A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley
The video you are about to watch is over 90 minutes in length, but your time will be more than well spent. I knew of Dr. Gonzalez for some years before I finally was able to speak with him in 2014. The topic of conversation was a combination of legal issues relating to his relationship with Dr. Kelley, but also to ask his permission to use a portion of his book, ‘One Man Alone‘ wherein he described his 1981 introduction to the renown Dentist from Texas, who was having worldwide success with the treatment and curing of cancer. Permission was cheerfully granted to us by Gonzalez and his commentary was included in the 2015 publication of Dr. Kelley’s seminal work on cancer, now titled, Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation.*
Dr. Gonzalez’s story unto itself is quite interesting to me and I learned things about Kelley that I had not previously been aware of, but just prior to the second hour of the lecture, Gonzalez begins to discuss his mentor in greater depth about than I had ever heard prior to this recording, which was filmed some ten months after Kelley’s death in January of 2005… BUT this presentation is about much more than Dr. William Donald Kelley, a modern day Cancer Pioneer… Continue reading →