Colonoscopy is a medical scam

Colonoscopys cause more deaths than they cure and cannot detect cancer
The procedure known as a colonoscopy, as a prophylactic for colon cancer is a multimillion dollar industry. Every year, over 14 million perfectly healthy individuals age 50 and up, submit themselves to this invasive procedure, hoping to detect Colorectal cancer. But is it really effective?
What you are about to read is something many of my colleagues in the medical industry will not admit to, or even know about.
Alas, people are relying on this medical technology for “peace of mind” as to whether they have hidden cancer, but in reality they are turning to a cancer-causing screening procedure, with addictive laxatives, harmful fiber supplements, ineffective and deadly drugs and irreversible, complication-prone surgeries.
It’s a Painful and Dangerous Procedure
It’s actually far more dangerous and potentially deadly than they’d like to admit. According to The Annals of Internal Medicine’s report on colonoscopies, an estimated 70,000 (0.5%) patients will be injured, or killed by a complication related to this procedure.
This figure is 22% higher than the annual deaths from colorectal cancer – the very disease the device was designed to prevent.
According to the Telemark Polyp Study I, colonoscopies actually increase mortality by a staggering 57% For every person saved by a colonoscopy, 56 people suffer serious injury.
A person can live for decades with colon cancer, but if the doctor punctures a hole in your intestine, you can die very quickly. The risk of infection is very high. It is very possible, and clinically proven, that you can be infected by any one of the following:
* HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
* Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
* Helicobacter pylori
* Hepatitis B and C
* Salmonella
* Pseudomonas
* Aeruginosa
* Flu Viruses and other common bacteria such as, E. Coli O157, H7 and Creutzfeldt- Jakob Disease.
Even though statistics say that 70,000 people will be injured, or killed by this procedure this year, the actual number is far greater, as the knock on effects of the procedure is likely be recorded differently by the coroner.
But even if you go by only those that have been forced to be reported, the number of injuries are still significantly higher than the incidence of colorectal cancer.
Colonoscopy’s Do NOT Prevent Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, up until 2009 “…there are no prospective randomized controlled trials of screening colonoscopy for the reduction in incidence of or mortality from colorectal cancer.”
From an article in the New York Times, dated 2006; “The patients in all the studies had at least one adenoma detected on the colonoscopy, but did not have cancer. However, they developed cancer in the next few years, at the same rate as would be expected in the general population without screening.”
Another research study published in 2006 had exactly the same conclusions, in that the screened patients in all of the studies developed colorectal cancer “at the same rate, even though all found polyps had been removed.
Colonoscopy is a Scam
Let’s face it, it makes Big Pharma and the medical industry richer. The AMA has actually conspired to making colonoscopy screening a policy for preventative care when it is an entirely unnecessary invasive procedure.
Radiation levels from a single virtual colonoscopy are similar to the atomic bomb exposure in Hiroshima, even though, according to The National Cancer Institute: “Whether virtual colonoscopy can reduce the number of deaths from colorectal cancer is not yet known.”
So the experiment continues. Many of the related injuries associated with colonoscopies go unreported, or are never diagnosed. Death from colon cancer will very rarely be reported as the definitive cause of death.
The tests are 20 years too early in life!
The average age for developing colorectal cancer is 71 [Source]. The medical industry recommends screening starts at the age of 50 and as low as 45 for African-Americans. So, for the first couple of decades, you are risking your life with a dangerous, invasive procedure to diagnose a disease that is far less of a risk at that age than the odds of being injured by the screening device.
Dangerous laxatives
This prep can include a 2 liter enema of synthetic laxatives administered about an hour before the procedure. This is called the Mechanical Bowel Preparation (MBP) and is completely unnecessary, yet many doctors still use this in spite of the fact that it has been proven to create a high risk of thrombosis. This cocktail of chemicals can cause everything from deadly electrolyte imbalances (which can lead to congestive heart failure), to possible thrombosis in the mesenteric artery, to kidney damage.
A later discovery that has come to light in recent years, is that is impossible to sterilize an endoscope! This high-tech device cannot be boiled, or steamed because high temperatures can destroy the sensitive electronics and optics. There are many tiny nooks and crannies in and around the tip of the scope, which are difficult to clean, even by hand. More importantly, is the channel which runs the length of the scope inside. It is this port that the doctors insert the tools into. This channel is less than a millimeter in diameter and tunnels over four feet through the endoscope. Without boiling or steaming, I can not see how this channel could be sterilized.
Recent biopsies of these scopes have revealed microscopic incrustation of fecal matter, tissue, blood, and mucus imbedded from previous patients. At present, medical personnel bathe the scopes in a disinfectant solution. They’re not scrubbed. Not disassembled. Not heated. They’re rinsed in an ineffective bath of Glutaraldehyde, which if not rinsed off thoroughly, has been cited as a cause of toxic Colitis.
Tight turn around times
Properly cleaning an endoscope can take a lot of time and must be done by hand. Given the fact that colonoscopies have become a volume business, gastroenterologists have been known to cram in as many as 30 to 40 procedures per day. With such a cattle-call styled business, just how much time is really spent cleaning the scope?
So what’s the alternative?
There are far safer tests for cancer, like the Nagalase blood test, for example. Nagalase (Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase) levels in the blood can show us not only the presence of cancer, or other autoimmune disorders without the need for a colonoscopy, or a biopsy, but also the type and level of these disorders.
A faecal immunochemical test is also just as effective. Order a kit and you can do it yourself. No need for expensive, dangerous surgery and all the associated risks.
What if I have colon cancer?
If you find that you do have colon cancer, then please before you consider all of your options and go down the chemotherapy route, see this article on Immunotherapy GcMAF and how you can reduce it naturally through a clean diet.
Please see this section for more on Immunotherapy GcMAF
Written by The Team at Healing Oracle, December 18, 2019