cancer, Cancer, CANCER ~ December 13, 2023

Dr. Robert Malone Warns Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine May Cause CANCER

Dr. Robert Malone has warned that Moderna’s own patent shows that its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine contains “billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.”

Malone made the warning at the recent “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia).

At the November hearing, Malone revealed that Moderna acknowledges in its own patent that RNA is preferable to DNA in vaccines because of the risks involved. Additionally, Moderna’s mRNA injection, which was administered to tens of millions of people… (Continue to full article)

Government Data Shows Young People Now Dying of Cancer at “Explosive” Rates Following COVID Vaccine Push
There is no denying, based on available data, that cancer rates massively spiked following the release of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” through Operation Warp Speed.

Between 2021 and 2022 when most of the now-fully vaccinated world got jabbed, cancer deaths skyrocketed, particularly among young people, according to data from the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The same government entities that pretended to care about everyone’s health in 2020 when they shut down businesses and schools and told everyone to stay at home in isolation suddenly could not care less once 2021 arrived and the jabs started to cause widespread health problems… (Continue to full article)

Young Adults Who Took 4 COVID Vaccines Are 256% More Likely to Die, Especially From TURBO CANCERS
The Office for National Statistics (ONS), the official reporting department of the United Kingdom, quietly published a data set that shows appalling mortality rates in young adults who took four Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. The ONS data tracks deaths by vaccination status from April 1, 2021, to May 31, 2023.

From January to May 2023, young adults aged 18 to 39 who were vaccinated four times up until that point were 256 percent more likely to die compared to their unvaccinated peers. In February 2023, the quadruple vaccinated were 318 percent more likely to die of any cause compared to unvaccinated people.

One of the most alarming trends is skyrocketing cancer rates among young people… (Continue to full article)

“Here’s how i knew i had cervical cancer”
One Survivor’s Story of Discovering Unexpected Symptoms

Cervical cancer symptoms might not present in the ways you’d be inclined to guess. One woman’s story highlights how important it is not to question your own questions: “It was the look on my doctor’s face.”

Despite standard gynecological practices, the CDC says more than half of women diagnosed with cervical cancer say they never or rarely had a Pap test nor were tested for the human papilloma virus (HPV) that leads to many cervical cancers. “This is a travesty,” says Pari Ghodsi, MD, FACOG, an OB/GYN and women’s health specialist in Los Angeles, CA, “because the symptoms of cervical cancer can be very subtle, yet they can be detected very early on with regular screenings.

Christie O’Sullivan, 48, of Trinity, FL, is one of these women whose life was saved when symptoms caused her to request a cervical cancer screening… (Continue to full article)

EARLY DETECTION, EARLY DEATH: Mammograms Linked to 84% Higher Breast Cancer Death Rate

New research published in JAMA Oncology reveals that mammography is responsible for an astounding 84 percent higher rate of breast cancer deaths over a 20-year surveillance period.

Because of the very high rate of false positives they produce, mammograms end up killing, it would seem, many more women than would otherwise die from breast cancer had they never participated in the mammography racket.

Mammograms produce trauma in patients, both physically in breast tissue and also psychologically, emotionally and even spiritually in women who end up being told that they must undergo even more invasive “treatments” in order to survive.

The pressure that mammography puts on breast tissue can be a cause of cancer in and of itself… (Continue to full article)

Sweet and Deadly: Here’s how SUGAR fuels CANCER in the body
While sugar provides much-needed sweetness to make food delicious, it also “feeds” cancer cells in the body.

How does this happen?

It’s best to start from the source itself – sugar, a simple carbohydrate produced naturally by green plants through the process of photosynthesis. Sugar cane and sugar beets have the greatest quantities of sugar of all plant types, making them the top sources of table sugar after processing.

Glucose, fructose, sucrose, dextrose, lactose and maltose are some of the different forms of sugar found in food. Sugar molecules can stick together; glucose and fructose can combine to become sucrose, commonly known as table sugar… (Continue to full article)

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