Author Archives: admin

Nearly half of all healthcare workers are rejecting Covid-19 vaccines for sensible reasons

The media has categorized those who refuse to get injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as “anti-vaxxers” who spread “misinformation” in defiance of medical establishment guidelines. The truth, though, is that those perhaps most opposed to the shots are doctors and nurses who work with pharmaceuticals every single day.

Nearly half of all healthcare workers are saying ‘NO’ to Chinese virus jabs, it turns out. Continue reading

Pfizer targets American pre-teen and young teenage girls ages 12 to 15…

… for population reduction and sterilization experiment known as mRNA

Bill Gates’ number one goal is to reduce the population of planet Earth by a few billion people, and he said he could accomplish this if he does a really good job with vaccines and healthcare, meaning dirty vaccines and Planned Parenthood abortion factories in every metropolitan city (mainly for Black baby genocide). And just how do you think vaccines can reduce the population of humans, when they’re supposed to protect people from disease?  Continue reading

For Those Pressured Into Taking The Vaccine…

Advice from a Barrister on how to deal with vax demands from your employer or anyone else:

Contact your doctor and book a Vaccine anxiety appointment. At this point you become a medical case as anxiety is a real issue. Then collect information about adverse effects and send that to you doctor and get them to answer your concerns. If they don’t answer then claim this gives you further anxiety.

Then ask your doctor to agree to a thorough medical for you BEFORE any injection so if you are made to have the injection you have baseline medical evidence from medical experts to prove it affected you adversely if it does. If they refuse, claim further anxiety. Continue reading

“There is no such thing as an antidepressant”

UCLA Professor Exposes Big Pharma & Big Politics

Below is a brief clip from of David Cohen, a professor and Associate Dean for Research and Development of at the Luskin School of Social Work, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His research focuses on psychoactive drugs (prescribed, licit, and illicit) and their desirable and undesirable effects as socio-cultural phenomena “constructed” through language, policy, attitudes, and social interactions.

He has conducted research on the side effects of psychiatric medications and on withdrawal. Public and private institutions in the U.S., Canada, and France have funded him to conduct clinical-neuropsychological studies, qualitative investigations, and epidemiological surveys of patients, professionals, and the general population. Continue reading

Women recently injected with experimental covid vaccines are showing symptoms of…


A group of Utah doctors have discovered something terrifying in recent mammogram screenings taken at the Breast Care Centre in Salt Lake City, Utah. Women who were recently injected with experimental COVID vaccines suffer from abnormal inflammation of the lymph nodes in their breasts. According to the Intermountain Healthcare doctors, women who take the covid-19 vaccines are showing symptoms of breast cancer.

Dr. Brett Parkinson, MD., warns, “Whenever we see these on a normal screening mammogram, we call those patients back because it can either mean metastatic breast cancer which travels to the lymph nodes or lymphoma or leukemia.” Instead of dealing with the cause of this problem (vaccines), the doctors are now telling women not to get mammograms after vaccination. Out of sight, out of mind. Continue reading

Do you have a magnesium deficiency?

Here are common signs and symptoms…

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in more than 300 chemical reactions in the human body. For instance, muscles need magnesium to properly contract. Nerves also use magnesium to send and receive signals. Magnesium keeps the heart beating steadily and strengthens immunity.

Unfortunately, despite the importance of magnesium to overall health, many people miss out on their daily recommended intake of magnesium due to an unhealthy diet. Having constantly high levels of stress, a gastrointestinal disease and alcohol dependence may also put an individual at a greater risk of magnesium deficiency and its health complications. Continue reading

Index of Signs and Symptoms of Acute Poisoning

This index provides a table of pesticides and their related symptoms and signs and affected organ systems in poisoned individuals. This may be useful in raising the index of suspicion for pesticide toxicity where these signs and symptoms occur. Such suspicion can be evaluated further within the differential diagnosis as appropriate.

It is important to keep in mind that the signs and symptoms listed have multiple causes, pesticidal and nonpesticidal. In addition, no specific symptoms or signs are invariably present in poisonings by particular pesticides. Toxicological presentation may vary based on dosage, route(s) of exposure, life stage of the patient, and patient’s genetic vulnerability, co-exposures and/or underlying health status. This complexity may explain why many poisonings are characterized by unexpected or atypical manifestations.

It is important to keep in mind that the signs and symptoms listed have multiple causes, pesticidal and nonpesticidal.

Index of Signs and Symptoms of Acute Poisoning.pdf

COVID prevention ~ An alternative to vaccines

The massive global effort to promote COVID vaccines plays on fears of getting the disease, despite the fact that they are experimental. Meaning that they have not gone through the rigorous, time-consuming and expensive randomized clinical trials that so many experts say is the gold standard for evaluating drugs.

This absence was used by the government to condemn and block the use of drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Continue reading

Ingredients in Vaccine

I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.

Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.)

He: Well, that’s quite a list… But I’d have to easily say that they’re all toxic to humans… Used in fertilizers… Pesticides… To stop the heart… To preserve a dead body… They’re registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why? Continue reading

Top 10 hypocritical SCHOOL RULES during Covid

Although Covid is no worse than the flu, the latter of which has suddenly disappeared from existence in America, students and school faculty alike who are attending “in-person” are forced to endure all the stupidity and idiocy that comes with quarantining the healthy. There’s a reason every student and teacher in America must wear a mask to school, and it’s not about Covid safety — in fact, it has nothing to do with Covid protection at all. This is very shocking to most people, especially those who believe that our entire medical system is designed to help you. Continue reading

The DANGERS of 5G pollution cannot be overstated

As the new fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology rolls out around the world, it is important to keep in mind that its widespread use does not mean that it is safe. In fact, many studies have shown quite the opposite, prompting moratoriums and bans in some areas.

Here is a closer look at some of the biggest dangers posed by 5G technology. Continue reading

Coronavirus vaccine deaths aren’t covered by life insurance…

… because jabs are “experimental medical intervention

Before rushing out to get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), you might want to contact your life insurance company first to see if your coverage will still be valid after the jab.

Reports indicate that getting injected for Chinese germs could void people’s coverage without them knowing about it due to the experimental nature of Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” gene therapy operation.

In the event that you die after getting needled with messenger RNA (mRNA) poison from Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, many life insurance companies will not pay out because the injections are an “experimental medical intervention” that has not undergone the normal testing and vetting process.

While some insurers are still accepting life insurance applications from people who have been jabbed, others are “delaying” applications for people gullible enough to take a “vaccine” for the plandemic virus. Continue reading

Vaccine maker pushing Annual COVID-19 shots for everyone…

…the propaganda (and profit) never ends

If you’ve been wondering how the COVID-19 shots people are getting these days are going to hold up to a virus that is constantly mutating, you’re not alone. It appears that even the companies making the vaccines aren’t completely sure yet just how well they will perform over time, giving us all yet another solid reason to think very carefully before lining up for a jab.

Speaking to CNBC’s Meg Tirrell, Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky admitted that the COVID-19 vaccine could well end up being like the seasonal flu vaccine and that people may need to get it each year because the virus can mutate as it spreads. Continue reading