Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Dr. V.: Why Are So Many Women Confused about Breast Cancer Screenings?

Thousands of women remain misinformed about their options when it comes to Breast Cancer screenings. Some suggest that public pink ribbon campaigns which focus on the benefits of mammography exclusively could be to blame.

Still Confused After 50 Years of Mainstream Mammography Education
A 2003 study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that 9 out of 10 women “vastly overestimate” the benefits of a mammography screening (or have no idea about them). The same study found that most American women believe mammography could prevent Breast Cancer from happening in the first place.
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Dr. V ~ Why Consider Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Over the years I have seen a pattern emerge again and again: estrogen dominance and not enough natural progesterone to balance this out. Estrogen dominance can lead to issues like Poly Cystic Ovaries Syndrome, Endometriosis, and potentially Breast Cancer. It can also lead to pre-mature aging. There is a solution, however. You can use plant-based Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) as part of your Healthy Breast Journey.
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How To Maintain Wellness While Fighting Cancer

Whether one chooses to undergo the “traditional” or natural healing process, much of what follows is vital to one’s Victory Over Cancer. ~ Ed.

Your heart dropped when you heard the diagnosis. No one leaves the doctor’s office feeling good after being diagnosed with cancer. Still, you are a fighter. After explaining things to your loved ones, you worked together with medical professionals to create a plan to beat it. Whether it’s radiation, chemo, or something else, you are going to defeat cancer. Continue reading

“I’m Gonna Love You Through It”

Elementary school chorus sings to teacher with cancer

Grab your tissues, because famous Staten Island, N.Y., PS22 chorus has done it again.

This time, the talented troupe of fifth graders, which has been enchanting crowds since 2000 (and eliciting fanfare from celebrities since a 2007 performance with Tori Amos, put the spotlight on their teacher Adriana Lopez, who is battling breast cancer. Continue reading

High-Fat Diet May Fuel Spread of Prostate Cancer

Obesity is linked to prostate cancer, scientists know, but it’s not clear why. On Monday, researchers reported a surprising connection.

A color-enhanced scanning electron microscope image of prostate cancer cells. A new study suggests that dietary fat may feed prostate tumors and help them spread. Credit Eye of Science/Science Source

When prostate cancers lose a particular gene, they become tiny fat factories, a team at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston reported in a paper published in Nature Genetics.

Then the cancers spread from the prostate, often with deadly effect. Prostate cancers that have not lost that gene also can spread, or metastasize — in mice, at least — but only if they have a ready source of fat from the diet. Continue reading

Chrysanthemum flowers found to have antitumor effects on prostate cancer

Chrysanthemin, which is the 3-glucoside of cyanidin, is a member of the anthocyanin class of natural products. According to an MTT assay (a colorimetric assay for assessing cell metabolic activity), chrysanthemin tends to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells, inducing dose-dependent and time-dependent cytotoxic effects in them. Continue reading

Surviving Cancer 16 years later: Everything new is well forgotten old

Empower yourself, learn to heal today! ~ T. Copenhaver

My husband is a sixteen-year cancer survivor. When he was diagnosed in 2001 there were no books, no seminars and very few options for Acinic cell cancer. The treatment proposed was very disfiguring with probable facial nerve damage; and the only two people the local surgeon had operated on were dead. Choosing a well known teaching hospital instead, we prepared for surgery number 2—to correct the misplaced surgical drain shooting saliva out of the back of his ear; and to remove the other half of the tumor we were told was left behind from surgery number 1. Continue reading

Folk medicine plants from Mexico and Central America found to have anticancer potential

A study found that the stem and root extracts of native plants from Mexico could be possibly used as a source of anticancer treatment. A team of researchers from the University in Mexico and Technological University of the Mixteca in Mexico investigated the potential anticancer effects of eight folk medicinal plants from Mexico. Continue reading

When Hope Runs Out, Cancer Patients Are Making Their Own DIY Immunotherapy Treatments

Illustration: Angelica Alzona/Gizmodo

Every generation has had its breakthrough that promised to, at long last, finally cure cancer, but this time around the chances of actually pulling it off are looking pretty good. Rapid advancement in fields like genetics have led to incredible success using immunotherapies to turn patients’ own bodies into cancer-fighting machines. Pharmaceutical companies, philanthropic billionaires and the federal government’s cancer moonshot program are all racing to develop new treatments, with a handful already approved. Continue reading

Essiac Tea is a Cancer Cure Big Pharma Does Not Want You to Know About

A simple inexpensive four herb tea that cures cancer? Even AIDS maybe? This has been a critical concern since Essiac tea was introduced in Canada during the early 1920’s. For over 50 years, a humble nurse, Rene Caisse (pronounced Reen Case), used the tea successfully with many terminal cancer patients from her clinic in the tiny Canadian village of Bracebridge, north of Toronto. Continue reading

Father-of-two beats Cancer

…went into remission after going vegan and foregoing further treatment

Rob Mooberry, now 43, was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in 2012 in Las Vegas, where he is a bartender. He switched to a vegan diet after chemo, and the cancer shrunk

A father-of-two who was given weeks to live has revealed he beat stage 4 colorectal cancer after switching to a vegan diet.

Rob Mooberry, now 43, told Daily Mail Online he was hospitalized with a perforated colon in July 2012, and scans revealed he had cancer which had spread to his bowels, lymph nodes and liver.

Doctors said the Las Vegas bartender would need a colostomy bag put in, followed by an ileostomy, then two bouts of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Continue reading

Tumors THRIVE off the body’s natural cancer-fighting proteins – causing disease to spread as cells are killed off

The body’s natural cancer-fighting proteins could be fueling the spread of cancer, scientists have discovered.

The body’s natural process that removes dead and dying cells actually fuels the spread of cancer to bones and other organs due to a pro-inflammatory protein that is released

A new study focused on prostate cancer to find that the body’s process for removing dead and dying cells causes those harmful cells to spread to bones and other organs by increasing inflammation.

The process’s negative effect in metastatic prostate cancer cells has been poorly understood, but now researchers have discovered a breakthrough by pinpointing the protein.

This understanding could help researchers develop drugs to block the harmful tumor growth in prostate and other cancers, while still allowing the body to clear out the dying cells. Continue reading

Can High Iron Increase Your Breast Cancer Risk?

In a recent blog, I spoke about mTOR pathways and their connection to cancer. According to Dr. Mercola’s latest book, Fat for Fuel, limiting protein intake is a natural way to down-regulate activity of mTOR pathways and thus lower your risk of tumor growth.

But keeping mTOR pathways at bay isn’t the only way that protein restriction can help you reverse cancer. Recent investigations have discovered the link between excess levels of iron caused by high protein consumption and other factors resulting in a higher risk for breast cancer.
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Straddling Conventional and Alternative Cancer Treatment

When Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died in July (of 2015), there was not much notice. He did not get an obituary in The New York Times or in most other major media outlets.

Yet Dr. Gonzalez, whom I interviewed in 2003, was a fascinating figure in the world of cancer, walking a tenuous boundary between orthodox oncology and alternative medicine — or what is now called complementary medicine. Though his beliefs and treatments have fierce critics, his insights shed light on the mysteries of cancer. Continue reading