Your Health – YOUR Choice!

The Covid “Vaccines” will Kill More People in Time than Covid Itself ~ Dr. Joseph Mercola

A note received on Sunday afternoon from a long respected colleague: In Memory of My Eldest Daughter – April 22, 2021. Age 49, Succumbed to the Pfizer “vaccine”. Sometimes among the hardest people to reach are a member of one’s own family. ~ R. Mish

18-Year-Old Undergoes 3 Brain Surgeries From Blood Clots After J&J Vaccine
And the VAX Reaction Blood Clots Keep Coming (“strokes” & “heart attacks”).

A Nevada teen was put in a coma, placed on a respirator and underwent three brain surgeries after developing blood clots about one week after getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine… (Continue to full article)

Reported Vaccine Injuries Continue to Climb, Pfizer Seeks Full Approval for COVID Vaccine
VAERS data released today showed 157,277 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 3,837 deaths and 16,014 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 30, 2021

Of the 3,837 deaths reported as of April 30, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 39% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated… (Continue to full article)

Pfizer Vaccine May Cause Heart Inflammation in People Under 30
Israeli researchers found 62 cases of myocarditis, including two deaths, after recent vaccination with Pfizer. Fifty-five of the cases occurred in men — most between ages 18 and 30.

The two patients who died were reportedly healthy until receiving the vaccine and had no pre-existing conditions. One was a 22-year-old woman, the other was a 35-year-old man. The report noted that 5 million people in Israel have been vaccinated for COVID… (Continue to full article)

No Jab for Me – And Here Are 35 Reasons Why
This outstanding article summarizes all the reasons to never get the covid “vaccines”.
it includes many links. this may be the most important decision you will make in your lifetime… (Continue to full article)

No Vaccine Passports in Texas! Medical Doctors Testify Before State Senate to Oppose Mandatory COVID Shots
This past week the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs took testimony from Texas physicians regarding SB 1669: Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas. SB 1669 was sponsored by Senator Bob Hall. Senator Bob Hall, in his opening statements at the Senate hearing this week stated: “The chief responsibility and Constitutional role of our government is to protect the rights of the individual. Employees can take off their helmets, masks, and uniforms at the end of the work day, but they cannot remove a vaccine…. (Continue to full article)

You’ve Been Served Notice! CVS, Rite Aid Liable for The Potential Danger of Indiscriminate COVID-19 Vaccination
Health Impact News is giving public notice that two private corporations, CVS and Rite Aid, have been issued a Safety Warning for the potential danger of indiscriminate COVID-19 “vaccination” in the naturally immune and recently COVID-19 infected, by Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, MD, Phd, on April 29th, 2021. Many physicians have now spoken publicly about studies showing that those with natural COVID immunity will see a 2 to 3 fold increase risk of adverse reactions from the COVID shots… (Continue to full article)

Something to listen to from WhatsHerFace…

Masks While Outside, Exercising
How Irrational Can Otherwise Intelligent People Get ?… (Continue to full article)

The CDC’s Corrupt Political Agenda
Under the leadership of Rochelle Walensky, politics takes precedence over medicine and science.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky earned her MD from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, was the chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, and she’s served as a professor at Harvard Medical School. Yet now that she’s leading the Centers for Disease Control, which is really putting the emphasis on control over much of American life during the ChiCom Virus pandemic, what seems to matter most is Walensky’s union connections… (Continue to full article)

Regardless of the Intentions….We have a Problem
Salk Institute researcher on why the VAX spike protein itself is leading to vascular disease, including clots, heart attack, etc.

So far, 3,544 Covi9-19 Vaccine deaths have been “officially reported” to the CDC. But the CDC itself admits that only somewhere between 1% and 10% of these vaccine deaths are actually reported. Most people have no idea how to even report a vaccine death, and the CDC’s website doesn’t make it that easy anyway. Therefore, at a minimum, one could make a very safe assumption that over 35,000 people have died as a result of the Covid-19 vaccines so far. At only 1% reporting, the number would be over 354,000 deaths — think about that for a minute… (Continue to full article)