Author Archives: admin

More Pandemic Corruption: Refusal to Fully Recognize Natural Immunity

Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite.

The newest wrinkle on pandemic corruption is how most of the medical and public health establishment refuses to accept natural immunity, obtained through COVID infection, as equivalent to or even better than the artificial immunity obtained from vaccines. Continue reading

Loudon ~ The Fire Inside Your Gut

Forty-five percent of all the people in the U.S. have a fire inside of their small intestine. This sounds kind of bizarre, but that is what many physicians call the inflammation inside of your gut. The inflammation inside of your small intestine is caused by a person’s diet, toxins, and irritation from bad bacteria, These are Candida Albicans fungus, bad molds, other bad fungi, and parasites. This inflammation is the root cause of over 100 autoimmune and other diseases.

Any part of your body can become inflamed. It is the body’s response to invading pathogens and/or bad bacterial infections. It is a normal response, like a splinter under your fingernail, but in the small intestine, you cannot feel it, hear it, or see it. It is a normal inflammatory reaction that creates a normal response to a bad alien actors (bad pathogens and other bad bacteria).

Cationic non-electromagnetic food that you eat (your diet) changes your normal 80/20 bacteria ratio of the gut to a 75/35 or lower ratio which creates more bad bacteria, Candida fungus, bad molds, and bad fungi, and parasite larvae. Continue reading

A Robin in the Garden

How can a person be so lucky as to wake up in the long days of June with the sparrows singing in the open bedroom window? God has given us these long days to enjoy the wonderful world around us that we live in. Everything around us is vibrant, and with beautiful flowers, bushes, and trees. There is a sparrow bush next to the house behind to our bedroom window with about 20 families of sparrows that are making the wonderful sounds we hear when we wake up.

How lucky we are to live in the beautiful northwest United States where we have the opportunity to see, smell, and hear the beauty around us. The other night I saw and heard a barn owl as it sat on the roof of the house next door. That brought thoughts of the people in Venezuela who, because of their communist dictator president, are not as lucky as we are. Venezuela has the resources to be one of the richest nations in the world, but they have even had to eat their birds, cats, dogs, rats, and other small animals to keep from starving. Continue reading

The Drug That Could BREAK American Health Care

~ Foreword ~
Whoever reads this article or already has heard of this grotesque and dangerous medical scam, one of many grave scams that should make us all question the whole system of big pharma kleptocrats and corrupt governance, and still can’t see horrendous injustice and unadulterated corruption, is walking fast asleep and dreaming false patriotic lies and pretensions. Remember, it goes way back: “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel“. ~ Samuel Johnson, Apr 7, 1775

This is so seriously bad, wrong, unjust, even the corporate media can not hide it.

The question is, when will a much larger part of the nation wake up and see life in their nation for what it actually is. Until they do, matters, laws and governance will only continue to fail. It will only get worse. ~ A. Carlson
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A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found

Source: AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

We’ve been told for well over a year that widespread forced public masking should be implemented because, even if only moderately to slightly to negligibly effective at curbing the spread of COVID-19, there are ZERO drawbacks.

“What’s the harm?” they ask.

“It’s only a minor inconvenience,” they bleat.

“If it saves ONE LIFE, it’s worth it!” they implore. Continue reading

The Health Benefits of Coffee

Drinking coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of all kinds of ailments, including Parkinson’s disease, melanoma, prostate cancer, even suicide.

Americans sure love their coffee. Even last spring when the pandemic shut down New York, nearly every neighborhood shop that sold takeout coffee managed to stay open, and I was amazed at how many people ventured forth to start their stay-at-home days with a favorite store-made brew.

One elderly friend who prepandemic had traveled from Brooklyn to Manhattan by subway to buy her preferred blend of ground coffee arranged to have it delivered. “Well worth the added cost,” she told me. I use machine-brewed coffee from pods, and last summer when it seemed reasonably safe for me to shop I stocked up on a year’s supply of the blends I like. (Happily, the pods are now recyclable.) Continue reading

Why a Food Rating System is Very Important for Your Health, Welfare, and Longevity

90 percent of all people in the U.S. have little knowledge of food nutritional values and the many factors in buying great foods that increases their health and well-being. With the educational system these days being very tardy on teaching nutrition ratings and food values, there is a void in much of the formal information needed to buy valuable nutritious food that contains necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes needed to keep a healthy body. Also, many people and families buy foods that they read about, what their parents bought or food ideas that their friends suggest in buying their foods. Continue reading

There are moments in this life…

This is not the place where I would normally post this story – or her song, but in this case – there is a need.

As our title suggests, There are moments in this life and this one you MUST watch. This program aired LAST NIGHT (June 8, 2021) and it is worth reading all of the comments which have thus far been left on the You Tube post.

This beautiful singer shares ONE message with those who have been afflicted with Cancer – and more importantly – ALL of us – and that is, “HOPE“! ~ Ed.

The Warning Signs of Colon Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

~ Foreword ~
What we publish below COULD be considered a mixed bag – BUT – it is the warnings which we are concerned about. We will NOT make any specific recommendations nor comments regarding what the articles says as to how to get the problems resolved – nor do we have anything negative to say about the recommendations by the authors. What we publish here is meant to be an education as relates to one of the most common and devastating forms of cancer that we face.  Just remember – how you choose to deal with your health and well being is YOUR choice! ~ Ed.
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How Diet and Inflammation Affect Colon Cancer

The discomfort of colonoscopy is miniscule to the suffering of terminal colon cancer

It’s been said “We are what we eat,” or “garbage in garbage out.” Less catchy advice might be “Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, rather than a pro-inflammatory one.” It could make the difference in the likelihood of developing a malignancy of the large bowel. Not many people realize that if you take away skin cancers, colon cancer is the third most common malignancy in North America.

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Oncology, points out a strong association between chronic inflammation and the risk of colon cancer. Continue reading

35 Percent of the People Have a Health Crisis

My observations and research over the last few years have recovered some very interesting figures. After reading many articles, publications, books, and computer searching, there seems to be a direct correlation between the intestinal bacteria ratio (80 good/20 bad) and 35 percent of overweight people in the U.S.

The first indication was that in several publications and writings, it was stated that 35 percent of the people in the U.S. were overweight. Most people did not pay attention as this news appeared in many written articles, newspapers, the media, and stated by many physicians. Very few of these overweight people took measures to change their diet, and quit eating non-electromagnetic foods that produced weight gain, gut inflammation, toxins, and leaky gut. Most of these people kept on eating the same foods that caused the problem. Continue reading

Thermography: Is This The Best Breast Screening Device

~ Forewords ~
As far back as the year 2000, this site and its Editor/Publisher were recommending our listeners and readers to avoid mammograms and the like and find a doctor who would work WITH you and not ON you – by going the route recommended in this marvelous column. Take heed – the answers are here – and out there. After all – it is YOUR health (J.B.)

Thermography is a high technology tool that specifically measures inflammation in the body. This test is particularly good for assessing areas of inflammation and increased metabolic rate. It is more effective and is significantly less invasive than mammography.

Research has shown that the major mechanism involved with all degenerative disease is inflammation. Most medical testing searches for disease processes that have already developed. They are looking downstream to the effect rather than upstream at the underlying cause. More advanced health care practitioners use instruments and technology that searches upstream for the cause of physiological abnormalities in the body. Continue reading

Shocking Live Blood Analysis After Vax (LOOK)

This was posted on a social media site. We are expecting more Dark Field Microscope Images will be posted showing the CATASTROPHIC changes in the blood of people who have taken the deadly injection…which is NOT a ‘vaccine’ by ANY stretch. Here’s the text that was posted with this image. . . Continue reading