Category Archives: Cancer

Addresses the main subject matter of this web-site – CANCER.

“Here’s How I Knew I Had Thyroid Cancer”

One Patient’s Story When Emotional & Hormonal Symptoms Crept Up

The thyroid is the small-but-mighty ground zero for hormone and metabolism function. One woman reflects on beating thyroid cancer – twice -as a surgeon shares encouraging data.

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland nestled at the front of the neck just beneath the skin, and plays an essential role in the body’s overall function. It is responsible for producing and releasing hormones that regulate metabolism, energy levels, and body temperature. When the thyroid isn’t functioning well or develops cancer, it can have widespread effects on throughout the body. Continue reading

The Real Truth About What Can Cause Cancer and Why Doctors Constantly Ignore It

Cancer has become one of the leading causes of death worldwide, yet there is still much confusion and controversy about its underlying causes.

While traditional medicine often focuses on genetic mutations as the primary culprit, groundbreaking research in cancer metabolism is revealing a different story – one that challenges the mainstream narrative. Continue reading

Doctors Reveal Tragic New Detail About Young People With Colon Cancer

The above graph shows the increase in US colorectal cancers in men and women from 2000 through 2021

Young people are being diagnosed with colon cancer in record numbers – and now, researchers are warning they are also more likely to be diagnosed at later stages, as well as have the cancer come back.

Colon cancer diagnoses have surged in the US over the past two decades, with healthy people in their 20s and 30s increasingly being getting the disease, and experts are racing to find the cause, pointing the blame at obesity, processed foods, and sedentary lifestyles. Continue reading

Sugar: A Potential Culprit in Pancreatic Cancer ~ the ‘King of Cancer’


Pancreatic cancer is notorious for being aggressive and hard to treat. Learn about some of the risk factors and symptoms to watch out for.

Pancreatic cancer, sometimes dubbed the “King of Cancer“ due to its malignancy, poses challenges in both early detection and late-stage treatment. Understanding its causes and warning signs enables people to take preventive measures. Continue reading

Therapeutic Use of Herbal Treatment for Cancer!

Medicinal herbs and their phytocompounds are being increasingly considered to be helpful in alternative cancer treatments. Many clinical studies have reported the benefits of herbal medicines on cancer patients’ survival, immune modulation, and quality of life.

Some clinical trials used these herbal medicines in combination with conventional therapeutics. These studies investigated the use of herbal medicines for various cancers and the development of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Continue reading

Researchers Warn Common Food Ingredient Unique to America Turbocharges Cancer

Eating a specific type of sugar can turbocharge cancers and make them more deadly, according to new research.

Fructose — which is added to thousands of US food and drinks — was found to speed up the growth of certain kinds of skin, breast and cervical tumors. The study showed this type of sugar gets converted by the liver into components that tumors need to build new cells and grow.

The more quickly a tumor grows, the more aggressive the cancer may become – able to take over a person’s body before they can fight back. Continue reading

Part 1 ~ Treatment of Prostate Cancer with Natural Therapeutics

~ Introduction ~
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located just beneath the urinary bladder. It is part of the urinary system and the reproductive system. There are passages through the prostate that carry either urine or semen. In fact, the prostate also helps produce semen, the thick fluid that carries sperm cells produced in the testicles. The prostate surrounds the upper part of the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder.

Prostate function is regulated by testosterone, the male sex hormone, which is produced primarily in the testicles. Prostate cancer is a cancer that starts in the prostate gland, but may spread to other organs and tissues of the body.

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. In 2012, for example, there were 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer and over 300,000 men died from the disease. Continue reading

Part 2 ~ Treatment of Prostate Cancer with Natural Therapeutics

The diagnosis of prostate cancer relies heavily on the results of a prostate biopsy. A pathologist will analyze the biopsy and assignment a Gleason score or grade. Gleason scores reflect how likely it is that it tumor will spread. The score can vary between 2 and 10 where 2 indicates a small likelihood of spread and 10 indicates a high likelihood of spread. The oncologist will also determine the size of the tumor, if there are cancer cells in nearby lymph nodes or if there is any cancer present in distant tissues (metastasis). The choice of conventional treatment is based on PSA level, Gleason scores, and other information about the prostate tumor. Unfortunately, a negative biopsy (no disease seen) does not exclude the diagnosis of prostate cancer (i.e., a false negative result). Continue reading

Bond Girl Susie Vanner, 72, Reveals How She ‘Beat the Odds‘ After Rejecting Chemotherapy Following Her Breast Cancer Diagnosis

The former Bond Girl, 72, who rose to fame alongside Roger Moore in 1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me, refused traditional treatment options to battle the grade 3, stage 2 disease back in 2007 (pictured in the film)

The former Bond Girl, 72, who rose to fame alongside Roger Moore in 1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me, refused traditional treatment options to battle the grade 3, stage 2 disease back in 2007.

Susie told of how she beat the aggressive breast cancer, which had spread to her lymph nodes, with alternative therapies, after having surgery to removed the tumour.

Speaking to The Express, she revealed: ‘They wanted me to have the chemo, the drugs, the radiation, the Herceptin.

‘But I started reading all these books and I thought that the chemotherapy would be a disaster because it kills everything in your body.’ Continue reading

Scientist Reveals How He Beat Terminal Cancer Thanks to Incredible New Treatment

Larry Boyer was told he had just six months to live after being diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer.

Not only is this type of cancer one of the world’s deadliest — just three percent of patients survive it — the initial tumor had spread to other organs and triggered the growth of 16 additional tumors.

As a retired data scientist, he knew the odds were against him.

But 18 months later, the father-of-two from Connecticut is alive and, miraculously, cancer-free. Continue reading

Your Health, Your Diet, Your Cancer Risk – YOUR Choice!

I have believed for a long time that the American Medical Complex and the Consumer Food and Beverage Industrial Complex have little interest in the prevention of disease. It makes far better business sense to let the population eat, drink and smoke to their heart’s content and then offer seemingly high tech and expensive methods for cleaning up the aftermath. In the United States, the food industry alone generates 500 billion dollars in sales: Bacon, eggs, milk, fast food franchises, soft drinks, fried food, dead food, overcooked food, sweets, treats and canned goods.

We have gotten away from simple diets and become human garbage disposals. Sixty percent of the American public is overweight. Clearly the large food conglomerates are successfully marketing to an oblivious public. After feeding your body with dead and processed foods for 20, 30, 40 or more years, things begin to run less perfectly. We have overlooked the processing energy required to digest bacon and eggs each morning, that steak in the evening and the cocktails in between. The result is the current health crisis where one in three will have cancer in their lifetimes — not to mention heart disease. ~ Greg Stirling, Vancouver, British Columbia
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Cancer Prevention: Exploring Common Risks and Ancient Wisdom

Cancer is becoming more prevalent and is also affecting more younger adults. The major risk factors for cancer include high-stress levels, depression, exposure to environmental toxins like microplastics, and unhealthy dietary habits. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers effective methods for cancer prevention and relief.

A 2023 study revealed that between 1990 and 2019, the global number of cancer diagnoses in people under 50 increased by 79 percent, while deaths from early-onset cancer rose by 28 percent. While younger people may recover more quickly due to their overall physical resilience, certain cancers may progress more rapidly due to biological factors. Continue reading