Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Studies Show: Adrenaline Sparks Breast Cancer Growth

One of the major changes that occurs when a person suffers from chronic stress is too much adrenaline and cortisol in the system. Now research has discovered a direct link between adrenaline and Breast Cancer.

Adrenaline and the Fight or Flight Response
Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands.

More than likely, you have already heard of the “fight or flight” response, also known as the stress response. The stress response happens automatically and is part of the Sympathetic Nervous System. The body goes into this mode in response to any kind of threat. It could be a stranger walking towards you in a dark alley, a wild animal chasing you, a fight with your spouse or a looming deadline.
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Sorry, But So Far War on Cancer Has Been a Bust

I recently got into an argument, again, about cancer. The occasion was a talk by one of my colleagues at Stevens Institute, philosopher Gregory Morgan, on the fascinating history of research into cancer-causing viruses.

The occasion was a talk by one of my colleagues at Stevens Institute, philosopher Gregory Morgan, on the fascinating history of research into cancer-causing viruses. In the Q&A, someone commented on how far science has come in understanding cancer’s causes.

With my usual kneejerk negativity, I lamented that all our knowledge about oncogenes, oncoviruses and other cancer catalysts has not translated into significant reductions in mortality. Continue reading

MY CANCER: Fuel For The Fire

Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith…of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire…may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. ~ 1 Peter 1:6-7

What fuel has the Refiner added to the fire as He works to reveal Jesus in and through you? He has recently stoked the fire under me! I’m encouraged when I remember that when a refiner purifies gold, he melts it in a pot over the fire. He keeps turning up the heat until the dross, or impurities, rise to the surface. He then bends over the gold to skim off the dross, and continues doing so, until he can see his face reflected in the surface of the gold. Continue reading

Coffee Causing Cancer??

Cup with Bonnie

Scientists have been doing research on a coffee-cancer link for a very long time. Meta-stidies looking at all the scientific literature up to date have clearly shown that not only there is no association between coffee-drinking and cancer, but there is actually a mild inverse correlation between drinking coffee and some type of cancer. In other words, not only does coffee not give you cancer, but it may mildly protect you from some types of cancer, such as breast and liver cancer. Continue reading

Obesity and breast cancer

Scientists explain how being overweight makes breast cancer cells more aggressive

Researchers from Helmholtz Zentrum München, Technische Universität München (TUM), and Heidelberg University Hospital carried out a study on how extra weight makes breast cancer cells more aggressive. Using human tissue from breast cancer metastases, the researchers found that the enzyme known as ACC1 (acetyl-CoA-carboxylase 1) — a key component of fatty acid synthesis — is inhibited by high levels of cytokines. They found that obesity causes the release of cytokines into the bloodstream that affect the metabolism of breast cancer cells, which in turn make them more aggressive. Continue reading

Do your moles put you at risk of melanoma? Find out through ABCDE

Moles are a common sight on a person’s body. These dark-colored clusters of pigmented cells usually appear during childhood, but can fade or disappear with age. While most are harmless, some moles may become deadly over time. Moles can be a risk factor for melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Melanoma may sound scary but it’s actually one of the most treatable cancers and, if caught early, can be taken out in its entirety by simply removing the mole. Dermatologists have listed five warning signs to watch out for; so if you want to know if your mole is cancerous, just remember ABCDE: Continue reading

Prostate Cancer Symptoms and 10 Natural Ways to Help Cancer Treatment

About one in every nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. The risk for developing prostate cancer is greatest for men over the age of 65, especially those who African-American. In the Unites States, second to skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men. It’s estimated that about 164,690 new cases of prostate cancer are detected each year, and about 29,430 deaths annually are caused by prostate cancer. This makes it all the more important to pay attention to any prostate cancer symptoms you may notice. Continue reading

We need the truth…

NOTE: What you are about to read was posted as a comment in October of 2015 on a blog discussing the issues of curing cancer. There are times when one must reach out to those who have been afflicted and HEAR what they have to say. The alternative is cut, paste and burn… and I will pass on that one. ~ Ed.

This 1965 U.S. postal stamp shows how long we’ve been in the fight

I have read everything that everyone has said. I have to add that it is a pity that people love money so much to watch their fellow human perish every day in diseases that can be easily cured with safe natural medicines. I started researching natural medicine when my 94 years old mother was told to go on dialysis 4 years ago when she was 90 years. I was on dialysis myself and had a kidney transplant once before. I believed so much in the doctors and the hospitals, I did not know that much about natural medicines. I started researching natural medicine because I thought that my mom will not survive dialysis because of her age. I found that there were several options of natural medicine that are not toxic and have no side effect. I decided to try one for her. Six months later we went to the hospital for testing. The doctor said that my mom was healthy and her kidney function was normal. She has been on that natural medicine she drinks with juices every morning for over 4 years. Continue reading

Cryoablation: Healing Breast Cancer with Extreme Cold

As more and more consumers become aware of the risks of traditional cancer treatments, hospitals in the United States are finally beginning to respond. Some doctors are becoming open to modalities which can complement traditional cancer treatment. U.S.-based clinical trials show cyroablation to be especially effective for early-stage Breast Cancers.
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Dr. V.: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Cancer

Oxygen has been used for centuries to promote wound healing and vital health. These days, more and more clinicians, health centers and even hospitals are turning to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to help patients under their care. And new research is pointing to the fact that HBOT may help people heal from cancer as well.

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy utilizes a pod-like chamber to immerse an individual in an environment of 100% pure oxygen with an atmospheric pressure of sometimes three times the normal amount.
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Dr. V. ~ Plant Stem Cell Therapy May Slow Down Your Aging Process

Senescence is the biological breakdown that happens as all living things age. On a cellular level, it is the loss of the cell’s power to divide and grow. Senescence is one of the natural processes of life. However, within this toxic, stressful world, aging often happens prematurely and with unneeded suffering. It doesn’t have to be this way. Embryonic Plant Extracts (EPEs) are a ground-breaking plant stem cell technology discovered by one of the most visionary health pioneers of our time. They may slow down the progression of age-related senescence and support recovery from dis-eases like Breast Cancer.
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Dr. V: Can Coenzyme Q10 Help Stop Breast Cancer?

You probably know of Coenzyme Q10, or Ubiquinone, as a supplement you can purchase at your local health food store. In reality, however, it is a compound that is produced by your body. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that is known to help for a number of conditions, including heart conditions, migraines and even Parkinson’s. Recent research has also shown that it may also help to halt cancer tumor growth.
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