Why does coffee make you poop?

Drinking coffee might kick your colon into gear, but there isn’t much research that explains why. For some people, coffee jump-starts their bowel movements in addition to their energy. Despite the drink’s popularity, there isn’t a lot of research on why coffee sends many people running to the bathroom within minutes of consuming it.

The Health Benefits of Coffee

Drinking coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of all kinds of ailments, including Parkinson’s disease, melanoma, prostate cancer, even suicide. Americans sure love their coffee. Even last spring when the pandemic shut down New York, nearly every neighborhood shop that sold takeout coffee managed to stay open, and I was amazed at how […]

Coffee Causing Cancer??

Scientists have been doing research on a coffee-cancer link for a very long time. Meta-stidies looking at all the scientific literature up to date have clearly shown that not only there is no association between coffee-drinking and cancer, but there is actually a mild inverse correlation between drinking coffee and some type of cancer. In […]

How three cups of coffee a day can extend your life

Studies find antioxidant properties helps to improve liver function Two major studies, one led by British researchers and one in the US, have independently found consuming up to three cups a day reduces the risk of an early death. The papers, both published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found links between coffee and reduced […]


This is a personal experience from a  dear client of mine named Janet.  She is one of those courageous and vibrant women that approaches a healing journey with love, determination and with an inquisitive mind. She thinks deeply on matters and makes choices based on her research and heart-felt intuition. Enjoy her personal expereince with Essentials # 2 – […]

How to Use Coffee Enemas to Detoxify & Heal from Cancer

The phrase “death begins in the colon” has seemingly become more popular and provides the simplifying truth of the importance of colon and digestive health. All throughout history enemas have been used in different cultures as a reliable strategy to cleanse the colon of harmful pathogens and debris. The use of coffee enemas begins with […]

How coffee could help fight bowel cancer

Four cups a day halve the risk of disease returning – and increase chance of survival by a third Coffee could prove to be a powerful medicine for bowel cancer patients. A study found the disease was almost half as likely to return in men and women who drank at least four or five mugs […]

Coffee lids carry bacteria, viruses

Coffee lovers beware: Coffee cup lids can be home to a host of harmful viruses and fecal bacteria, according to a UA professor. Ten of the lids made up the control group, meaning they weren’t handled, while the other 30 were the experiment group. These 30 lids were handled by coffee shop owners and customers […]