Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

Men have a higher risk of cancer because of ‘intrinsic biological differences’…

NOT because they eat, drink and smoke more!

Researchers from the National Cancer Institute examined the prevalence of different cancers in 171,274 men and 122,826 women between 1995 and 2011. The graph shows the number of cancer cases among men and women per people-years (horizontal axis) — the prevalence over time. Results show cancer rates are up to 11-times higher among men than women — just two cases of esophagus cancer among women per 100,000 people-years, compared to 22 cases among men

Men notoriously drink and smoke more than women — but that is not the reason they have a higher cancer risk.

A major study suggests biological differences are the real reason behind the disparity between sexes. Understanding these differences could help to improve prevention and treatment, researchers say. The study looked at 300,000 middle-aged and older Americans who did not have cancer over 15 years.

Men were more than twice as likely to develop the disease compared to women — even when lifestyle factors were ruled out. ‘This suggests that there are intrinsic biological differences between men and women that affect susceptibility to cancer,’ said lead researcher Dr Sarah Jackson, an epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute. Continue reading

Visualizing the Relationship Between Cancer and Lifespan

A Newfound Link Between Cancer and Aging?
A new study in 2022 reveals a thought-provoking relationship between how long animals live and how quickly their genetic codes mutate.

Cancer is a product of time and mutations, and so researchers investigated its onset and impact within 16 unique mammals. A new perspective on DNA mutation broadens our understanding of aging and cancer development – and how we might be able to control it. Continue reading

Gonzalez: Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ The FINAL Chapter

Let us not be hypocrites! It is so easy to condemn our medical profession – and rightly so. Of all the people in the world who should understand physiology and ecology – THEY should – but they do not! ~ Dr. Wm. D. Kelley, DDS, MS – 1969

What we share is our fourth and final chapter of a transcript by Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. speaking at the World Research Foundation. These records were recently discovered by the widow of Dr. Gonzalez and have been made available to the pubic. Today we will conclude the final part of Dr. Gonzalez’s lecture. The following transcript in addition to additional commentary was BROADCAST on July 20, 2022 on To Health With You! HERE is the LINK to listen! Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ The FINAL Chapter ~ Editor

Calcium and Kelley Cancer Case Studies

Calcium is the key element in all this. Calcium has live applications for anybody practicing any kind of oncology. Although my protocol is nutritional and the Kelley Program is nutritional, it applies to chemotherapy or immunotherapy or any of the therapies. Continue reading

Gonzalez: Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ How It ALL Began – Part 3

What we are about to share is our third offering of a transcript by Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. speaking at the World Research Foundation. These records were recently discovered by the widow of Dr. Gonzalez and have been made available to the pubic. Today and one week from now, we will continue to post the subsequent segments of Dr. Gonzalez’s story. The following transcript in addition to additional commentary was BROADCAST on July 13, 2022 on To Health With You! HERE is the LINK to listen! Part 3: Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ How It ALL Began ~ Editor

Suzy and Dr. Kelley

Now Suzy’s a remarkable woman. Suzy didn’t have cancer, she had allergies. And when I say allergies, I mean the worse case of allergies in the history of medicine. She was so sensitive to iodine that she could not walk within ten miles of the ocean or she would suffer an anaphylactic reaction. She had to carry adrenalin around with her all the time repeatedly, at least twice a week, she’d have anaphylactic reactions. Some bright allergist had treated her with desensitization shots and used dirty needles and she had developed hepatitis, and not only did she have terrible allergies but she had chronic hepatitis, which you know in itself is a fatal disease in many cases. She was 24 years old and she was dying.

There were about four foods that she could eat, she was getting worse, and she figured by the time she was down to distilled water it was over. She knew Kelley was primarily a cancer doctor, but she figured if he was smart enough to kill cancer he could cure her allergies. Continue reading

Gonzalez: Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ How It ALL Began – Part 2

What we are about to share is our second offering of a transcript by Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. speaking at the World Research Foundation. These records were recently discovered by the widow of Dr. Gonzalez and have been made available to the pubic. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to post the subsequent segments of Dr. Gonzalez’s story. The following transcript in addition to additional commentary was BROADCAST on July 6, 2022 on To Health With You! HERE is the LINK to listen! Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ How It ALL Began – Part 2 ~ Editor

Dr. Kelley, Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. John Beard, Madame Curie and Dr. Edward Howell

Dr. Kelley’s local library fortunately had a copy of Max Gerson‘s 1959 book called FIFTY CASES. Now Gerson was an interesting character in medical history, he was a very prominent German physician who during the forties and fifties developed his own personal approach to degenerative diseases involving primarily a diet of raw foods, nuts, seeds, grains, and lots of fresh vegetables juices: 8- 10 glasses a day. Now with this approach, Gerson had great success with a whole range of degenerative diseases, including cancer. During the thirties with the advent of Nazism, Gerson, being Jewish, left Germany and came to New York and set up his own clinic, for about a twenty year period continuing to have a fair amount of success using this particular diet. Continue reading

Gonzalez: Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ How It ALL Began

What we are about to share are the first two parts of a seven part transcript by Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. speaking at the World Research Foundation. These records were recently discovered by the widow of Dr. Gonzalez and have been made available to the public. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to post the subsequent segments of Dr. Gonzalez’s story. The following transcript in addition to additional commentary was BROADCAST on June 29, 2022 on To Health With You! HERE is the LINK to listen! –  Dr. Kelley’s Story ~ How It ALL Began ~ Editor

Dr. Kelley Gets Cancer

Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.

I’ve been asked to talk slowly. Now, its genetically, physiologically and morally impossible for me to do that but I’ll try. But probably fail. I’m going to talk about cancer today, particularly about William Donald Kelley. Now for Dr. Kelley, cancer began with eye problems. He was riding down the road in his antique Cadillac he called “Twinkles,” and he noticed he was having trouble seeing street signs. He was 35 years old and had perfect vision up to that point. He didn’t pay much attention to it.

But over the ensuing months, his vision got progressively worse. He went to his ophthalmologist, who said, “Look, you’re 35 years old, you’re nearsighted, you need glasses.” Well, that wasn’t too big a deal, but about three months later, he noticed as he was working on his patients (now, he was an orthodontist, he did a lot of close work in patients’ mouths), and he noticed that he had trouble seeing the teeth clearly in his patients and doing the intricate work with pliers. So he went back to his ophthalmologist, who said, “This is kind of interesting, you need bifocals.” Now, this didn’t sit too kindly on Kelley’s soul, he thought 35 years old was too young for bifocals, but he wore them. And they seemed to work well for about three months, and then he noticed, well, with bifocals he could see the far distance well and he could read, and he could do his intricate work in his patients’ mouths okay, but the intermediate distances were getting kind of fuzzy. Continue reading

Loudon: The Pancreas, Hercules of All Body Organs

No other body organ except the heart and liver work as hard as the overworked pancreas. The pancreas is about the size of round long lemon, but its duties overwhelm all other body functions.

The pancreas is very unique because it is involved with both the digestive (exocrine) system and the endocrine system. It produces protease, which digests protein, amylase, which digests carbohydrates, lipase, which digests fats, plus pancreatin (protein) pepsin (dual) chymotrypsin, trypsin, and other enzymes. The pancreas also produces two very important hormones, insulin and glucagon. Insulin and glucagon both help regulate blood sugar levels. However, both together can only produce enough hormones to control about four ounces of sugar (glucose). When a person eats a candy bar or chronic amounts of other sugared dessert over four ounces, the remaining amount goes into the blood and to the liver, causing havoc with a person’s blood sugar, possible leading to diabetes. Continue reading

The Cancer Treatment So Successful – Traditional Doctors SHUT it Down

Alternative cancer treatments are a kind of “forbidden area” in medicine, but Dr. Gonzalez chose to go that route anyway, and has some remarkable success stories to show for his pioneering work.

He didn’t set out to treat cancer at first however, let alone treat patients. His original plan was to be a basic science researcher at Sloan-Kettering, a teaching hospital for Cornell Medical College. He had a chance meeting with William Kelley, a controversial dentist who was one of the founders of nutritional typing. Dr. Kelley had been practicing alternative- and nutritional approaches for over two decades at the time, led him to begin a student project investigation of Kelley’s work, in the summer of 1981.

“I started going through his records and even though I was just a second year medical student, I could see right away there were cases that were extraordinary,” he says. “Patients with appropriately diagnosed pancreatic cancer, metastatic breast cancer in the bone, metastatic colorectal cancer… who were alive 5, 10, 15 years later under Kelley’s care with a nutritional approach.”

This preliminary review led to a formal research study, which Dr. Gonzalez completed while doing his fellowship in cancer, immunology and bone marrow transplantation. Continue reading

The Truth About Chemotherapy (with Nicholas Gonzalez, MD)

He died a while ago. I do remember him. He was heavily educated too. As usual, the establishment called him a quack. Nothing new there, if someone does not go the chemo, radiation, surgery, etc. route. He was a M.D. so it made him different in many eyes. What I know, he was a good man and his treatments were good or better than the established protocol. RIP. ~ Tom Jones

This book will show you how to overcome cancer

“In our time there will never be a cure for heart disease or for cancer because there’s just too much money in it for the elite. Between the AMA, the hospitals, pharmaceutical and drug manufacturers, the money wheel never stops turning – and those who suffer needlessly are bankrupted.”Dr. William D. Kelley

I have been reading Dr. Kelly’s books for years…

Dr. Kelly was a pioneer, a leader, and a genius. Dr. William Kelly had pancreas cancer in the 1960’s and overcame his cancer through the use of this program. There is nothing like it. If you know anything about pancreas cancer, it is one of the worst. You basically have no chance of recovery and he overcame it by using this program.

                       Order Yours Today!

He also helped thousands to overcome their cancer over the following decades. The only reason he lost his dental license is because the FDA and big pharma came after him with a vengeance, as he had a true cure for cancer that is cheap, safe, and effective. The cancer racket/industry would lose billions if this program was approved by the FDA and implemented across the country. The basic program includes radically changing your diet to include tons of organic fruits/veggies, lean meats (more or less..even vegetarian for some based on your metabolic type), exercise, nutritional supplements and especially taking high dose pancreatic enzymes. His research found that the pancreatic enzymes are heavily involved in preventing cancer in the body. Basically, the enzymes that your pancreas produces will destroy the cancer cells. So, high doses (upwards of 20/40 caps per day and more) in between meal so as not to be used to digest the food, but to get them into your blood stream to destroy the cancer cells.

This program works on numerous types of cancer, not just pancreatic cancer.

Also, read the book “The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer: One solution to the medical enigma of our times” by Dr. Gonzalez M.D. for a more detailed and scientific look into Dr. John Beards investigation of why this works.

Trace D. Farley
January 25, 2017

Kelley: Cancer, Your Health and YOU!

NOTE: Once again as in the past, the following was the basis for my broadcast of August 18, 2021. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor and Publisher of the works of Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS.

William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS

We are all ignorant – on different subjects. We all remain ignorant until we can accept the facts. Most of us choose to remain ignorant – it’s stylish. All of us doctors choose to remain ignorant – it’s most profitable. Over the past several years, being plunged into this cancer zoo, it has come to our consciousness that patients (i.e., Cancer victims) are more intelligent than we doctors.

There is not one doctor in the world today who treats cancer. First of all, it takes common sense. Second, it is against the law – against the Establishment’s wishes. Third, most doctors do not know what cancer is and deliberately, with malice aforethought, choose to remain ignorant on the subject. Fourth, it is impossible for a doctor to treat your cancer – only you can treat your cancer. Continue reading

VICTORY Over Cancer

The following was originally published on this site on November 11, 2010 – approximately five years before the complete restoration of Dr. Kelley’s seminal endeavor of the 1960’s through the early to mid-2000’s. Originally titled, ‘One Answer to Cancer,’ and later re-titled ‘CANCER: Curing the Incurable‘ – a book which, due to a lack of understanding of the program and protocols – Kelley’s then Editor and Publisher left many short-comings and omissions – which brought us to the current, final and full restoration – AND expansion – ‘Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation‘ – It has all been a very long – and for me – a twenty-plus year blessed journey – both during Dr. Kelley’s last seven years on this Earth, but also with a long-standing and continual relation with his family and the Kelley Foundation – and so the Victory remains – if YOU wish it to be so.

The following is comprised and edited from excerpts from Dr. Kelley’s written words and lectures of nearly four decades. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor and Publisher of the works of William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. Continue reading

Loudon: How Food enzymes are a Protector of Health and Well Being

Order Yours Today!

Until recently, enzymes were believed to be digestive enzymes limited to the mouth, stomach, and pancreas. Studies by enzyme researchers have found digestive enzymes produce only a small part of the digestion process.

The importance of digestive tract enzymes is only a small portion of enzyme duties in humans. This is not fully understood by most doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists, teachers, and people. If it were more understood, many more articles and publications would explain that there are three types of enzymes that are essential for the wellness of people. They are DIGESTIVE ENZYMES, METABOLIC enzymes, and PROTEOLYTIC enzymes. Doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists, teachers, and most people receive very little information about metabolic and proteolytic enzymes. Continue reading

Doctors are seeing 75% increase in Cancer result of jab

Even Healthcare experts as Dr. Malone trusted our government…

Dr. Robert Malone Shares Jab Injury Story, “The Second Shot Almost Did Me In”

“…some vaccines are ‘hot,’ and are less safe…”

Dr. Robert Malone recently took to his Substack account to share the details of his COVID jab injury he sustained earlier in 2021, which in his subsequent research having also learned that various “Moderna batches” of the jab have been causing much of the jab injuries.

In his post to Substack, Dr. Malone admitted that he’s never considered himself to be an “anti-vax” individual, pointing to how he’s spent a majority of his career working with vaccines. Noting his work in the aforementioned field, he was aware “that some vaccines are ‘hot,’ and are less safe” for some of the more dangerous viruses “like Ebola or Yellow fever.” Continue reading