor growth and leads to key modulations of cancer cell metabolism.

As described in the University of Texas newsletter, this breakthrough discovery allows people to “starve prostate cancer with what you eat for dinner.” Continue reading

Cancer and Emotions: Is There a Connection?

When I was first diagnosed I thought of why? why me? I went through an emotional roller coaster for sure but after a while of processing what was happening to me I knew I needed to go on a quest for answers. I didn’t know much about cancer then, I just knew that cancer was a deadly disease and I did not want it in my body.

I’m a strong believer of God, a higher power, a source of light that dwells in all of us and I believe this inner light led me to a path of discovery and learning. I truly believe this diagnoses gave me an invitation to live again I just didn’t see it right then. I know a cancer diagnoses can be a very scary thing to process and things can unfold quite rapidly from that moment on but in the midst of all that commotion I knew I needed to seek for answers. Why did I develop cancer? Was it bad luck? Was it my fault? Did I have any responsibility? Well all these questions came back with shocking and revealing answers. Continue reading

First dual-targeting nanoparticles lower cancer’s defenses and attack tumors

A two-in-one approach to immunotherapy involves both blocking cancer cells’ (red) ability to hide and prompting T cells (gray) to attack them.

Cancer immunotherapy has emerged as one of the most exciting directions in cancer treatment. But the approach only works in a fraction of patients and can cause nasty side effects. Now, in the journal ACS Nano, scientists report the development of the first dual-cell targeting immunotherapy nanoparticle that slows tumor growth in mice with different cancers. In their study, up to half the mice in one cancer group went into full remission after the treatment. Continue reading

Creative play: Helping Children Cope with Cancer

Jenni Rogers walks into a room of children and teenagers whose family members are managing cancer, the certified child life specialist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) in Goodyear, Arizona, knows she has to break the ice quickly and efficiently. “Kids can be fearful in any new environment,” Rogers says. “It can be hard for them to know who to trust, and this can be especially true when a loved one is coping with cancer.”

To help build a connection, Rogers brings along a few “splat eggs.” Upon entering the room, she will hand an egg to one of the teenagers and say, “Go ahead, throw it at the floor.” Confused but interested in the outcome, the teen throws the egg (fake but meant to look like the real deal) at the floor and watches as it splats completely flat and then, laughing, watches as it quickly regains its shape. Continue reading

Vitamin C and antibiotics could be up to 100 TIMES more effective than drugs at killing cancer cells – without the side effects

Giving an antibiotic followed by vitamin C effectively starves cancer cells of their ‘fuel’, resulting in their death in the lab, a study found.

Antibiotics and vitamin C could be up to 100 times better than drugs at killing cancer cells

Vitamin C and the antibiotic given, known as doxycycline, are both relatively non-toxic and could therefore dramatically reduce the side effects of existing treatments, the researchers said. Continue reading

Coffee Enema: Everything You Need To Know About It

Dr. W.D. Kelley, DDS, MS; woodcarving cir. 1974

Processed foods are bad, I’m not talking about taste but what they are capable of doing to our health. Let’s face it; processed foods taste delicious. But what makes them taste good tends to be the addition or excess of sugar, sodium, and fat.

The excess of sugar, sodium, and fat often leads to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and poor digestive health. These foods activate the reward centre in our brains which often leads to more cravings for these processed foods.

Keeping that in mind, most of these foods also consists of various additives. These additives range from preservatives, dyes, flavour and texture enhancers to so much more. In turn, these poor dieting habits and other unhealthy habits such as alcohol consumption and chlorinated drinking water causes a buildup of toxin in the colon.

Over time, the build-up of toxins causes your colon to become unhealthy and become less efficient in expelling waste. As a result, fecal matter is deposited along the walls of your colon. Some of these fecal matters can stay in your colon for months or even years. Continue reading