Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Cancer Causes Within Your Power to Prevent or Reverse

“Mankind is sick and getting sicker. A great deal of it is self-inflicted.”

In our modern, highly toxic world, it seems there are too many possible causes of cancer to protect yourself against. There are pollutants and cancer-causing carcinogens all around us – in the soil, water, and air – and the “people in power” appear to be making things steadily worse. Continue reading

Doctors hail world first as woman’s advanced breast cancer is eradicated

Immune cells from the woman’s own body used to wipe out tumors

Judy Perkins says her condition had deteriorated a lot and she was planning her death. But since the treatment she has been on a 40 mile hike. Photograph: Courtesy of Judy Perkins

A woman with advanced breast cancer which had spread around her body has been completely cleared of the disease by a groundbreaking therapy that harnessed the power of her immune system to fight the tumours.
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Three Continent Study Shows Higher Than Recommended Doses of Vitamin D Prevents Cancer

Research utilizing combined data from 17 studies that included more than 12,000 people from the U.S., Europe, and Asia found that optimal levels of vitamin D for colon cancer prevention are higher than the current U.S. recommendation of 600 international units (IU) per day.

In the absence of Vitamin D from sunlight, disease increases more than 1,000 percent. Experts suggest that the chances of getting vitamin D from your diet are very low. Continue reading

Drinking baking soda could help cure cancer

Kitchen ingredient makes hard-to-reach tumour cells easier to target with drugs, study finds

Baking soda could help fight cancer by making cells easier to target, a study has found.

Drinking the powder dissolved in water could make cells inside a tumour more active and easier for chemotherapy drugs to kill, according to researchers. Continue reading

Bladder Cancer Symptoms and 6 Natural Ways to Help Cancer Treatment

It’s estimated that more than 2 percent of all men and women (or about 1 in 50) will be diagnosed with bladder cancer at some point during their lifetime. In the United States alone, as of 2014 there were more than 696,000 people living with bladder cancer and more than 68,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Bladder cancer affects more men than it does women, although women can be affected by the condition too.

What is one of the first signs of bladder cancer? Usually one of the earliest bladder cancer symptoms is blood in your urine (called hematuria). Depending on the stage or grade of bladder cancer that someone is diagnosed with, treatment options can include chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy and lifestyle changes to prevent the cancer from returning. Unfortunately, cancer treatments tend to cause many different side effects that may even be worse than the bladder cancer symptoms — but natural remedies like dietary changes, supplements and stress-relieving activities can help make bladder cancer treatments easier to handle. Continue reading

Dr. V: The New IvyGene Test for Breast Cancer

By now you may know that there are MANY options for detecting Breast Cancer outside of traditional mammography, which may come with some dangerous side effects. One option that I have written about in the past is the Oncoblot test, created by Dr. Dorothy Morré and the late Dr. James Morré. Now the Morrés’ company, Mor-NuCo Enterprises, is working with the Laboratory for Advanced Medicine to offer the IvyGene test for detection of breast cancer as well as lung, prostate and colon cancers.
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Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Enzymes, Cancer and Dr. Kelley

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley

The video you are about to watch is over 90 minutes in length, but your time will be more than well spent. I knew of Dr. Gonzalez for some years before I finally was able to speak with him in 2014. The topic of conversation was a combination of legal issues relating to his relationship with Dr. Kelley, but also to ask his permission to use a portion of his book, ‘One Man Alone‘ wherein he described his 1981 introduction to the renown Dentist from Texas, who was having worldwide success with the treatment and curing of cancer. Permission was cheerfully granted to us by Gonzalez and his commentary was included in the 2015 publication of Dr. Kelley’s seminal work on cancer, now titled, Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation.*

Dr. Gonzalez’s story unto itself is quite interesting to me and I learned things about Kelley that I had not previously been aware of, but just prior to the second hour of the lecture, Gonzalez begins to discuss his mentor in greater depth about than I had ever heard prior to this recording, which was filmed some ten months after Kelley’s death in January of 2005… BUT this presentation is about much more than Dr. William Donald Kelley, a modern day Cancer Pioneer… Continue reading

Dr. V: Can Exercise Influence Your Gut Health?

You are probably already aware of the importance of exercise for good health. And if you have been on the Healthy Breast path for a while, you no doubt are also in the know about how essential it is to have good digestive health for breast cancer prevention and healing. The bacteria in your gut can help breakdown aggressive circulating estrogens and trigger your liver to support the methylation process. But did you know that exercise can also help improve your gut health?

Science has confirmed it: moving your body every day may provide the “one-two punch” that can help provide the gut health you need for a vibrant life!
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Hydrogen Peroxide and Cancer: This is what you MUST know

Cancer is dangerous. Don’t flirt with disaster. Don’t eat it and don’t go near it. Don’t drink it. Don’t put it on your skin. Yes, this is a warning not to put cancer on or inside your body. Cancer is in GMO pesticide DNA seed designs and the treatments used on vegetables and fruit. Cancer is in sun block lotions full of toxins that hold in your sweat and block out the vitamin D you would normally get from the sun. Cancer is in cosmetics, makeup, soaps, toothpaste and shampoos. Cancer may be lurking in your refrigerator, your pantry and in your medicine cabinet, but it has an archenemy. Cancer has a rival that destroys it like an M-60 leveling a field of enemy soldiers. It’s called “hydrogen peroxide,” and the “lame-stream,” mainstream media will tell you how “dangerous” it is at 35%, but they won’t tell you that you can drip a couple drops in a glass of water each day and end cancer. Yes, it’s true. Continue reading

Desperation Oncology’: when patients are dying, some cancer doctors turn to immunotherapy

Dr. Oliver Sartor has a provocative question for patients who are running out of time.

Most are dying of prostate cancer. They have tried every standard treatment, to no avail. New immunotherapy drugs, which can work miracles against a few types of cancer, are not known to work for this kind.

Still, Dr. Sartor, assistant dean for oncology at Tulane Medical School, asks a diplomatic version of this: Do you want to try an immunotherapy drug before you die?
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Why Western Medicine Will Never Cure Cancer

The following post is short, but to the point, however having worked with Dr. William D. Kelley, D.D.S.; M.S. for seven years until his death, and subsequently continue to work with his family and Foundation for an additional thirteen years – including the editing, restoration and publication of both of his noted works – there is nothing new under the sun here… except to realize that what is published below could have been lifted from Dr. Kelley’s work and teachings, as so many practicing in this field today have done. They have taken their lessons from the Master – from their Teacher. ~ Ed.
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Dr. V: The Link Between Gum Disease and Breast Cancer

Did you know that close to half of all American adults have gum disease? That is roughly 64.7 million people! The consequences of periodontal disease are a lot more extensive than how it affects your smile. Chronic inflammatory gum disease can lead to, and is often sign of, lower immune function. It can also lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.
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Dr. V: What Is HER2 Positive Breast Cancer?

You may have heard about Breast Cancer that is “HER2 Positive.” Or you may have been recently diagnosed with this kind of Breast Cancer yourself. You have also probably heard all the “bad news” about it. Here are the straight facts about HER2 and, most importantly, what YOU can do about it.

HER2 Defined
HER2 (also called ErbB2, HER2/neu,HER2+, HER2 Overexpression or simply HER2) is a growth-promoting protein. It stands for “Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2.” In a healthy body, HER2 stimulates normal cell growth and development and is important for cell survival. In adult women, one place that HER2 proteins are located are on the outside of each breast cell.
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