Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

NO Disease Can Exist In An Alkaline Environment

Dr. Otto Warburg was born in 1883 in Freiburg, Germany. He studied under Emil Fischer in Berlin, until receiving a Doctorate in Chemistry in 1906. By the age of twenty-eight, he also received a Doctorate in Medicine.

He spent a significant portion of his life studying oxygen consumption and fermentation. In 1928, he released the well-known paper, “The Chemical Constitution of Respiration Ferment”, where he differentiates the energy consumption between regular body cells and cancer cells. Continue reading


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Why has cancer exploded in the last twenty or so years? There are many reasons and include: the non-organic food we are eating; vaccinations; chemicals being sprayed in our atmosphere; and chemicals used in our food production.

The US if fifth in the world in cancer rates. How can this be? When you look at what goes into our food and you can see. Glyphosate is the leading cause of breast cancer and contributes to all other types also. We are among only a few countries that use RoundUp herbicide. Connection? Continue reading

One of the Saddest Cancer Cure Stories ever Written

Our story begins with an explanation of a cancer treatment drug. It is used by some physicians and is called GcMAF. GcMAF occurs naturally in our bodies. The scientific definition is: Globulin component, Macrophage activating factor, or (GcMAF). It is a vitamin D binding regulatory protein, which is present in the immune system. This naturally occurring protein is found in healthy individuals, but is lacking in people with a weak immune system, children with a deficiency of vitamin D, or children with autism. Continue reading

The Silent Cancer Killer: Sticky Blood

What is sticky blood? It is a condition in your arteries and veins related to your red blood cells. The free separated red blood cells can be changed by a person’s diet to form sticky, coagulated red blood cells. The results can be detrimental to a person’s health.

There are two commonly related blood clot diseases. Sticky blood platelet disease, and homocysteine related red blood cell inflammation, which will also cause blood disease. The red blood cell homocysteine is related to poor diet, excess sugar consumption, omega 6 oils from off the grocery shelf, refined and processed foods, and excess red meat. Continue reading

Victory Over Cancer

… without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation

This is a reconsideration of Dr. Kelley’s original book, One Answer to Cancer published nearly five-decades ago – and now greatly expanded. (Also replacing, CANCER: Curing the Incurable without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation). Cancer is preventable AND curable and this 200+ page book will show you how to insure that you’ll live a Long, healthy, cancer free life. It’s not about remission – it’s about Victory!

Order Yours Today!

A book with over 50 years of planning for 33,000 patients and developing the scientific paradigm for the proper cure and treatment of cancer – and so much more.

“In our time there will never be a cure for heart disease or for cancer because there’s just too much money in it for the elite. Between the AMA, the hospitals, pharmaceutical and drug manufacturers, the money wheel never stops turning – and those who suffer needlessly are bankrupted.”Dr. William D. Kelley

In this updated, FULLY RESTORED (to Kelley’s specifics) and greatly expanded book, through the teachings of Dr. William D. Kelley, not only is there a recognized cure for cancer – but that cancer is preventable!

In addition, you will learn just WHO William Donald Kelley was. Was he the monster that the medical community, the media and entertainment industries portrayed him to be? Or was he the genius that may finally be recognized for the gifts he gave to the world? You will have to judge for yourself. (Continue for more on YOUR health…)

Cancer IS Candida/Fungus and CAN be CURED

Here’s something your doctor, or Oncologist will never tell you. If you have cancer, then you have fungus/mold/candida. It feeds the cancer, it is cancer itself. Here’s all you need to know and how to deal with it.

Few things are scarier than hearing the words, “you have cancer.” And yet it’s something that an estimated one third, to half the population will hear at least once in their lifetime.

With such staggering rates and so much money and research poured into combating cancer, you would think we would have rounded the corner towards reducing it, or even found a cure by now. What is terrifying is that despite the millions of dollars spent every year on research, we seem to be no closer to knowing exactly what causes cancer, much less finding a cure for it. Continue reading

New Study Confirms Chemotherapy Encourages Spread Of Cancer

Variety of chemotherapy drugs in vials and an IV bottle. Creator: Bill Branson via National Cancer Institute

New research carried out by an international team of scientists has further confirmed that chemotherapy encourages the spread of cancer. Published in the Nature Cell Biology journal, the study looks at two commonly used chemotherapy drugs, paclitaxel and doxorubicin, and examines how breast cancer cells respond to them. Confirming what other studies have reported for years now, the researchers found that use of this extremely toxic class of drugs can trigger the onset of new tumors in other parts of the body. Continue reading

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Kidney Cancer?

Kidney cancer is often difficult to detect in its early stages. There are no routine screening tests to detect the cancer type, and many symptoms may mimic another disease or even a benign condition. But if you find that you have any of the common symptoms discussed here, it’s time to check with your doctor to evaluate what’s going on. Continue reading

Lung Cancer Survivor’s Story: Don’t Ignore the Symptoms

I’m too busy to have cancer! With a full-time job, house, social life, dating, cycling and traveling, how do you put it all on pause for an illness? Back in 2007, I was burning the candle at both ends. I felt so tired and achy all of the time, so I stopped exercising because I didn’t have the energy. It seemed to all spiral down after that.

In August 2007, I kept having pains in my chest, but when I went to the doctor, he said maybe I hurt myself at the gym, bruised some cartilage or it might be a strain. He gave me pain pills and told me it might take some time. Nothing abnormal showed up on the x-ray. The doctors were focusing on my bones, though, not my lungs. Continue reading

Vitamin D deficiency directly linked to your risk for cancer

What are you doing to lower your risk of cancer? Perhaps you’re going out of your way to get organic food to avoid the cancer risks associated with pesticides, or maybe you’re using natural cleaning products around your house. You might be making a conscious effort to consume more superfoods and get more exercise, but are you keeping tabs on your vitamin D levels? This often-overlooked factor is linked to your cancer risk in a surprisingly strong way. Continue reading

I wish I had known sooner

Alex Trebek wants you to learn the signs of pancreatic cancer

The overall five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 9%

He’ll take “awareness” for $1,000.

Jeopardy” host Alex Trebek drew on his personal experience with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer in a new public-service announcement, urging the public to learn more about the disease and raise awareness ahead of World Pancreatic Cancer Day on Nov. 21.

“In order to help patients fight and survive this disease, more attention and awareness are needed,” Trebek, 79, said in a one-minute video spot in support of the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition. “I wish I had known sooner that the persistent stomach pain I experienced prior to my diagnosis was a symptom of pancreatic cancer.” Continue reading

Cancer Immunotherapy Resistance Due to Metabolic Imbalance

Immunotherapy has been a boon to those suffering from severe cancers. The science has been so transformative that just last year, three pioneering researchers won the Nobel Prize for their discoveries in the underlying immunological mechanisms that make immunotherapy drugs possible. Though for as much success as these interventions have had, there is still a segment of the population that is resistant to the drugs and their beneficial effects, and unfortunately, scientists have had difficulties nailing down the reasons why. Continue reading