Slow Metabolism: 5 Reasons Why This Happens

You have been trying hard to follow a strict diet, spending hours in the gym, waking up too early and sleeping early, among other efforts to lose or maintain your weight. Meanwhile, some people are just waiting for the next season of Stranger Things, Black Mirror and Lucifer but are still in good shape and not getting the extra weight.

How? Why are those cheaters enjoying life so much but still stay lean, while you struggle almost everyday just to keep fats away?

For other people, staying up late, eating anything they want and being not so active could be fun. But for you, that kind of a lifestyle can be a disaster and ruin your waistline.

The difference between you and them is how your metabolism works. This natural process helps the body burn food for energy to support daily functions, like heartbeat, brain function and breathing.

How fast or slow it occurs significantly affects a person’s weight gain. The people who have fast metabolism can burn more energy that makes them leaner without actively working out or following a strict diet.

Meanwhile, you and other health conscious friends are struggling to lose weight because you have a sluggish metabolism. That requires extra effort to burn food and convert it into a fuel for the body.

But you can also achieve a well-functioning metabolism. Read on to see the top reasons why people have slow metabolism.

You Hate Coffee
As you skip coffee in the morning you also lose the opportunity to accelerate your metabolism. Caffeine plays a key role in your resting metabolic rate.

Drink a cup of coffee before exercise and enjoy faster fat- and calorie-burning effects, according to Bulletproof.

Cardio Exercise
Some said that those who sweat heavily during exercise will lose more weight. That might help but a cardio workout could actually ruin your metabolism.

Try strength training instead that has been known effective to speed up metabolism. Developing more muscle triggers more fat burning process in the body.

One study suggested that at least 11 minutes of resistance training for three days a week could cause faster metabolic rate and increased fat- and calorie-burn.

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Low Calories
Too many people believe that a low-calorie diet can help reduce weight. However, one research suggested that poor amounts of calories in the body could harm metabolism.

A low-calorie diet can affect the hormone leptin that sends signals to the brain when you should stop eating. Lack of leptin contributes to obesity.

Lack Of Sleep
Having enough sleep has long been known to help prevent weight gain. Previous research showed that disruptive sleep could lead to slow metabolic rate and higher risk of having diabetes and obesity.

Gut Bacteria
Add prebiotics to your diet to trigger some slimming gut bacteria. Raspberries, blueberries and coffee provide polyphenols that could help boost metabolism. Other fiber-rich fruits can also help.

Written by Darwin Malicdem for Medical Daily ~ July 19, 2019