Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Dr. V: Are Plant Seed Oils Safer Than Fish Oils?

I am a big fan of healthy fats. If you have been on a Healthy Breast journey for a while, you probably are too. Some researchers, however, are beginning to question the safety of fish oil supplementation and are offering solutions in the form of plant-based “Parent Essential Oils” or PEOs.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs): The Basics
If you are new to the concept of healthy fats and how they can help with Breast Cancer, be sure to read THIS BLOG. In the meantime, here are a few things to keep in mind.
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How Dr. William Kelley Treated Pancreatic Cancer with Enzymes

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley

Dr. Linda Isaacs: Well, when I met Nick Gonzales he was investigating Dr. Kelley’s work. And so much of what I would have to say is in effect taken second hand. I mean, I met Dr. Kelley myself. But much of Nick’s work was done before I actually came on the scene, so to speak.

But on the other hand I could say that the data that Nick was collecting was part of what got me convinced that this is the direction I needed to go because it was compelling data and there was nobody else but Nick and me to follow up on this. Dr. Kelley was an orthodontist by training. And he got into cancer treatment because he himself got very, very ill with what was almost certainly pancreatic cancer.

Now this was in the early sixties so there were no CAT scans and the only way to make a biopsy was to do an operation. And so many times pancreatic cancer was diagnosed by autopsy in that day and age because there was no reason to take somebody to the operating room to prove an academic point when everyone could tell that they were sick and on their way to death. Continue reading

Could a study published in 1911 hold the key to the successful treatment of cancer?

Dr. William D. Kelley seemed to think so!

Cancer has been successfully treated with enzymes for many decades. Enzyme therapy is not new. In fact, it dates back to at least the 1700’s when Jean Senebier discovered that gastric juices could be applied to wounds to prevent infections and speed healing. The enzymes in gastric juice break down the dead tissue (as enzymes do) and the hydrochloric acid from the stomach keeps the wound clean.

(John Beard (1858 – 1924) published his “Trophablastic Theory of Cancer” in the The Lancet in 1902).

Dr. John Beard, an embryologist working as a professor at the University of Edinburg, published a book in 1911 demonstrating his results after treating 170 end stage cancer patients by giving them injections with pancreatic enzymes. Dr. Beard found that pancreatic enzymes could be used successfully to stop out of control cancer cell growth. The book represented 20 years of intense laboratory work and impeccable documentation that still today stands up to scientific scrutiny. Despite being nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1905 for his work, and great reviews on his published book—most cancer “experts” denied his thesis. Continue reading

Cancer is CAUSED by chemicals, so

why on Earth would you use chemicals to fight it?

Americans are scared to death of cancer, and righteously so. Mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably can take over organs, including the most complex organ in the body, the brain. Nearly half of all Americans will get some form of cancer in their lifetime, and approximately half of those victims will die from it. Or will they? What if you found out today that many people who “die” from cancer die from the treatments given to them by medical doctors and oncologists, and from the continued consumption of more chemicals after those very same patients are diagnosed, operated on, treated with radiation, and prescribed chemotherapy? Are you on “the drip” right now? Let’s have an intelligent discussion and get to the root of this massive pandemic-style problem. Continue reading

Dr. V: The Real Deal About Sugar Alcohols Like Xylitol

If you are healing from cancer, you probably know that you need to avoid sugar. If you don’t know, check out this blog to find out how cancer tumors feed on excessive glucose! Artificial sweeteners come with their own dangers though. Studies have long connected substances like aspartame to leukemia and Breast Cancer.

But what about those sometimes-mysterious sugar substitutes called “sugar alcohols?” It’s time to shed some light on substances like sorbitol, mannitol, erythritol, lactitol and xylitol, especially since they are found in so many low-sugar and sugar-free prepared foods and “vitamin-infused” drinks.
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Dr. V.: The Healing Power of Bees for Breast Cancer

They swarm around your just-sprouting flowerbeds and their presence is a sure-fire sign that spring has sprung. I’m talking about bees, of course. These gentle buzzing creatures are about a lot more than pollinating flowers, however. Science is confirming that bees are also beneficial for human health as well.

Apitherapy is the art and science of using bee products and venom for healing. Here’s how it may be able to help you.
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Truths About Cancer

Below is the truth about cancer. The system will not acknowledge these truths because they make so much money from it and because they wish to control others instead of helping them to find life. This is where America has come to. It is a dark day for truth. But the Lord Jesus will reveal all, perhaps much quicker than we may realize.

Truths About Cancer:

1. Cancer is caused by over toxicity of the tissues where it is found growing.

2. Cancer will never be cured because it is a defense mechanism of the body that actually helps to increase lifespan. Continue reading

Effectively Dealing with Skin Cancer

Cancer starts growing on and in the skin where excess toxins start accumulating. Each cancer cell absorbs destructive toxins. Cancer cells continue to grow in size and number as long as excess toxins are found outside the existing cancer cells.

The purpose of the cancer cells is to isolate harmful excess toxins by engulfing them so those toxins securely remain inside the cancer cells. Continue reading

Dr. V.: Stop Breast Cancer with Modified Citrus Pectin

For decades, research has confirmed that Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) has the ability to inhibit Breast Cancer tumor growth and metastasis, along with its many other benefitsI first became fascinated with MCP when I was learning about the devastating effects of heavy metal toxicity. You may know about pectin as a thickening agent in cooking. In reality, it is so much more.  Continue reading

Dr. V: The Hidden Dangers of Folic Acid vs. Folate

The words “folate” and “folic acid” are sometimes used interchangeably and this can be a costly mistake when it comes to your health. These two substances are technically different forms of “vitamin B9.” However, one is a substance your body cannot live without. The other may stimulate cancer tumors to grow.

Folate Deficiency
Folic acid is a synthetic form of B9 that is obtained mostly through supplementation. It can be difficult to assimilate, but more on that in a minute. Folate, on the other hand, is found in fresh, whole foods and is easily absorbed and utilized in the body, according to many experts. Continue reading

Ovarian cancer doesn’t start in the ovaries…

Silent killer‘ begins in the fallopian tubes, study reveals – paving the way to better tests

Two recent studies have confirmed previous claims that the deadly disease actually starts in the fallopian tubes.

The discovery simultaneously gives researchers hope for developing better detection and prevention methods and highlights the alarming reality that very little is known about the disease.

Ovarian cancer has been called a ‘silent killer’ because there is no effective way to screen for it and it is generally diagnosed in the late stages. Continue reading

Processed foods are driving up rates of cancer

Major study reveals the health threat including cereal, energy bars, sausages and chocolate

Eating processed food significantly raises the risk of cancer, experts warned. They said the disease was claiming more lives because of the popularity of ready meals and sugary cereals and fizzy drinks.

The products put middle-aged women in particular danger from breast cancer, according to a study in the British Medical Journal. ‘Ultra-processed’ food – any product involving an industrial procedure – now makes up half of our diet. Continue reading

Dr. V: 5 Must-Read Books for Healing Breast Cancer

Books can inspire and support us in so many ways. We can get lost in beautiful fiction novels, or we can benefit from practical tips from a “how-to” book. As my team and I have supported women in over 39 countries, we always recommend a list of books that will encourage them through their journey.  In fact, we ask them to commit to reading and doing the work specified in these books, so they can shift beliefs and patterns that may be holding them back, consciously or subconsciously. Continue reading