Author Archives: admin

77 Mysterious Cancer Deaths

NOT Cancer Patients, but Cancer PHYSICIANS!

It was not headlined in the media, but 77 alternative and preventive cancer doctors MYSTERIOUSLY died between 2015 and 2019. Very few people read about this because it was not publicized or widely distributed. The photos of these doctors were shown in a few obscure newsletters, but not widely publicized in newspapers, magazines, or the media. Continue reading

1032 ~ How to do CPR on Yourself

Published on the first generation Federal Observer, in the category, To Health With You!, December 3, 2001.

Let’s say it’s 6:15 p.m. and you’re driving home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated.

Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home, unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. Continue reading

1064 ~ AMA Declines to Call for Nationwide Smallpox Vaccinations

Published on the first generation Federal Observer, in the category, To Health With You!, December 5, 2001. …and all these years later – you really thought that things would change???

The American Medical Association on Tuesday refused to endorse smallpox vaccinations for all Americans, rejecting calls from doctors who say the disease could be used as a biological weapon.

Instead, the 538 delegates attending the AMA’s annual winter meeting in San Francisco voted overwhelmingly to continue studying the possible repercussions of such a mass inoculation. Continue reading

Why Hospitals Can’t Handle Covid Surges: They’re Flying Blind

During a pandemic, officials need real-time data to make sure resources go where they’re needed; attempts to build a system this year have failed

El Centro Regional Medical Center was overrun with dozens of Covid-19 patients in May, with nowhere to send the critically ill. The only other hospital in Imperial County, Calif., also was swamped.

Chief Executive Adolphe Edward called the state’s emergency medical services director, asking him to intervene. “Please, please help us,” he pleaded.

Doctors and nurses at El Centro swapped text messages and made phone calls, blindly searching for openings at other hospitals. Continue reading

FDA: Research unveils cancer-causing chemicals found in popular medications used for heartburn

U.S. health officials have found a potential cancer-causing chemical in ranitidine, a popular generic drug used to treat heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

The disturbing finding came after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) started conducting trials on samples of ranitidine drugs, including the common brand-name drug Zantac. Continue reading

One Hundred Years of Medical Fascism

April 16, 2010 ~ One hundred years ago today, on April 16, 1910, Henry Smith Pritchett, president of the Carnegie Foundation, put the finishing touches on the Flexner Report.1 No other document would have such a profound effect on American medicine, starting it on its path to destruction up to and beyond the recently passed (and laughably titled) Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA), a.k.a., “Obamacare.” Flexner can only be accurately understood in the context of what led up to it.

Free market medicine did not begin in the United States in 1776 with the Revolution. From 1830 to about 1850, licensing laws and regulations imposed during the colonial period and early America were generally repealed or ignored. This was brought about by the increasing acceptance of eclecticism (1813) and homeopathy (1825), against the mainstream medicine (allopathy) of the day that included bloodletting and high-dose injections of metal and metalloid compounds containing mercury or antimony.2
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Loudon: Dr. Otto Warburg and the Nobel Prize

Just before World War II, Hitler was planning to eradicate as many Jewish people as possible. He also was very busy building up his war machine so he could conquer all of Europe. Hitler was also very worried about one other thing. His mother had died from cancer and he recently had a polyp removed from his vocal cords. He was very worried that he would get cancer.

Although he disliked Jewish people, he knew a brilliant doctor and scientist that he thought could find a way to cure cancer. The name of this brilliant scientist was Dr. Otto Warburg. Continue reading

Vitamin D supplements ‘could keep Covid-19 patients out of intensive care

Study finds hospital patients given 100micrograms per week had ‘significantly reduced’ need for life support.

Treating coronavirus patients with high doses of vitamin D supplements could help keep them out of intensive care, a study has suggested.

Researchers gave high doses of calcifediol – a type of vitamin D supplement – to 50 patients hospitalised with Covid-19 in Spain. Continue reading

How to Grow a Vegetable Garden

AS we have shared with you for many years – it is YOUR Health and YOUR Choice! … and you know – it’s not bad for your mental health either! ~ Ed.

Learn how to grow an organic vegetable garden the best and easiest way! Grow fruits and veggies with less labor, less watering, less weeds, and an extremely abundant harvest! Paul Gautschi, the founder of Back to Eden Gardening, has popularized the use of FREE wood chip mulch from tree trimmings in vegetable gardens and orchards. Discover the organic gardening movement that has made millions of people worldwide love organic gardening by watching the film, streaming online for free!


I am so tired of all the Covid-19 and related issues as I am sure most of you are as well.

I’ve posted out volumes of emails about how to PREVENT any Virus or Bacteria from living in your body but so many of you refuse to do the SIMPLE things to maintain good HEALTH and PREVENT virus or bacterial illnesses from surviving in your body. I speak from personal experience and on YEARS of being both a regular victim of the virus and bacterial illnesses – and – once I learned of the pH balance in 2008 or so – I have not suffered so much as a SNIFFLE! Continue reading

Chemotherapy Shortens Life-Span of Cancer Victims

Professor Dr. Hardin B. Jones of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California, studied cancer patients for 25 years and announced at a Cancer Society Seminar in 1969 that patients who are not treated with chemotherapy live longer than those who treated with it. It sent shockwaves through the medical community who believed traditional treatment was better than nothing.

Another of his discoveries was that breast cancer patients survived longer if left untreated than those treated with conventional therapies. Continue reading

The 21 Basic Causes and 4 Basic Characteristics of Cancers

The truth is that there is no one cause of cancer. There is a multiplicity of causes acting simultaneously through the years that leads up to each person’s cancer. That means there is no single demon that we can blame our cancer on. As you go through the below list of causes try to pick what you think are the principle causes in your case. In general most cancer patients will be suffering from multiple causes. Each cause suggests an intelligent treatment to address the specific cause.

It is important to understand from the start that oncologists want patients to think that cancer is spontaneous. That it is something that happens without a cause. The cancer industry plays a vicious mind game with cancer patients and their families. What they say dis-empowers patients and leaves them vulnerable to their doctors and their treatments. Continue reading

Top 10 Signs of Colon Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 140,000 men and women will be diagnosed with some form of colorectal cancer this year. In fact, the most common form of colorectal cancer is colon cancer.

Health professionals often refer to colon cancer as a silent killer. It takes years for the disease to develop and symptoms to manifest. If you are concerned about developing colon cancer, it is essential that you learn to recognize the early symptoms of this frightening disease. Continue reading