Kelley’s Kitchen: April 8, 2018

Plant-based fats, like those found in avocados and olive oil, could extend your life by 25%
A diet that swaps fats found in meat for those in plants could reduce people’s chances of dying early by 24-to-26 per cent, according to a recent study. Plant-based fats, like those found in avocados and olive oil, significantly reduce a person’s risk of premature death, study from Harvard University found… (Continue to full article)

Beetroots could help in the fight against Alzheimer’s
Compound in the vegetable prevents the accumulation of harmful protein plaques in the brain… (Continue to full article)

Snacking on nuts and seeds could almost HALF your risk of premature death by transforming heart health
Those with a higher intake of linoleic acid, found in omega-6-rich foods like pine nuts and pumpkins seeds and vegetable oil, were 43 percent less likely to die early of preventable diseases… (Continue to full article)