Student is suspended for posting ‘concerning’ picture of discolored water coming out of a restroom sink on social media

funky_sink_waterHazel Juco said the water concerned her and she ‘just took a picture of it’ and then talked about it with other students in her newspaper class, WXYZ reported.

Juco, who is a senior at John Glenn High School, posted the photo on Facebook and Twitter.

She told the station that she hoped ‘someone will see it and want to help us’ because she said, it’s obvious that her school ‘doesn’t have money’.

Juco was then given Out of School Suspension (OSS) as she said school officials told her that she inappropriately used ‘electronics in the restroom’.

But Juco said she believed that she was being singled out because ‘no one has gotten in trouble’ for taking ‘selfies in the bathroom’.

After students found out about it, many protested by tweeting photos they had taken in the bathroom and didn’t get in trouble for them.

Wayne-Westand Community Schools Superintendent Dr Michele Harmala, told the station that after looking into what was happening she found out that the high school’s administrators didn’t report the issue to maintenance.

Harmala said: ‘They sent a plumber out right away.’

Maintenance crews discovered that there was a pipe leading to that faucet that needed to be replaced.

Hazel Juco

Hazel Juco

Harmala also told WXYZ that the rule against cell phones in bathrooms was implemented to prevent students from taking inappropriate photos of other students.

The punishment is inappropriate. I am going to make sure the out of school suspension is expunged from the student’s record,’ said Dr. Harmala.

She added that she wants students to know that if they spot a building problem, they can report it to building maintenance or administration directly.

NOTE: The above spent more time being concerned about the student’s suspension than it did focusing on the REAL problem – the contaminated water. I don’t buy into the “pipe needing replacement” story. ~ Ed.

Written by Valerie Edwards for The Daily Mail ~ September 25, 2016.

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