Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Apple Seeds and Cancer

This is What the Government Has Been Hiding From Us for Years

You have probably heard the saying that one apple a day can keep the doctor away. This is certainly true because an apple is one of the healthiest and nutrition-dense fruits in the world. One apple provides an estimated 10 percent or more of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and fiber. Moreover, these nutrients have anti-cancer properties, boost the immune system, aid in weight loss, and prevent free radical damage. Continue reading

11 Plants Native Americans Use to Cure Everything (From Joint Pain to Cancer)

The Cherokee is a Native American tribe that is indigenous to the Southeastern United States. They believe that the Creator has given them a gift of understanding and preserving medicinal herbs.The Cherokee trust the healing and preventative properties of nature’s pharmacy. Because many plants become scarce throughout history, the Cherokee promote proper gathering techniques. The old ones have taught them that if you are gathering, you should only pick every third plant you find. This ensures that enough specimens still remain and will continue to propagate. Here are some of the medicinal plants that were commonly used and foraged for by the Cherokee tribe. Continue reading

Surviving Cancer 16 years later…

everything new is well forgotten old

My husband is a sixteen-year cancer survivor. When he was diagnosed in 2001 there were no books, no seminars and very few options for Acinic cell cancer. The treatment proposed was very disfiguring with probable facial nerve damage; and the only two people the local surgeon had operated on were dead. Choosing a well known teaching hospital instead, we prepared for surgery number 2—to correct the misplaced surgical drain shooting saliva out of the back of his ear; and to remove the other half of the tumor we were told was left behind from surgery number 1.
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Beat cancer naturally rather than being a “customer” for the medical profession

In contrast to at least 6000 years of the practice of natural medicine, Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western medicine is unequaled. When this same approach is used to treat illness and disease – fixing or repairing the parts where the symptoms of underlying illnesses manifest themselves, modern medicine fails miserably. Continue reading

Prostate cancer ELIMINATED by combination of powerful nutrients in apple peels, turmeric root and grape skins

A recent study published in Precision Oncology revealed that a potent combination of compounds from turmeric root, apple peels, and grapes help keep prostate cancer at bay. To carry out the study, a team of health experts at the University of Texas at Austin identified 142 natural compounds that may potentially fend off the disease. The research team then tested these compounds on mouse and human cell lines to identify which ones may mitigate the growth of prostate cancer cells when used either alone or in combination with other compounds. Continue reading

Cancer Research Confirms the Curse

Cancer’s devastation directly or indirectly touches almost everybody on Earth, and a great deal of research focuses on finding the cause and cure. A new study’s results showed that the number of cell divisions in body tissues is a more significant cancer contributor than any other factor. A separate study revealed that the bodies of older people produce declining amounts of a cancer-minimizing molecule called NAD+. Although cancer currently lies beyond the reach of any person to cure, Scripture offers a long-term solution available to anyone. Continue reading

Can PTSD Increase Your Breast Cancer Risk?

A few weeks ago I discussed the physical and mental benefits that go along with “turning on” the Relaxation Response and offered some tips on how to elicit this healing response within you. If you have not read that blog post yet, you can check it out HERE.

But what about when a person cannot get out of the cycle of stress for long enough to turn on the Relaxation Response, no matter how hard they try?
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Ways of Life – Psalm 90:10

There are many ways of life found in the Bible. One of those ways of life is defined in Psalm 90:10. The writer of this Psalm is making the observation at his time that the average age was around 70 years. But if someone had strength, they made it another 10 years (decade).

Psalm 90:10 (KJV): “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” Continue reading

Science journal confirms eating turmeric cured myeloma cancer in 57-year-old woman

After undergoing three rounds of chemotherapy and four stem cell transplants and still finding herself sick and weak, blood cancer patient, Dieneke Ferguson, believed she reached the end of her tether. She was told she had exhausted all her options. “Nothing worked: there was just too much cancer….there was nothing else I could do,” she recalled in an interview with The Daily Mail. Ferguson, though, refused to accept the “inevitable and turned towards an alternative treatment: curcumin. The polyphenol, which is the main compound of turmeric, is what has been keeping her alive and well for the last five years, she says. Her extraordinary story will be featured in an upcoming study in the British Medical Journal. Continue reading

Managing Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

~ Foreword ~
What you are about to read is exciting to me – but it comes with a single drawback, one which I refer to as, “let us ignore all those who came before us…”. I began to work with Dr. William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. in the late 1980’s. I was trained by him to administer teaching and guidance for cancer victims – and in fact worked with many of the afflicted from all over the world. Kelley is considered one of the modern day pioneers in this field and is recognized as such along with other names in the advancement of true cancer cure, Max Gerson, Otto Warburg, Nicholas Gonzalez (one of Kelley’s most significant students), Bryzinski, Hulda Clarke, Johanna Budwig, Royal Rife, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (and others) – and one very dominant name – that of Dr. John Beard – from whose writings of the early 1900’s took Kelley down the path to further study and expand on the main topic of this posting – Metabolic Disease. If it were not for the work of Beard and subsequently Kelley with his significant advancement in this field – we would still be light years behind where we are today. It has just taken the modern “experts” to catch up with the work of these two pioneers – yet neither receives the credit where due.~ Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher

Metabolic therapy, which includes a ketogenic diet, has been shown to prevent and treat many cancers, including “incurable” late-stage cancers

Cancer has become Americans’ No. 1 health concern. It is easy to understand why. Fifty percent of men and 41 percent of women will develop cancer during their lifetimes. But what if you didn’t need to fear cancer because you knew it was a metabolic disease that you could treat and recover from like other conditions?

Did you know that according to the American Cancer Society over 1,600 people die every day from cancer in the U.S.? That’s over 600,000 people each year. And when you include the entire world population that number climbs tenfold to over 7.6 million. Think about it. What if that many people died each day from Zika, or Ebola or polio? Continue reading

Why An Alkaline Approach Can Successfully Treat Cancer

In the 1930’s, an interesting natural cancer treatment was proposed as a simple, effective answer to cancer – almost any cancer. This treatment approach is not well known because it is considered alternative or experimental – or even dangerous – by the medical and scientific community and hence has been referenced primarily in obscure publications outside the mainstream press. Continue reading

Decisions About Your Cancer Diagnoses and Standing Up To The Pressure

So you have been diagnosed with cancer, the dreaded C-Word and you never saw it coming, maybe uncle Joe but not you. You are young, You are doing everything right how can this be? All of the sudden FEAR takes over and your mind is fogged with confusion.

Everyone around you is telling you… “You are going to be OK” but you must start treatment right away, no time to waste. You look into your doctor’s eyes and desperately seek HOPE, yes you want to believe everything is going to turn out well. Yet he can’t really tell you that but he can only share his knowledge about your cancer, stats and his experience. All of the sudden your world dramatically changes and you just really really HOPE it is just a nightmare from where you will wake up soon. Continue reading

Living in the Country Reduces Risk of Dying from Cancer by 29%

There’s something to be said for old-fashioned doctors

Living in a rural area has a multitude of benefits – cleaner air, less noise, and more relaxing surroundings, just to name a few. If you’re fighting cancer from a rural area of the country, your location may also boost your odds of survival quite significantly, research shows (though it may be because of the type of general practitioners (GPs) you’re more likely to find in the country). Continue reading

3 Signs of Vaginal, Cervical, or Uterine Cancer Every Woman Needs to Know

Vaginal cancer, pictured, is an extremely rare form of the disease

Have you ever heard about vaginal cancer? While cervical cancer is well-known and researched, vagina cancer is not that common.

Anyone who is familiar with lady parts is able to make the difference between uterus, cervix, and vagina. However, it turns out that many women are quite ignorant in regard to this. Continue reading