What is Lupus?

Selena Gomez, 24, revealed a year ago that she had undergone chemotherapy to treat the chronic disease. Now she is taking a career break to handle lupus-related depression

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has made headlines by ending her world tour early due to side effects from lupus disease. As she takes time off to deal with her disease, we explain its paralyzing side effects

The 24-year-old revealed a year ago that she had undergone chemotherapy to treat the chronic disease, when the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue.

In late July 2016, she told fans she is struggling with lupus-related panic attacks and depression.

The illness affects five million people worldwide, according to the Lupus Foundation of America.

But judging by Google Trends, it seems many people are not aware of the disease and its implications.

There was a 250 per cent spike in Google searches for ‘selena gomez health disease’ in the hours after Gomez’s announcement.

Data shows there was also a 250 per cent spike in searches for ‘what is lupus’.

And, perhaps confused by Gomez’s chemotherapy treatment, many have been searching ‘is lupus cancer?’

Lupus – officially termed Systemic Lupus Erythematotsus (SLE) – is a chronic autoimmune condition when the body makes antibodies that attack itself.

It is 10 times more common in women than in men, and typically develops between the ages of 12 and 25.

Some patients will have only mild problems such as aches and tiredness.

Others have life-threatening organ damage to the heart and the kidneys.

Most sufferers experience joint stiffness, most acutely in the mornings.

Hair loss is common, as is a butterfly-shaped rash across the face, and sensitivity to the sun.

Other problems include depression and lung and heart disease, as well as kidney inflammation.

It is often mistaken for rheumatoid arthritis (due to joint stiffness), a skin condition (due to the rash) or a blood disease (due to inflammation).

To diagnose a patient, doctors must carry out a blood test, which will identify self-attacking antibodies.

There is no cure, and few specific medications to treat symptoms.

Doctors can prescribe anti-inflammatory and steroid tablets, as well as pills for stress and medication for breathing problems.

In some cases, they prescribe cancer-fight drugs.

For each sufferer, treatment is different and specialized, due to the lack of FDA-approved targeted medication.

Though lupus and cancer are unrelated, both conditions can be tackled with chemotherapy.

But the medication is used in different ways.

Methotrexate – a chemotherapy drug used to treat both – can be injected or taken in pill form.

In cancer patients, it is very often injected in high doses, direct into the blood stream or around the brain.

This severely suppresses the patient’s immune system, and can be extremely debilitating.

For lupus sufferers, it is most commonly administered in pill form.

This has a lesser immune-suppressing effect.

It is incredibly common that people suffering from chronic and potentially life-threatening diseases develop depression.

This can stem from the stress of coping with their routine medication, physical ailments, unpredictable flare-ups, and the sense that it will never end.

Many steroid pills used the treat the condition also induce feelings of hopelessness, exhaustion, and clouded thoughts.

Studies have also shown people with severe lupus that damages their vital organs – brain, heart – have a higher risk of developing clinical depression.

Written by Mia De Graaf and published by The Daily Mail ~ September 1, 2016.

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