How To Maintain Wellness While Fighting Cancer

Whether one chooses to undergo the “traditional” or natural healing process, much of what follows is vital to one’s Victory Over Cancer. ~ Ed.

Your heart dropped when you heard the diagnosis. No one leaves the doctor’s office feeling good after being diagnosed with cancer. Still, you are a fighter. After explaining things to your loved ones, you worked together with medical professionals to create a plan to beat it. Whether it’s radiation, chemo, or something else, you are going to defeat cancer.

To help in your battle, you cannot forget about your other needs. Focusing too much on the fight can lead you to neglect your physical and mental health as the battle becomes all-consuming. That’s why you need these tips to maintain your wellness while fighting cancer.

What Is Wellness?
A long time ago, people used to consider the body and mind as two separate things. However, that is untrue. Your body and mind are interconnected. Working on both is called improving your wellness. While fighting cancer, you cannot neglect the rest of you or you can get weak.

For example, the Mental Health Foundation shows that depression leads to higher risk of losing the cancer fight. While some depression is normal given what you’re going through, it can get worse when you fail to eat right and get some exercise. By improving your physical health, you improve your mental health — and increases your chances of beating cancer.

The American Cancer Society lists several specific ways that regular exercise to improve your wellness can help during cancer treatment. You can lessen fatigue, decrease anxiety, improve blood flow, and make your quality of life better. You also tend to have more energy to see your family and friends, which is crucial when fighting cancer.

Building Mental & Physical Health
But what exactly can you do to maintain your wellness? For your physical health, Harvard Medical School lists some of the best exercises you can do. Swimming works so many muscles at the same time while being low-impact and easy when you’re weakened by cancer treatments. Weights come in many sizes and work great at building muscle. Tai chi and yoga work your muscles while helping your mind similar to meditation.

Speaking of your mind, maintaining your wellness means paying attention to your mental health as well. Since not everyone understands what you’re going through, you should visit a cancer support group. Talking to people fighting cancer like you are can give you insights into how to stay healthy during the treatments. Besides, it can be a great thing just to talk to others who know about the cancer fight first-hand.

You should also consider the healing power of pets. No, they can’t exactly fight cancer with you. But spending time with a pet can boost your mood and give you a chance for some simple exercise.

The Importance Of Relaxation
As you try exercise and support groups, there’s one more way you can maintain your wellness during this time: Creating a stress-free environment at home. Although it sometimes seems like you spend most of your time in a hospital, you likely spend more time in your house. That’s why paying attention to your home environment is so important.

Redfin explains there are several ways to do this. For one, add more plants to your rooms. Studies have shown that plants can improve your mood, reduce stress, and effectively scrub the air clean. You should also get some friends to help keep your place clean, organized, and decluttered. This can create the proper environment to support your wellness as you fight cancer.

Stay Well While Healing
Because cancer is so important, it can be easy to forget about the rest of your life. That’s why you need to maintain your wellness. Try some swimming or tai chi, attend support group meetings, and make your home a relaxing one. This way, you can get through the fight both victorious and healthy.

January 23. 2018

Marie Villeza for