Author Archives: admin

Loudon: How Food enzymes are a Protector of Health and Well Being

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Until recently, enzymes were believed to be digestive enzymes limited to the mouth, stomach, and pancreas. Studies by enzyme researchers have found digestive enzymes produce only a small part of the digestion process.

The importance of digestive tract enzymes is only a small portion of enzyme duties in humans. This is not fully understood by most doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists, teachers, and people. If it were more understood, many more articles and publications would explain that there are three types of enzymes that are essential for the wellness of people. They are DIGESTIVE ENZYMES, METABOLIC enzymes, and PROTEOLYTIC enzymes. Doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists, teachers, and most people receive very little information about metabolic and proteolytic enzymes. Continue reading

The Biggest Potential Water Disaster in the United States

In California, millions of residents and thousands of farmers depend on the Bay-Delta for fresh water – but they can’t agree on how to protect it.

Illustration of the BayDelta by Alëna Skarina

Editor’s NOTE: The following is an unusual posting for this site, however – as one gets caught up in it’s reporting and importance of meaning – it all has much to do with continued loss of our health. ~ J.B.

The Sacramento is California’s largest river. It arises near the lower slopes of Mt. Shasta, in the northernmost part of the state, and runs some four hundred miles south, draining the upper corridor of the Central Valley, bending through downtown Sacramento, and, eventually, reaching the Pacific Ocean, by way of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. Erik Vink, the executive director of the Delta Protection Commission, a state conservation agency, described the Sacramento to me as “California’s first superhighway.” By the eighteen-fifties, daily steamboats ferried passengers between San Francisco and Sacramento in as little as six hours. Travellers now mostly use I-80 to cover the same ninety miles, and oceangoing ships bound for the Port of West Sacramento finish their trip in a deepwater canal built sixty years ago by the Army Corps of Engineers. But the Sacramento is still important: it and its tributaries make up the state’s single largest source of fresh surface water. Most precipitation in California falls in the north, while the biggest users, including all the major metropolitan areas and the immense farms of the San Joaquin Valley, are farther south. Devising ways to move water from wet places to dry places has been the labor of generations. During the past century and a half, miners, farmers, politicians, engineers, conservationists, and schemers of all kinds have worked – together and against one another – to create one of the most complex water-shifting systems in the world. Continue reading

Doctors are seeing 75% increase in Cancer result of jab

Even Healthcare experts as Dr. Malone trusted our government…

Dr. Robert Malone Shares Jab Injury Story, “The Second Shot Almost Did Me In”

“…some vaccines are ‘hot,’ and are less safe…”

Dr. Robert Malone recently took to his Substack account to share the details of his COVID jab injury he sustained earlier in 2021, which in his subsequent research having also learned that various “Moderna batches” of the jab have been causing much of the jab injuries.

In his post to Substack, Dr. Malone admitted that he’s never considered himself to be an “anti-vax” individual, pointing to how he’s spent a majority of his career working with vaccines. Noting his work in the aforementioned field, he was aware “that some vaccines are ‘hot,’ and are less safe” for some of the more dangerous viruses “like Ebola or Yellow fever.” Continue reading

Warraich: Medicine needs to do right by patients prescribed opioids


As a medical student, the prism of pain helped me begin seeing patients as people — discerning their stories, examining their bodies, understanding their lives, and more. In medical schools around the world, the first simulated patient students encounter to emulate the rituals and mannerisms of medicine is someone in pain. Yet chronic pain, particularly the kind not emanating from a broken bone or an inflamed appendix, seemed like a distant, hazy concept for me.

That changed when, one day while exercising, I heard a loud click in my back and the metal bar I was holding with 200 pounds of weights came crashing down on my chest, pinning me to the bench. Continue reading

Benson: Does It Really Make A Difference?

Recently I had a bout of the Chinese Virus, referred to by the sanitized name of Covid 19. Both my wife and I had been vaccinated against it, but for me that seems to have made no difference. Thankfully, I was not overly ill with it–a sore throat, fever, runny nose, and loss of appetite for a few days and then it started to wear off. Maybe the version I got was this newer Omicron version, which is not nearly as lethal as earlier versions. I don’t know. I had to do the ten day quarantine thing and I thank the Lord it was not worse. I had a good friend that died from this thing while visiting relatives in New York.

What brought this to mind was that I talked to two nurses, both from different places – and neither one had much faith in the vaccines. Continue reading

Ciola: Stomach Problems Are The #1 Complaint To Doctors

A Well-Functioning Digestive System Is Vital For A Healthy Immune System

disorders are the number one complaint to doctors and the leading cause of hospitalizations. This can include constipation, IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel, leaky gut, diverticulitis, GERD, infections, hemorrhoids, bloating, gas, weight gain, insufficient nutrient absorption, bad breath, mucus build-up, digestive complications, flora degradation, weakened immunity, pressure on other filtering organs (i.e., liver, kidneys), and many other related problems.

The US NIH considers constipation to be a condition in which you typically have: Continue reading

Bennett: Tired of the Jive!

~ Foreword ~
My Sunday morning has been busy putting the following together. It has also been a superb follow up to my broadcast from this past Wednesday night. Didn’t hear it? Here you go! (Primum Non-Nocere – First, Do No Harm, April 20, 2022)

And the story will continue… ~ Ed.

April 25, 2022

Heart & Vascular Center of Arizona
1331 N. 7th St. ~ Suite 375
Phoenix, AZ  85006-2707

Reference Account #: 120600

Having had the “services” of Dr. Edward Evans, M.D. on the night of September 2 or early September 3, 2021 due to what I would refer to as a minor heart attack – and then two subsequent scheduled appointments at his office – the attached bill is an insult – for several reasons.

To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Evans could not be bothered to do a follow up in my hospital room during the next several days – and yet Banner Estrella Medical Center recommends that I make contact and make an appointment within the following seven days or so?

Before the heart surgery (where two stints were put in me) Dr. Evans also had a catheter installed in me – for alleged reasons that I had urinary issues. Continue reading

Important Facts about Grains, Obesity, Diabetes, and Cancer

Grains have been part of our diets for thousands of years. I read where recently, some grain seeds were found in a tomb in Egypt. Some of the seeds, when planted, actually grew!

The original grains that people ate hundreds of years ago have undergone many genetic changes, making the grains now almost entirely different from the original species. Genetic changes mostly have been for the better. However, some of the new genetic changes with GMO grains, for the most part, have been very controversial. Many researchers have questioned these genetic changes, stating that they are not helping people stay healthy. Also, the use of many pesticides has challenged the efficacy and safety of these pesticides used on grains for human consumption. Many lawsuits are now underway, concerning glyphosate, or Roundup – a pesticide sprayed on corn, soy, some grains, and many other crops. Continue reading

Dickens: Primum Non-Nocere

First, Do No Harm

Hippocrates by Pieter Philippe (1635-1702). Rijks Museum.

Today’s title is the opening line of the oath written about twenty-four hundred years ago by Hippocrates, the pioneer of modern medicine. He’s the author of over seventy books on medicine, most notably the patient’s treatment, not just the disorder but in tandem with the patient because they were inextricably linked in his mind.

I have chosen this subject because of a couple of encounters with ‘factory healthcare.’

The most neglected part of factory medicine or the business of healthcare is not the patient but the family. It’s not intentional, but like everything in life, we can only attend to a couple of things at a time. It’s also expensive to be nice non-participants; I mean people who do not enable the business financially.

We’re easily distracted, sidetracked, especially when greed enters the equation. Avarice seems to subordinate all other considerations in every business. Treating people well always loses to financial expediency.

The factory concept entered the treatment of infirmities when physicians and other medical practitioners realized that ‘there’s GOLD in them thar ills’. Continue reading

Cancer, the Disease of sugar, carbohydrates, and Oxygen deprivation

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Cancer is a dreaded disease. At the present time, it strikes one out of every man and one out of every three women in their lifetime. Why is cancer so deadly? It is because it is so hard to detect, hard to keep from spreading, and destroy. Most of the time, cancer cells have been in the body and spreading, thirty nine months before it is detected.

Just before World War II Hitler was planning to eradicate as many Jewish people as possible. He also was planning and building a war machine in which he could conquer all of Europe. Hitler had many serious things to plan and worry about. He also had a weird obsession that he would get cancer. His mother had died from cancer and he recently had a polyp removed from his vocal cord.

Although he disliked Jewish people, he knew one Jewish doctor who he thought was a brilliant scientist, and who could find the cure for cancer. His name was Dr. Otto Warburg. He had been working on the origin and cure for cancer for some time. Hitler knew he could not get rid of Dr. Warburg, even if he was a Jewish doctor. Continue reading

The Body’s Optimum Metabolism Depends on Water, Oxygen, Lung Capacity, and Bio-electric Balance to Create Health and Longevity

Portrait of a one sad man standing outdoors near the house at the day time. Concept of sadness. Glitched style photo.

It is not bacteria or viruses that produce disease. It is THE BYPRODUCTS of microorganisms ENACTING on the MALFUNCTIONING acidic, low oxygen body cells that produce disease. Continue reading

Ciola: Beware Of the Sorcerer’s Medicine

If pharmaceutical medications were truly the answer to all medical maladies, then why would a patient have to remain on them for the rest of their life? Once a person begins a drug regimen, it usually leads to them being put on more and more pills. Where are the success stories of pharmaceutical medications curing all these ills where a person can get off their drugs and live a long, healthy, vibrant life? The sad truth is modern drug based medical treatments for “symptoms” has completely failed the American people. Continue reading

Nelson: The Homicidal Killing Fields of America’s Medical System

I knew there was a variety of treatments that we could use [yet] we were using nothing. Doctors were even told to not use anticoagulants, even though blood clotting was “through the roof” in many patients. You could draw blood and actually see the blood clotting very quickly in the tubes. ~ Dr. Pierre Kory

We didn’t have a single academic institution come up with a single protocol,” said Dr. McCullough. “They didn’t even try. Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Duke, you name it. Not a single medical center set up even a tent to try to treat patients and prevent hospitalization and death. There wasn’t an ounce of original research coming out of America available to fight COVID—other than vaccines. ~ Dr. Peter McCullough

Even with corrupt data collection, it became harder and harder to find enough dead people to fuel the ongoing fear pandemic, so the media pivoted and replaced daily death and hospitalization trackers with a new statistical category: “Case Numbers.” ~ Mark McDonald, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis

It is no longer controversial to acknowledge that drug makers rigorously control medical publishing and that The Lancet, NEJM, and JAMA are utterly corrupted instruments of Pharma. ~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
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