Author Archives: admin

Eating plenty of CINNAMON could help people with high blood sugar levels stave off diabetes

Eating plenty of cinnamon could help people with high blood sugar levels stave off diabetes, a new study has revealed.

Cinnamon improves blood sugar control in people with pre-diabetes and could slow the progression to type 2 diabetes, according to a new study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.

The fragrant spice, taken from the bark of trees, improves blood sugar control in people with pre-diabetes and could slow the progression to full-blown diabetes.

In experiments in the US, cinnamon supplements with a meal were proven to lower the warning signs of diabetes after three months. Continue reading

What to Eat When You’re Stressed

Photo of a father and daughter sitting in the kitchen,daughter is comforting her father who is worried about home bills

Your kids are yelling, the dog is barking, the phone is ringing and you’re pushing yourself to finish a project that was due yesterday. Balancing career with family is challenging enough, but when daily stressors are heightened by a serious medical diagnosis, financial hardship, or the added responsibility of caring for aging parents, life can feel unmanageable. While some stress is healthy and stimulating, chronic stress can be debilitating to your body, mind and spirit. What we eat is critical to our ability to manage stress and poor eating habits only add to the toll stress takes on our bodies. Continue reading

The Ways the Pandemic Has Influenced Our Eating Habits

More cooking, more uncertainty, less exercise and less sleep have taken their toll

Making banana bread was popular early in quarantine

Last week, my husband and I decided since outdoor dining resumed in our state, we would go out to dinner. For the first time in several months, I decided to get dressed up. I noticed that all my “real” pants felt snug at the waist. The pandemic and staying at home had changed my eating habits immensely. Continue reading

The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It

George Frey/AFP via Getty Images

As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals. I am usually accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines. As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily. Fortunately, the situation can be reversed easily and quickly. Continue reading

UNB professor working on a mask that would kill the coronavirus

Technology could eventually be used for large-scale, virus-killing air filtration

Some governments have already made mask-wearing mandatory in indoor spaces. New Brunswick only requires them if physical distancing is not possible. (Submitted by Codiac Transpo)

Amid growing evidence of airborne transmission of COVID-19, the work of one New Brunswick researcher could become an important tool to help prevent the spread of the virus. Continue reading

Turmeric, The Supplement that Targets Cells in over 600 Diseases

Dr. Sager, Ji, is an expert on the benefits of turmeric. He states that it is an incredible benefit for the mind, body, and spirit. He also states. “Turmeric is the embodiment of intelligence.”

Villagers in Northern India have some of the lowest rates of mental decline and Alzheimer’s in the world. A study of 2,700 elderly Indians in northern India showed that less than 1 percent of them had any mental decline or dementia, compared with the older population in the U. S. The reduction is over 20 percent less than the elderly people in America. The elderly Indians are also more agile, have far less pain, many less diseases, and crippling disabilities. Continue reading

Lies, Lies, Lies!

They lied about TOBACCO. They Lied about ASBESTOS. They lied about MERCURY FILLINGS. They lied about OPIOIDS. They’re lying about the safety of VACCINES. They lied about ALUMINUM in deodorants. They lied about the CANCER CAUSING TALC in hygiene products. They lied about HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY… Continue reading

Your Immune System, An Army that can prevent Cancer, Covid-19, and Other Diseases

Your immune system is one of the most important systems in your body. The immune system is very large. It consists of many disease fighting complex parts.

Most people think that the immune system consists of white blood cells, vaccinations, and lymphatic cells that respond to pathogens. The immune system is a whole lot more than that, and protects a person’s whole body, 100 percent of the time, 24/7. Continue reading

The Scam: Taking Your Temperature by Laser Gun

I have been waiting for this! As retired nurse, I know better than to fall for so many scams the media is promoting right now. I’m stuck in my home still because my only fear is getting my son in trouble by being the one who causes the violent protest to break out in Sarasota, FL when some innocent worker attempts to point a temp ray gun at my head. JK, but I have learn to be cool & not go off on someone for it before I can walk among the zombies again. Working on it… ~ Linda Chapman, Retired Nurse

Throw it in the trash!

In Memory of Walter

Back in the day, a LONG time ago, when I was stupid enough to think I was “something”, since Mom went to 7th grade, and Dad went to 8th grade, and there I was, sitting in Mary Baldwin College…

The Professor asked us, “Which profession prevents disease the most in the United States”???

I raised my hand. Of course I knew everything… Continue reading

The Greatest Assault On Our Civil Liberties: Mask Mandates Have No Place In a Free Society

“We are facing the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetimes. The virus is real, but the government reaction is political and totalitarian. As it falls apart, will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?” ~ Dr. Ron Paul, former U.S. Congressman [Texas]

A mandate to wear masks may seem like a simple matter and a “minor inconvenience” to some or many. But I don’t think those who take this position have really considered all its implications and the long-range ramifications and consequences that might accompany the meek and compliant acquiescence to even a “temporary” mask mandate.

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Let me educate all of the above who are participating in one of the largest propaganda and misinformation campaigns in United States history, because it appears they have not kept current on the science, or they are not too bright, or they are actively manipulating the people for political purposes that have little to do with any concern for my health or the health of anyone else. Continue reading

‘Vaccine for thee but not for me?’ Here’s why rushed shots shouldn’t be trusted

I have said this since day one! It is inevitable you’ll have those who refuse to take the vaccine, even though President Trump has been promoting one that’s on its way and would likely hit the stage before the end of the year.

What will happen after that vaccine has been cleared? Will the powers-that-be force you to accept it, otherwise, you can’t come back to work, your kids can’t set foot in school? Will businesses refuse patrons entrance because they’re not vaccinated? Just imagine the upcoming lawsuits – which is probably why Senate leader Mitch McConnell wants to write in legislation exempting businesses from lawsuits. Continue reading

Some Vaccine Makers Say They Plan to Profit From Coronavirus Vaccine

Show me de Monee…

Moderna, which is receiving $483 million from the U.S. government, told lawmakers it would not sell its vaccine at cost. Pfizer has said it would also profit, but has so far taken no government money.

Executives from four companies in the race to produce a coronavirus vaccine — AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna Therapeutics and Pfizer— told lawmakers on Tuesday that they are optimistic their products could be ready by the end of 2020 or the beginning of 2021. All four companies are testing vaccines in human clinical trials. Continue reading