Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

You become what you eat!

Diets high in cheeseburgers and fries and low in whole grains and veggies account for over 80,000 cancer cases a year.

We now know without a shadow of a doubt that eating highly processed foods lacking in nutrition is not just bad for our waistlines, but for our cancer risks. There’s a clear link between excess body weight and at least six kinds of cancer, and probable links to at least seven others. Continue reading

Cancer Town: ‘It’s been killing us for 50 years

The Dupont/Denka plant as seen from a levee wall on the opposite side of River Road. The plant was built by chemicals company DuPont and sold to the Japanese firm Denka in 2015. Photograph: William Widmer/Redux/eyevine

Residents of the town on the banks of the Mississippi River have watched as family members and neighbors have been lost to cancer. Official figures show the risk of cancer from toxic air is 50 times higher in Reserve than the national average. Feeling neglected by politicians, they are fighting back against the chemical plant has been emitting chloroprene into the air for half a century. Continue reading

California couple who developed the same cancer after using Roundup weed killer on their property for 30 years are awarded $2 BILLION in Monsanto trial

Oh My God – this gives me a Headache!

Monsanto must pay $2 billion to a California couple who claim carcinogenic chemicals in the company’s weedkiller, Roundup, gave them cancer, a jury ruled Monday.

The company faces a slew of over 13,4000 lawsuits over the product, which uses glysophate, a pest-killing chemical that may raise cancer risks – a risk that three courts in a row have now ruled the company failed to warn consumers of. Continue reading

Cancer researchers don’t want a ‘cure’, they would lose billions

The war on cancer began nearly half a century ago, and yet, not much has really changed. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on cancer research and development, so you’d think by now they’d have come up with better, more effective treatments, wouldn’t you? Look at the immense developments that have been made in other forms of technology — and in less time! Smart phones, anyone? Continue reading

Cancer’s Trick for Dodging the Immune System

An image made by an electron microscope of molecules, called exosomes, that sabotage the immune system and prevent it from recognizing cancer cells. Credit – Mauro Poggio, Elisabeth Montabana and Brandon Chu

Cancer immunotherapy drugs, which spur the body’s own immune system to attack tumors, hold great promise but still fail many patients. New Research may help explain why some cancers elude the new class of therapies, and offer some clues to a solution.

The study, published in the journal Cell, focuses on colorectal and prostate cancer. These are among the cancers that seem largely impervious to a key mechanism of immunotherapy drugs. Continue reading

60 Lab Studies Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child


Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century — the admission that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide.

Bear in mind that Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. Hilleman was one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines. Continue reading

Can Beer Prevent Cancer?

The chemical properties of beer may help in the battle against cancer, due to acids in hops that may have both anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

The plant that adds flavor, color and bitterness to beer also produces a primary compound that thwarts cancer cells, and two important derivatives of the compound do as well, new research at Oregon State University shows.

Reporting on a number of studies, the Telegraph points out that beer has been found to reduce the risk of kidney stones, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and Alzheimer’s, while also strengthening bones, treating cataracts and curing insomnia. Continue reading

Cancer indu$try not looking for a cure; they’re too bu$y making money

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It may sound ridiculously cynical to some, but there are many who believe that cancer is too big a business (meaning too lucrative) to ever actually cure. And they say the proof is in the numbers.

As noted by Your News Wire, if any of the existing low-cost, natural and alternative cancer treatments were ever to be approved, then the healthcare industry’s cornerstone revenue producer would vanish within months. Continue reading

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: The Truth About Coffee Enemas Hidden From You by Big Pharma

Dr. Kelley’s Famous Coffee Enema: Dr. W.D. Kelley, DDS, MS; woodcarving cir. 1974

Once again I return to one of the few voices who continued to speak openly and positively about Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS – the man for whom we developed this website for so many years ago. Dr. Gonzalez spent his life speaking of and acknowledging the work and success of Dr. Kelley – up until the moment he died of mysterious circumstances nearly four years ago. He is missed as much as Dr. Kelley is.

We invite you to watch and LISTEN to this short video with Dr. Gonzalez as he speaks about one of the most controversial topics of Kelley’s Protocol – the Coffee Enema. In this video, cancer researcher Ty Bollinger speaks with the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, lecturer and author, about the historical mainstream medical knowledge of the benefits of coffee enemas. The full interview with Dr. Gonzalez is part of “The Quest For The Cures Continues” docu-series.

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The Big Business Of Cancer

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If you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you will get cancer during your lifetime. If you are a man, the odds are closer to 1 in 2. And almost everyone in America either knows someone who currently has cancer or who has already died from cancer. But it wasn’t always this way. Back in the 1940s, only one out of every sixteen Americans would develop cancer. Something has happened that has caused the cancer rate in this nation to absolutely explode, and it is being projected that cancer will soon surpass heart disease and become the leading cause of death in the United States. Continue reading

California Parents Want To Have A Cell Phone Tower Taken Down Because Kids Just Keep Getting Cancer

Could this be one of the reasons why cancer rates are steadily rising all over the world? The radiation that we are constantly being bombarded with by the cell phone industry is one of the greatest environmental scandals in history, and yet the environmental movement is almost completely silent about this crisis. As you will see below, scientific study after scientific study has linked cell phone use to cancer, and yet nothing is being done. Instead, the big cell phone corporations are about to roll out their ultra-powerful 5G network nationwide, and that is just going to make this health crisis much worse.

Perhaps you are skeptical that cell phone radiation is a major threat… Continue reading

CT scans increase your cancer risk by a whopping 35 percent

Most people probably don’t even think twice about it when they go in for recommended medical testing. But diagnostic and follow-up imaging scans can be highly detrimental to a person’s health – especially when radiation is involved.

The computerized tomography scan, also known as a CT or CAT scan, is one such imaging protocol that, because it blasts ionizing radiation into a person’s body, can significantly increase one’s risk of developing cancer later on in life. Continue reading

Smith: The Cancer Cartel and Alternative Treatments

“It is scarcely possible to touch on any subject, that will not suggest an allusion to some corruption in governments.” — Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, Note 24

“Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current.” — Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, 1943

Whether the man who swims against the current is a creator or a fool depends, of course, on whether he’s headed for undiscovered truth or a plunge over the falls. What’s important and almost never allowed is the freedom to let the man swim.

Thomas Edison had a good thing going with his invention of the incandescent light bulb and his own direct current electricity system, but a 28-year-old immigrant he hired off the boat in 1884 showed him a much more efficient way to transmit electricity over long distances, using alternating current. Edison dismissed Nikola Tesla’s idea as impractical and refused to compensate him for his discovery, having promised him a $50,000 bonus then reneging on it, claiming he was only joking. Tesla resigned, found odd jobs that included digging ditches at $2 a day, and finally sold his ideas to Edison rival George Westinghouse, who in 1893 provided AC current to light the World’s Fair in Chicago. Continue reading