Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Bond Girl Susie Vanner, 72, Reveals How She ‘Beat the Odds‘ After Rejecting Chemotherapy Following Her Breast Cancer Diagnosis

The former Bond Girl, 72, who rose to fame alongside Roger Moore in 1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me, refused traditional treatment options to battle the grade 3, stage 2 disease back in 2007 (pictured in the film)

The former Bond Girl, 72, who rose to fame alongside Roger Moore in 1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me, refused traditional treatment options to battle the grade 3, stage 2 disease back in 2007.

Susie told of how she beat the aggressive breast cancer, which had spread to her lymph nodes, with alternative therapies, after having surgery to removed the tumour.

Speaking to The Express, she revealed: ‘They wanted me to have the chemo, the drugs, the radiation, the Herceptin.

‘But I started reading all these books and I thought that the chemotherapy would be a disaster because it kills everything in your body.’ Continue reading

Scientist Reveals How He Beat Terminal Cancer Thanks to Incredible New Treatment

Larry Boyer was told he had just six months to live after being diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer.

Not only is this type of cancer one of the world’s deadliest — just three percent of patients survive it — the initial tumor had spread to other organs and triggered the growth of 16 additional tumors.

As a retired data scientist, he knew the odds were against him.

But 18 months later, the father-of-two from Connecticut is alive and, miraculously, cancer-free. Continue reading

Your Health, Your Diet, Your Cancer Risk – YOUR Choice!

I have believed for a long time that the American Medical Complex and the Consumer Food and Beverage Industrial Complex have little interest in the prevention of disease. It makes far better business sense to let the population eat, drink and smoke to their heart’s content and then offer seemingly high tech and expensive methods for cleaning up the aftermath. In the United States, the food industry alone generates 500 billion dollars in sales: Bacon, eggs, milk, fast food franchises, soft drinks, fried food, dead food, overcooked food, sweets, treats and canned goods.

We have gotten away from simple diets and become human garbage disposals. Sixty percent of the American public is overweight. Clearly the large food conglomerates are successfully marketing to an oblivious public. After feeding your body with dead and processed foods for 20, 30, 40 or more years, things begin to run less perfectly. We have overlooked the processing energy required to digest bacon and eggs each morning, that steak in the evening and the cocktails in between. The result is the current health crisis where one in three will have cancer in their lifetimes — not to mention heart disease. ~ Greg Stirling, Vancouver, British Columbia
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Cancer Prevention: Exploring Common Risks and Ancient Wisdom

Cancer is becoming more prevalent and is also affecting more younger adults. The major risk factors for cancer include high-stress levels, depression, exposure to environmental toxins like microplastics, and unhealthy dietary habits. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers effective methods for cancer prevention and relief.

A 2023 study revealed that between 1990 and 2019, the global number of cancer diagnoses in people under 50 increased by 79 percent, while deaths from early-onset cancer rose by 28 percent. While younger people may recover more quickly due to their overall physical resilience, certain cancers may progress more rapidly due to biological factors. Continue reading

Condition Suffered by 100 Million Americans Raises Risk of Early Colon Cancer by Up to 65%

New research may have discovered an unexpected driver behind the mysterious rise of colon cancer cases in young people.

The above graph shows the rise of colorectal cancer in Americans under 50 over the last two decades

The study found patients with high blood-sugar levels were up to 65 percent more likely to be diagnosed with the cancer before age 50 than their peers.

Diabetics were at the highest risk, but those with prediabetes – where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as diabetes – were also at an elevated risk.

Experts who analyzed more than 500,000 people’s medical records as part of the study are now calling for ‘tighter glucose control’ to be a priority for young people. Continue reading

September 25, 2024: cancer, Cancer, CANCER!

Residents of America’s Cancer-Cursed State Demand Answers as Rates of Disease Mysteriously Soar

Across Iowa, people have known for a long time what data is only now beginning to confirm — cancer incidence in the state is outstandingly high.

Iowa became the focus of national attention earlier this year when data showed it had the fastest growing rate of new cancers of any state in America.

That’s more than the Rust Belt states, where lifelong factory work, smoking rates and lack of healthcare puts locals at a higher risk for developing the disease. And more than southern states where rates of obesity, alcohol use and poverty make them more prone to the disease… (Continue to full article)

Table Salt Can Activate Immune Cells Against Cancer
Salt has been used for a myriad of reasons throughout history. Not only did individuals use it to preserve food, but it was also used to garden, to construct new roads, and in religious ceremonies. Salt was even used as a form of currency.

Even today we use salt to flavor food, heal a sore throat, clean metal, remove stains, and relieve bee stings, among others.

While salt is used for all these things, particularly wound healing, scientists are unsure of their systemic impact on immune cells. There is limited research linking immunity with salt, with the exception that large amounts of salt intake are deleterious to the body.

More specifically, scientists were previously unaware of the implications table salt might have on cancer immunotherapy outcomes…. (Continue to full article)

CANCER Has Been Routinely Induced By VACCINES Since 1960
Oh, the insidious cancer industrial complex of America. Do not put anything past it. Vaccines have been dirty, adulterated and contaminated since the onset. You can’t even say the word ‘vaccines’ without some pro-vax-zealot/historian spitting up the name Jonas Salk and that supposed “medical triumph.”

The highly-uncontrolled Polio vaccine experiment, and that’s what it was, of the 1950s and 60s, exposed nearly 100 million Americans to SV40 (Simian Virus 40), a monkey virus that can cause cancer in humans.

Guess what? SV40 catapults turbo cancer. That’s what’s happening now to people who got the mRNA gene-mutating spike-protein injections (Covid jabs). Each dose of an mRNA Covid injection contains millions, if not billions, of copies of SV40 enhancer, as identified in the Pfizer Wuhan Virus stab… (Continue to full article)

New Breast Cancer Screening Requirement Takes Effect: FDA
Women must be informed of their breast density, which is linked to breast cancer risks.

As of Sept. 10, all women undergoing mammography for breast cancer will be informed on the density of their breasts, according to a new update by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

On March 9, 2023, the FDA issued an update requiring all mammography facilities to comply.

Dense breast tissue can make cancer more difficult to detect on a mammogram, the FDA wrote in its statement. Like cancer tumors, fibroglandular tissue appears white on mammograms.

According to the release, approximately half of women over 40 in the United States have dense breast tissue. Dense breasts are also a risk factor for breast cancer development… (Continue to full article)

Signs and Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
Some people get cancer of the pancreas, the organ in your abdomen that makes digestive enzymes and hormones such as insulin. The cancerous mass can interfere with the pancreas’ function and lead to symptoms such as stomach or back pain, jaundice (yellowed skin), diarrhea, nausea, weight loss, and diabetes.

Early in the disease, pancreatic cancer is typically asymptomatic (doesn’t cause any symptoms). Symptoms from pancreatic cancer often start gradually and intermittently, so people may dismiss them. Often by the time symptoms are more significant, the cancer is already large, or it has already spread. This makes it more difficult to treat.

But not everyone with pancreatic cancer will have all these symptoms. Most people who have one of these symptoms have a different medical condition and not pancreatic cancer… (Continue to full article)

Lardieri: Cancer Expert Reveals How Every New Patient He Sees Is UNDER 45 – as He Tells What They All Have in Common

Illustration of a cancer cell. (Science Photo Library/Canva Pro)

A doctor is speaking up about the surge in cancer cases among young people – revealing ‘every new patient’ that comes to his clinic is under 45 years old.

North Carolina’s Duke University oncologist Dr Nicholas DeVito says he and his colleagues have experienced a complete demographic switch in recent years. Based on what he’s seeing everyday, talking to patients on the ground and analyzing the data, he blames the rise of junk food diets. Continue reading

Cancer-Drug Costs Rise, Leaving Even Insured Patients with Financial Burden

But the REAL question is – Is TRADITIONAL cancer treatment doing it’s correct job for the Victims – or are they just continuing to line the pockets of the Doctahs and BIG Pharma?

The following column spends more time with Recent Survey’s, Recent Reports, Scientists Suggest, Published in….

Why can’t the Medical Community just get to the point of admission – that they just DON’T get it! ~ Editor

As cancer rates rise for people under 50, the cost of life-saving treatment is rising far past their ability to pay. An increase in cancer cases is putting pressure on Americans. With medical debt burdening patients, the battle against cancer is taking a new financial front that could affect many cancer patients’ lives. Continue reading

Who is MOST LIKELY to get Pancreatic Cancer?

Factors such as age, sex, and family history can impact a person’s risk of getting pancreatic cancer. It is more likely to occur later in life. Certain conditions can also increase the likelihood of pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer develops in the tissues of the pancreas. This organ secretes digestive enzymes. Some cells in the pancreas also produce insulin, a hormone crucial for blood sugar control.

Anyone can develop pancreatic cancer, but certain factors may increase the likelihood of the condition developing. Continue reading

More Than Half of Cancer Deaths in US a Result of Lifestyle Choices

A new study shows that more than half of all cancer deaths in the United States result from ’modifiable risk factors,’ also known as lifestyle choices.

A new study by the American Cancer Society reveals that four in 10 cancer cases and about half of all cancer deaths in adults ages 30 and older in the United States are attributable to lifestyle choices, or “modifiable risk factors.” Continue reading

“Here’s How I Knew I Had Pancreatic Cancer”: One Survivor’s Story After Years of Growing Clues

A pancreatic cancer diagnosis can be startling. One young survivor, who battled this disease during the COVID-19 pandemic, shares how he overcame the odds: “Every day is a gift.”

Pancreatic cancer, representing 3% of all cancer cases and 7% of cancer-related deaths in the US, is a serious health concern, as highlighted by the American Cancer Society. In 2024, it’s projected that nearly 66,440 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, with a tragic estimate of 51,750 individuals succumbing to the disease in that same time-frame.

Tucked away behind the stomach, the pancreas might be small, but its role in the body is critical. It aids in food digestion through enzyme production and regulates blood sugar levels with insulin. Yet, its discreet location often means that this cancer remains asymptomatic until advanced stages, making vigilance and regular medical check-ups essential – and as with all cancer, it’s better to catch it early. Continue reading

5 Personal Strategies to Minimize Cancer Risk… as shared by an Oncologist

Cancer remains one of the most complex diseases to understand as its origins often can’t be traced to a single cause. However, many risk factors that contribute to cancer development are within your control.

New York-based oncologist Dr. Waqqas Tai often posts advice on his TikTok account, where he boasts more than 14,500 followers. Now, he has shared five of his personal strategies to prevent the big C. Continue reading