Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Two Cancer Cure Books that Every Preventive Cancer Person should Read

Of all the books I have read on preventing and curing cancer, I would definitely say that two books stand alone. They are “Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation“, and “One Man Alone,” An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and Dr. William Donald Kelley.”

Dr. William Kelley was the doctor that both books were written about, where thousands of cancer patients were helped and/or cured. Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez’s book, “One Man Alone,” explains much about Dr. Kelley’s story. Every person wanting to prevent or cure cancer should read both books. Continue reading

Loudon: Dr. Otto Warburg and the Nobel Prize

Just before World War II, Hitler was planning to eradicate as many Jewish people as possible. He also was very busy building up his war machine so he could conquer all of Europe. Hitler was also very worried about one other thing. His mother had died from cancer and he recently had a polyp removed from his vocal cords. He was very worried that he would get cancer.

Although he disliked Jewish people, he knew a brilliant doctor and scientist that he thought could find a way to cure cancer. The name of this brilliant scientist was Dr. Otto Warburg. Continue reading

Chemotherapy Shortens Life-Span of Cancer Victims

Professor Dr. Hardin B. Jones of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California, studied cancer patients for 25 years and announced at a Cancer Society Seminar in 1969 that patients who are not treated with chemotherapy live longer than those who treated with it. It sent shockwaves through the medical community who believed traditional treatment was better than nothing.

Another of his discoveries was that breast cancer patients survived longer if left untreated than those treated with conventional therapies. Continue reading

The 21 Basic Causes and 4 Basic Characteristics of Cancers

The truth is that there is no one cause of cancer. There is a multiplicity of causes acting simultaneously through the years that leads up to each person’s cancer. That means there is no single demon that we can blame our cancer on. As you go through the below list of causes try to pick what you think are the principle causes in your case. In general most cancer patients will be suffering from multiple causes. Each cause suggests an intelligent treatment to address the specific cause.

It is important to understand from the start that oncologists want patients to think that cancer is spontaneous. That it is something that happens without a cause. The cancer industry plays a vicious mind game with cancer patients and their families. What they say dis-empowers patients and leaves them vulnerable to their doctors and their treatments. Continue reading

Top 10 Signs of Colon Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 140,000 men and women will be diagnosed with some form of colorectal cancer this year. In fact, the most common form of colorectal cancer is colon cancer.

Health professionals often refer to colon cancer as a silent killer. It takes years for the disease to develop and symptoms to manifest. If you are concerned about developing colon cancer, it is essential that you learn to recognize the early symptoms of this frightening disease. Continue reading

Candidiasis….The Origin of Diseases The Addendum to Last Weeks Candida Discussion

I believe that candida albicans fungus infestation is the most undetected and misunderstood health disease problem in the world. That is why this BULLETIN will explain some further important information on the ravages of the fungus, other parasites, plus causes, testing, avoidance, diet, and much more.

Lat week, I did not have enough room to explain the symptoms and other details about the candida fungus. Eighty percent of all candida victims do not even feel or know they have a candida OVERGROWTH. This is why treatment of candida is not detected until the symptoms of disease appear. Even when the outside symptoms, such as thrush, vaginitis, or toenail fungus, etc., appear, physicians pass it off as a little problem. Believe me, it is far from a small problem, but a very serious problem. The results of candida fungus OVERGROWTH and other parasites are the cause of a great many diseases in the human body, possible even cancer. Continue reading

Big Pharma lies about vitamin C to keep people sick with cancer… while reaping huge profits from toxic cancer treatments

Vitamin C may have gotten a bit of buzz as the coronavirus pandemic ramped up, but the truth is that this wonder vitamin is often ignored by conventional medicine and the media. However, it can’t be a coincidence that most people who suffer from a chronic degenerative disease are deficient in vitamin C and that lots of cancer patients have been helped by high doses of vitamin C delivered intravenously over the years. Continue reading

Russian government recommended banning Wi-Fi and cell phones in primary schools

On July 17th, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Health published recommendations to schools to ban the use of Wi-Fi and cell phones in elementary schools. The Medical Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, prepared the recommendations together with the Russian Ministry of Health. Continue reading

Your Immune System, An Army that can prevent Cancer, Covid-19, and Other Diseases

Your immune system is one of the most important systems in your body. The immune system is very large. It consists of many disease fighting complex parts.

Most people think that the immune system consists of white blood cells, vaccinations, and lymphatic cells that respond to pathogens. The immune system is a whole lot more than that, and protects a person’s whole body, 100 percent of the time, 24/7. Continue reading

July 21, 2020: Your Health, YOUR Choice!

Photograph: Voisin/Phanie/REX Shutterstock

FDA expands list of hand sanitizers to avoid due to methanol risk with more being recommended for recall
The Food and Drug Administration has expanded the number of hand sanitizers to avoid because they may contain methanol, a toxic substance when absorbed through skin or ingested.

The FDA now lists on a chart 59 varieties of hand sanitizer that should be avoided, some which have already been recalled, and other products being recommended for recalls as they may contain the potentially fatal ingredient.

All of the products in the FDA’s latest methanol update appear to have been produced in Mexico… (Continue to full article)

Big Pharma Trade Group Blasted as ‘Morally Bankrupt’ for Suing to Block Minnesota Insulin Affordability Law
A Big Pharma trade group is under fire for filing a federal lawsuit late Tuesday against Minnesota’s Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act mere hours before it took effect.

State Sen. Matt Little, a member of the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL), decried the move as “morally bankrupt” and “devoid of humanity.” In a Tuesday night tweet, Little also vowed: “I will spend my entire life fighting these soulless companies. No one should get sick or die from an inability to afford life-sustaining insulin.”

The law in question is named for an uninsured 26-year-old diabetic who died in 2017 of complications from rationing his insulin because he couldn’t afford the medicine and related supplies after aging off his mother’s health insurance… (Continue to full article)

Source: BartekSzewczyk/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Global Hydroxychloroquine Study To Resume After Positive Trial Results
The trial, known as COPCOV, was paused after another British study found the drugs to be ineffective in treating the virus, however the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has now allowed the research to resume following positive COPCOV trial results.

“Participants will take the study drugs each day for a period of three months, and will be followed closely to see how well the drug is tolerated, whether they contract the virus, and if they do, whether they develop mild or more severe COVID-19,” according to Tropical Health Network… (Continue to full article)

Biden Cancer Initiative paid execs generously while spending little on cancer
The Biden Cancer Initiative, a cancer charity set up by presidential hopeful Joe Biden, is coming under fire for the way it spent its funds after a new report revealed that far more money went to paying its top executives than they devoted to their stated goal of eradicating cancer. (BTW – for some unknown reason, the Biden Cancer Initiative has suspended operations. ~ Ed.)

According to tax forms from 2017 and 2018, the nonprofit raised and spent $4.8 million during its two years of operation. Just over $3 million of that was spent on salaries, compensation and other benefits… (Continue to full article)

When you drink scotch every day, this is what happens to your body
If you drink scotch every day, chances are you’re not doing it for the health benefits. More than likely you simply find indulging in a nightcap before bed to be an enjoyable experience. That’s not to say scotch is without healing properties, though. As the director general of the Scotch Whisky Association, Hugh Morison, pointed out to BBC News, the word “whisky” stems from the Gaelic term “uisge beatha,” meaning “water of life.” This is especially true of Scottish whisky… (Continue to full article)

Drug firm whistleblower wore wire to get evidence of cash bribes to doctors that led to $700m Novartis fine – and now stands to make $75m himself as reward
A whistleblower who wore a wire to record evidence of doctors taking cash bribes from a Swiss pharmaceutical giant to prescribe their drugs could now be rewarded with $75 million, following the conclusion of a $628 million settlement.

Oswald Bilotta told NBC News how he thought he’d landed his dream job when he was employed as a sales representative for Novatis Pharmaceuticals in 1999, but quickly the proverbial rose-tinted lenses lost their gleam.

Just over a decade later, Bilotta would play a central role in a huge federal investigation into kickbacks at Novatis, wearing a wire for prosecutors to prove doctors were accepting cash bribes from the firm… (Continue to full article)

Russian government recommended banning Wi-Fi and cell phones in primary schools
On July 17th, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Health published recommendations to schools to ban the use of Wi-Fi and cell phones in elementary schools. The Medical Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, prepared the recommendations together with the Russian Ministry of Health.

The information was provided to Children’s Health Defense by Professor Oleg Grigoriev, Dr.Sc, PhD, the Chairman for the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. Professor Grigoriev has been outspoken about the harms of wireless technology and has been leading the recent initiatives by the Russian government to protect children from harm. He also tweeted about the news… (Continue to full article)

Mercola: Conclusive proof — Masks do not inhibit viral spread
Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., a former full professor of physics, is a researcher with the Ontario Civil Liberties Association in Canada. He’s held that volunteer position since 2014, which has given him the opportunity to dig into scientific issues that impact civil rights. He also did postdoctoral work in chemistry.

Here, we discuss the controversial topic of face masks. Should you wear one? When and where? Does it protect you or not? There’s a wide range of opinions on this even within the natural health community.

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, I endorsed the use of face masks based on the experience of some of the Eastern European countries. The rationale of it seemed to make sense at the time. Since then, however, I’ve started to question their use… (Continue to full article)

Multiple countries ban WIFI & cell phones around schools, young children & fetuses
Imagine what this will look like after 5G is all over the place. We’ll folks… It’s HERE! (Continue to full article)

These 9 teas can help relieve stomach troubles
Stomach ache is one of those health complaints that can affect your mood for the rest of the day. If you’re having some tummy troubles, sipping hot tea can bring relief. But don’t drink just any tea – try these suggestions and say goodbye to your stomach woes in no time. 1. Black tea Many herbal teas are known to calm an… (Continue to full article)

Planning to return to college this fall? You may be forced to get a flu shot, followed by a coronavirus shot
As many expected, the self-appointed gods of “higher education” have taken it upon themselves to dictate a whole new set of requirements for students intending to return back to class this fall. And one of them is that they be forcibly vaccinated both with the flu shot and any future vaccine that becomes available for the… (Continue to full article)

FDA Targets Homeopathy Remedies
The FDA has issued its first warnings against homeopathic medicines, and this is only the beginning. The FDA has sent warning letters to four companies that sell injectable homeopathic medicine because, in the agency’s view, injectable homeopathic medicines “can pose a serious risk to patient health.” This is following a bad guidance… (Continue to full article)

How Nuts Help Prevent Cancer

Researchers found that tree nuts, like almonds and cashews, provided post-cancer benefits.

Every morning, my wife and I eat three or four of each, fresh, raw, almonds, walnuts, and pecans. A healthy person would be wise to eat these three raw nuts every day.

Why would we want to eat these nuts? The question is not hard to answer. Raw nuts have many valuable omega-3 oils, which are great for your health. The oils not only help your health but are great for your brain health as well. They help keep your brain in working order. Continue reading

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

Another important consideration conveniently omitted on the CDC fact sheet about SV40 is that the virus is somehow being passed down from generation to generation.

The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).

The ‘Snow‘ Job of Cancer ~ Lessons for Cancer VICTIMS

NOTE: Portions of this column are from the author’s archives of personal speaking engagements and the writings of noted Cancer Pioneer, the late Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS.

It’s 6:13 p.m. on March 27, 2007 and I am watching Larry King, Live on CNN as he hosts a panel including, actreass Fran Drescher (author of Cancer Schmancer), Joel Siegel (cancer victim and ‘survivor’), Jay Bakker (son of Jim and Tammy Faye), Ari Fleischer (former Press Secretary for President George W. Bush), Dr. J. Randolph Hecht (Director of Oncology as USC).

Topic of discussion? Primarily the return of (then) current Press Secretary, Tony Snow’s cancer. Prognosis from the good Doctah? Cut it! “Cut it out!” Continue reading

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez Interview: The Quest For The Cures

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor... Dr. William D. Kelley

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley

The late Dr. Nichols Gonzalez was a New York-based physician who treated cancer with pancreatic enzymes and individualized nutritional regimens. He worked with Robert A. Good at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center while in medical school. His protocol has been used to treat thousands of cancer patients.

We were extremely saddened to learn of the death of Dr. Gonzalez from an apparent heart attack on July 21, 2015.

During the last eighteen months of his life I was privileged to speak with Dr. Gonzalez on several occasions in preparation for the overhaul of Dr. Kelley’s seminal work on cancer – now entitled, VICTORY Over Cancer without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation.

Of all of the various video lectures and interviews of and by Dr. Gonzalez which we have carried on this site over the years – THIS goes far more in depth as to his work with Dr. Kelley. Do NOT ignore this – it could mean YOUR life.

July 1, 2020: As we approach the five-year anniversary of his passing, we pay our respects to this amazing human being and praise him for all that he shared with the world.  As of November 7, 2015, the results of Dr. Gonzalez’ autopsy was still listed as “inconclusive.” Since his passing, our relationship with his widow, Mary Beth, our contact and interaction has expanded widely – after all – it IS all for YOUR Health. Each of us has much to share with the other. (J.B.)