Dr. Nicholas James Gonzalez, who practiced in New York City before his untimely death in 2015, used an innovative nutritional protocol to successfully treat far advanced cancer patients. As a classically trained immunologist, he approached this innovative therapy with a great deal of skepticism, but became convinced of its value during an exhaustive five year research project.

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley
In July of 1981, during the summer preceding his third year at Cornell University Medical College, Dr. Gonzalez embarked upon an informal evaluation of a nutritional approach to cancer. A friend had asked him to look into a dentist named Kelley in Texas who had reportedly cured a patient of terminal cancer. What started as a way to spend a summer vacation eventually developed into a five year research project under the direction of former President of Sloan Kettering Institute, Dr. Robert Good.
On his trip to Texas, Gonzalez was astonished to find case after case of appropriately diagnosed advanced metastatic cancer patients who were healthy and active five, ten, and 15 years after diagnosis. Kelley had made available all of his records, well over 10,000 patients, and encouraged Gonzalez to contact any and all of them. Continue reading →