Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Preventing Cancer using the Eight Rules of Cognitive Thinking

Most people do not think about how they think. Most of their thoughts originate from experience and information that they have accumulated from reading, hearing, and learning.

Leonardo Da Vinci said, “If you think of a simple way to do a difficult task, you make it easier for more people to learn how to do it.” This quote applies to almost every new idea, invention, innovation, project, or task. Once the thoughts of a person create a new method, idea, project, task, or innovation, other people follow by expanding on the idea, creating options, finding alternate ideas, inventions, procedures, and tasks. Continue reading

The Cancer Monologues: What Causes Cancer?

What causes cancer? While we definitely don’t know everything that can trigger this disease, what is clear is that more people are dealing with this disease. According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 39.6 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. (1)

Previous research shows that genetics account for only about half of all cancers, suggesting environmental exposures and socioeconomic factors may also play a role. Cancer has quickly risen to one of the leading causes of death, but knowing your risk can help you avoid this devastating diagnosis. Continue reading

The Fungus and Cancer Connection

Studies Show Fungus on, or Inside Your Body Could Not Only Cause Cancer, but Also Feed It

Here’s something your doctor, or Oncologist will never tell you. If you have cancer, then you have fungus/mold/candida. It feeds the cancer, it is cancer itself. Here’s all you need to know and how to deal with it.

Few things are scarier than hearing the words, “you have cancer.” And yet it’s something that an estimated one third, to half the population will hear at least once in their lifetime.

With such staggering rates and so much money and research poured into combating cancer, you would think we would have rounded the corner towards reducing it, or even found a cure by now. What is terrifying is that despite the millions of dollars spent every year on research, we seem to be no closer to knowing exactly what causes cancer, much less finding a cure for it. Continue reading

A depression pill from 70 years ago could be used to treat prostate cancer

An antidepressant from the Fifties could treat prostate cancer and reduce side-effects of other treatments.

Phenelzine – Circa 1965

Results of a small trial suggest that the drug phenelzine, which treats depression (by altering levels of brain chemicals that regulate mood) can shrink tumours in men whose prostate cancer has returned.

Phenelzine had fewer side-effects than conventional hormone therapy, which treats the cancer by reducing levels of testosterone — the hormone fuels the growth of cancerous cells. Continue reading

Physicians refuse to promote healthy lifestyle changes in order to avoid stressing cancer survivors

A recent study published in the journal Cancer found that some physicians fail to encourage cancer survivors to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Researchers from Northwestern University, Howard University and the University of Miami say that cancer specialists are afraid of overwhelming and distressing cancer survivors even though they know that their patients need to make healthy lifestyle changes even after they’ve beaten cancer. Continue reading

Can Parasites Cause Cancer?

For humans, there is no escaping the parasite problem. We all have parasites or have had them at one time or another in the past. People with a great diet and immune system have far fewer parasite problems, but none the less, they may harbor parasites. There are about 120 different species of parasites that invade the human body. Continue reading

Preventing Cancer from inside the Cancer Cell

Most cancer doctors talk about preventing cancer with a strengthening of the diet and immune system. Today I would like to review the preventing of cancer by exploring the process from inside the cancer cell.

Here’s what most cancer researchers know. First, we must ask, what is the origin of cancer? Cancer starts in the mitochondria of a tiny body cell, which is smaller than the tip of a straight pin. Continue reading

Top 10 Signs of Colon Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 140,000 men and women will be diagnosed with some form of colorectal cancer this year. In fact, the most common form of colorectal cancer is colon cancer.

Health professionals often refer to colon cancer as a silent killer. It takes years for the disease to develop and symptoms to manifest. If you are concerned about developing colon cancer, it is essential that you learn to recognize the early symptoms of this frightening disease.

By detecting colon cancer in its early stages, your chances of survival will increase. Continue reading

Colon Cancer: Signs and Symptoms, Stages, Treatments, & Causes

Colon cancer is defined as tumorous growths that show up on a person’s large intestine. Within the U.S., it is the third most popular type of cancer, and the third highest cause around cancer-related fatalities. However, the silver lining to all this is that thanks to advancements in screening, diagnosis, and treatments, there has been a steady and increasing survival rate amongst this type of cancer.

On-going screenings are encouraged for those who are 50 years old and higher. Continue reading

Colonoscopy’s Are Lethal and Do Not Detect Cancer

Colonoscopy is a medical scam

Colonoscopys cause more deaths than they cure and cannot detect cancer

The procedure known as a colonoscopy, as a prophylactic for colon cancer is a multimillion dollar industry. Every year, over 14 million perfectly healthy individuals age 50 and up, submit themselves to this invasive procedure, hoping to detect Colorectal cancer. But is it really effective?
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14 Silent Signs Of Lung Cancer That May Surprise You

Simple considerations for the average reader…

Silent signs of lung cancer you need to be aware of
Lung cancer is the leading reason for cancer deaths worldwide among men and women. Smoking actively is one of the most common causes of lung cancer. But it does not leave passive smokers, that is, people who are exposed to it by being near a smoker, in the clear. Continue reading

What Is Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC)?

The Most Common Kind of Bladder Cancer

Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, also known as NMIBC, is a subtype of bladder carcinoma. It is also known as a “superficial” bladder cancer. In NMIBC, the cancer hasn’t affected any of the muscle tissue found inside the bladder. This contrasts with another subtype, muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), in which the cancer can be found in the muscular wall of the bladder. Continue reading

Reduce your risk of breast cancer by eating more onions and garlic: Research

Sofrito, a condiment made from onions and garlic, is a staple in Puerto Rican kitchens. Some personalized recipes might feature other healthful herbs and spices like cilantro and peppers, but its most basic ingredients remain the same. It can be consumed as a dip like salsa or used as a foundation for rice dishes. Continue reading