Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

There are moments in this life…

This is not the place where I would normally post this story – or her song, but in this case – there is a need.

As our title suggests, There are moments in this life and this one you MUST watch. This program aired LAST NIGHT (June 8, 2021) and it is worth reading all of the comments which have thus far been left on the You Tube post.

This beautiful singer shares ONE message with those who have been afflicted with Cancer – and more importantly – ALL of us – and that is, “HOPE“! ~ Ed.

The Warning Signs of Colon Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

~ Foreword ~
What we publish below COULD be considered a mixed bag – BUT – it is the warnings which we are concerned about. We will NOT make any specific recommendations nor comments regarding what the articles says as to how to get the problems resolved – nor do we have anything negative to say about the recommendations by the authors. What we publish here is meant to be an education as relates to one of the most common and devastating forms of cancer that we face.  Just remember – how you choose to deal with your health and well being is YOUR choice! ~ Ed.
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How Diet and Inflammation Affect Colon Cancer

The discomfort of colonoscopy is miniscule to the suffering of terminal colon cancer

It’s been said “We are what we eat,” or “garbage in garbage out.” Less catchy advice might be “Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, rather than a pro-inflammatory one.” It could make the difference in the likelihood of developing a malignancy of the large bowel. Not many people realize that if you take away skin cancers, colon cancer is the third most common malignancy in North America.

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Oncology, points out a strong association between chronic inflammation and the risk of colon cancer. Continue reading

Thermography: Is This The Best Breast Screening Device

~ Forewords ~
As far back as the year 2000, this site and its Editor/Publisher were recommending our listeners and readers to avoid mammograms and the like and find a doctor who would work WITH you and not ON you – by going the route recommended in this marvelous column. Take heed – the answers are here – and out there. After all – it is YOUR health (J.B.)

Thermography is a high technology tool that specifically measures inflammation in the body. This test is particularly good for assessing areas of inflammation and increased metabolic rate. It is more effective and is significantly less invasive than mammography.

Research has shown that the major mechanism involved with all degenerative disease is inflammation. Most medical testing searches for disease processes that have already developed. They are looking downstream to the effect rather than upstream at the underlying cause. More advanced health care practitioners use instruments and technology that searches upstream for the cause of physiological abnormalities in the body. Continue reading

‘I Suffered From Strange GI Symptoms For Years Until I Was Finally Diagnosed With Colon Cancer At 35’

Here’s what I want the Black community to know.

In December 2002, I was concerned because I hadn’t had a bowel movement in two weeks. I tried everything – suppositories, enemas, milk of magnesia — but nothing worked.

By the time I went to the ER, I was so sick I couldn’t stand up straight. The care team members gave me a laxative, and after a couple of hours, I finally went to the bathroom. They asked me about myself, and I told them I was a mom of five girls and worked as a bus driver for the Chicago Transit Authority. They figured my problem was probably just stress-related and told me to follow-up if I had any issues again. Continue reading

5 Alternative Cancer Treatments You Need to Know About

Cancer is one of the scariest diseases to be diagnosed with.

It can make a person feel like their life has no meaning and that they’re living in a nightmare that won’t end. Doctors tell people who have cancer about traditional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy which are made to kill cancer cells or stop them from dividing respectively.

However, there are other approaches to treating cancer that may be more effective for some patients because they don’t use harsh chemicals or radiation on healthy cells. Continue reading

COVID-19 Vaccinated Women Show Breast Cancer Symptoms

A terrifying, but rather unsurprising development in clinical observation has surfaced in the United States following the COVID19 vaccination rush.

As when we pointed out recently with the inherent dangers of such a rushed and untested drug, its no surprise that we will see many side effects in the coming months and years. With COVID vaccinations being used to invade your body and the potential threat of mass infertility, we see that it is already effecting the memory organs. As a team of doctors from Utah have discovered an anomaly in the recent mammogram screenings taken at the Breast Care Centre in Salt Lake City.

They noticed that women injected with experimental COVID vaccines suffered from abnormal inflammation of the lymph nodes in their breasts and surrounding areas. According to the doctors from Intermountain Healthcare, women who took covid-19 vaccine shots are displaying symptoms of breast cancer. Continue reading

Important Facts about Preventing and Curing Prostate Cancer

Prostate problems affect approximately two out of every three men, mostly after 60 years old. The prostate gland has the urethra running through it, so when it enlarges, the swelling will affect the urine stream. The symptoms of an enlarged prostate are frequent urination, weak urination, leftover urine in the bladder, needing to pee at night, and trouble starting to urinate. An enlarged prostate is called ‘benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). When the prostate in men starts to enlarge, it is usually benign. However cancer cells can begin to grow, and it causes the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to increase.

The prostate-specific antigen test (PSA) measures the level of the antigen in a man’s blood. It is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate. The specific antigen circulates normally throughout the entire body at low levels all of the time. Continue reading

Cancer Cells vs. Normal Cells: How Are They Different?

There are many differences between cancer cells and normal cells. Some of the differences are well known, whereas others have only been recently discovered and are less well understood. You may be interested in how cancer cells are different as you are coping with your own cancer or that of a loved one.

For researchers, understanding how cancer cells function differently from normal cells lays the foundation for developing treatments designed to rid the body of cancer cells without damaging normal cells. Continue reading

Battling cancer and preventing cancer recurrence with cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables may hold the key to stopping the progression and recurrence of cancer. Researchers at South Dakota State University (SDState) reported that a compound from cruciferous vegetables called phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) can halt tumor formation and metastasis in mice bearing transplanted cancer stem cells (CSCs). PEITC can also stop the proliferation of cultured CSCs, which are heavily implicated in tumor recurrence. These findings suggest that PEITC could greatly benefit cancer patients and survivors. Continue reading

Women recently injected with experimental covid vaccines are showing symptoms of…


A group of Utah doctors have discovered something terrifying in recent mammogram screenings taken at the Breast Care Centre in Salt Lake City, Utah. Women who were recently injected with experimental COVID vaccines suffer from abnormal inflammation of the lymph nodes in their breasts. According to the Intermountain Healthcare doctors, women who take the covid-19 vaccines are showing symptoms of breast cancer.

Dr. Brett Parkinson, MD., warns, “Whenever we see these on a normal screening mammogram, we call those patients back because it can either mean metastatic breast cancer which travels to the lymph nodes or lymphoma or leukemia.” Instead of dealing with the cause of this problem (vaccines), the doctors are now telling women not to get mammograms after vaccination. Out of sight, out of mind. Continue reading

The DANGERS of 5G pollution cannot be overstated

As the new fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology rolls out around the world, it is important to keep in mind that its widespread use does not mean that it is safe. In fact, many studies have shown quite the opposite, prompting moratoriums and bans in some areas.

Here is a closer look at some of the biggest dangers posed by 5G technology. Continue reading

Do Antiperspirants Cause Cancer?

There is no clear link between antiperspirant use and cancer – BUT we seriously question some of the findings in this post. There are times that we choose to publish articles like this for this very reason – to make you – THINK for yourself! ~ Ed.

Deodorant is something that you would never dream of skipping before leaving the house. Antiperspirants are some of the most popular personal care items. However, many people are concerned that some of their ingredients, specifically aluminum and parabens, could be linked to cancer, specifically breast cancer. Thankfully, research has not found a causal relationship, but they did have some interesting findings. [1] Continue reading

When the Kids Started Getting Sick

After pressure from families, Pennsylvania has launched studies into whether fracking can be linked to local illnesses.

The home of Janice and Kurt Blanock, in Cecil, Pennsylvania. Their son, Luke, died of Ewing’s sarcoma in 2016. Photographs by Hannah Yoon for The New Yorker

On an evening in August, 2008, Cindy Valent learned that her twenty-year-old son, Curt, was in the hospital. Valent, who was fifty-three, with frosted hair and a matter-of-fact manner, lived in Cecil, a small town in southwestern Pennsylvania, which has become a hub of the natural-gas industry. For nearly a year, Curt, a junior at Robert Morris University, had been complaining that his shoulder hurt. That weekend, while with his girlfriend, Erin, he began running a fever and having chest pains. “I thought it was no big deal,” Valent told me recently. In the evening, routine imaging at the hospital revealed a spot near his lung. A few weeks later, Curt was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a virulent form of bone cancer, which had spread to his lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and spleen. Continue reading