Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

California Parents Want To Have A Cell Phone Tower Taken Down Because Kids Just Keep Getting Cancer

Could this be one of the reasons why cancer rates are steadily rising all over the world? The radiation that we are constantly being bombarded with by the cell phone industry is one of the greatest environmental scandals in history, and yet the environmental movement is almost completely silent about this crisis. As you will see below, scientific study after scientific study has linked cell phone use to cancer, and yet nothing is being done. Instead, the big cell phone corporations are about to roll out their ultra-powerful 5G network nationwide, and that is just going to make this health crisis much worse.

Perhaps you are skeptical that cell phone radiation is a major threat… Continue reading

CT scans increase your cancer risk by a whopping 35 percent

Most people probably don’t even think twice about it when they go in for recommended medical testing. But diagnostic and follow-up imaging scans can be highly detrimental to a person’s health – especially when radiation is involved.

The computerized tomography scan, also known as a CT or CAT scan, is one such imaging protocol that, because it blasts ionizing radiation into a person’s body, can significantly increase one’s risk of developing cancer later on in life. Continue reading

Smith: The Cancer Cartel and Alternative Treatments

“It is scarcely possible to touch on any subject, that will not suggest an allusion to some corruption in governments.” — Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, Note 24

“Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current.” — Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, 1943

Whether the man who swims against the current is a creator or a fool depends, of course, on whether he’s headed for undiscovered truth or a plunge over the falls. What’s important and almost never allowed is the freedom to let the man swim.

Thomas Edison had a good thing going with his invention of the incandescent light bulb and his own direct current electricity system, but a 28-year-old immigrant he hired off the boat in 1884 showed him a much more efficient way to transmit electricity over long distances, using alternating current. Edison dismissed Nikola Tesla’s idea as impractical and refused to compensate him for his discovery, having promised him a $50,000 bonus then reneging on it, claiming he was only joking. Tesla resigned, found odd jobs that included digging ditches at $2 a day, and finally sold his ideas to Edison rival George Westinghouse, who in 1893 provided AC current to light the World’s Fair in Chicago. Continue reading

Weedkiller chemical increases the risk of cancer ‘by up to 41 per cent

Exposure to a chemical in weedkiller can increase the risk of cancer by as much as 41 per cent, according to a study. The safety of weedkillers containing glyphosate has been the topic of scientific debate – and lawsuits – for years.

Now, in an analysis of past studies, researchers have linked the chemical to non-Hodgkin lymphoma, an uncommon cancer which starts in the white bloods cells. Continue reading

The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones

We dismiss claims about mobiles being bad for our health – but is that because studies showing a link to cancer have been cast into doubt by the industry?

NOTE: Since the writing of the following, 5G has already been activated in the united States. Get your phones out of your pockets and your bras. ~ Ed.

On 28 March (of 2018), the scientific peer review of a landmark United States government study concluded that there is “clear evidence” that radiation from mobile phones causes cancer, specifically, a heart tissue cancer in rats that is too rare to be explained as random occurrence. Continue reading

Cervical cancer: Capita’s cancer screening blunder hits 50,000 NHS patients

Capita’s failure to send out cervical cancer test results condemned as ‘gross incompetence’

NOTE: Whats you are about to read is from a British publication, yet deals with much of the same issues that cancer ‘Victims’ deal with all over the world – and yes – that mean right here in the united States. ~ Ed.

Photograph: Voisin/Phanie/Rex/Shutterstock

Nearly 50,000 women have not received information on cervical cancer screening after the NHS contractor Capita failed to send out letters. Continue reading

CANCER: Chapter V ~ Your Health, YOUR Responsibility

The information in this book regarding candida is my interpretation of information I’ve looked at on the subject of candida. For the best information on this subject, and for up to date information about candida, check with Dr. Jeffrey McCombs

Candida overgrowth is a precursor to 100% of tumors, and it feeds on undigested food particles in the bowel, producing excess mucous in order to protect itself from being eliminated by the body’s immune system; its main food sources are undigested carbohydrates and proteins that enter the bowel from the stomach and small intestine. This is why a colon cleanse, such as via a coffee enema, is recommended by the Gerson Clinic in Mexico which was founded by Dr. Max Gerson, and is currently run by his daughter Charlotte Gerson; however, I suspect that coffee enemas, and colonics in general, disrupt the natural balances of bacterias in your body, possibly causing over-growths which could lay the foundations for a spectrum of illnesses. Continue reading


Insufficient digestive enzyme in humans is a requirement for supplementation with Papaya Enzyme. If insufficient digestive enzyme in humans goes untreated, a single-celled bacteria called candida is allowed to enter the intestines.

Candida burrows pockets into the walls of the intestines. Undigested and not fully digested food gets trapped in those pockets, and goes rancid, then candida eats it. A digestive enzyme in candida, called CYP1B1, metabolizes that food, and the candida grows into a multi-cellular fungal mucous which is a transmutation of the candida. Let’s call this multicellular transmuted result of digestion an overgrown candida; since it’s a result of candida digestion, it contains the candida digestive enzyme CYP1B1. Continue reading

CANCER: Chapter III ~ Medical Doctor’s Don’t Know

Your diagnosis was a wake up call. Now you’re going to find out how the world really works, dear; because if you don’t, you’ll die.

Up till now you’ve looked up to, and trusted, authority figures, such as uniformed men and women, about and with everything; you’ve believed they care about you and you’ve trusted that they have your best interests at heart. The uniformed men and women were your protectors, your teachers, your priests, your doctors; they were your external authority so you didn’t have to take full responsibility for your own well-being.

Well now it’s time to wake up and grow up; it’s time to learn the truth about the decision makers in the medical industry. Continue reading

Man discovers he does NOT have cancer after misdiagnosis led to five years of chemotherapy and biopsies

A Colorado man says he was on chemotherapy and painkillers for five years to treat a rare cancer – only to learn he never had the disease at all.

James Salaz, of Montrose, went to Montrose Memorial Hospital in 2012, where doctors performed numerous tests before they found two ‘abnormalities’ in his left lung.

After performing an open lung biopsy, Salaz was told he had a rare form of cancer in which an excess of white blood cells caused tumors to form throughout the body.

Despite immediately undergoing treatment, the abnormalities weren’t going anyway – that is until he visited another doctor who told him he didn’t have cancer, but rather a condition that causes inflamed blood vessels. Continue reading

CANCER: Chapter II ~ “Which one of you has cancer?

My story begins on a t-shirt weather summer day.

After my dad’s second chemo treatment, while he was in the hospital – first in palliative care, then in intensive care – where he had several close calls with death’s door – I hadn’t even visited him in his first few days of being in the hospital. I was scared. I didn’t want to believe that he was as much of a flight-risk as he was, as much at risk of joining the angels as he was; I didn’t want to believe it. As long as I didn’t see him, I didn’t have to acknowledge that his health was in as bad of condition as it was.

The hot summer day when this story begins is the day when I decided to visit him in the hospital, after a few full days of him being in the hospital without a visit from me. Continue reading

CANCER: Chapter I

Asclepius, the Greek God of medicine

To all the people whose lives have been sacrificed to the evil overlords of the chemotherapy industry, to the souls of all you who were murdered coldly by an industry that, I acknowledge, is driven only by the money system that was created by the exact forefathers of those very individuals who are now at the helm of the media, the schools, and their direct ancestors even wrote religions to fool your direct ancestors! I sadly acknowledge that the other team tells lies in the textbooks those scoundrels write. The people who study those textbooks the most are the people who want to be doctors.

Those who want to help people have hearts so pure that they strive through a quarter life of school just to help people, so they can’t understand that scoundrels would even exist who strive all life to hurt people, but they do! Those who become doctors have hearts that are so well meaning that the quarter-of-a-life of school-bound studies that it takes to even become a doctor are easily accomplished because their passion is to help, so those who become doctors cannot understand the passions of those who tricked doctors to believe in chemotherapy. ~ A.H.
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