A Proven Food-Based Cancer Cure the Medical Monopoly Considers Quackery

~ Forewords ~
The following was written by Paul Fassa and published by Natural News as a two-part series in November of 2009. Dr. Kelley had profound respect for Budwig and wrote of her in Victory Over Cancer. We have chosen to go back to Mr. Fassa’s work and publish his complete series at this time in the offering below. ~ J.B.

garden-harvest-summer.jpgFlaxseed oil and cottage cheese for curing cancer? Many have been skeptical of this dietary approach, known as the Budwig Diet. Even Dr. Andrew Weil was quoted as calling it “wishful thinking”. Yet over a 50 year period, Johanna Budwig had a 90% plus cancer cure rate in Germany with 4500 patients. Some cancer victims that she cured with her protocol were considered terminal.

Superficially, the Budwig Diet seems more like a South Beach type of diet for losing weight. But there are strict guidelines within the Budwig diet that can make the difference between surviving cancer with renewed health or dying from the cancer. There are other dietary requirements that are part of her protocol. Lots of sunshine and stress management are also part of Johanna Budwig`s approach to healing the whole person.

How Johanna Budwig Derived Her Cancer Cure Diet
As a biochemist and physicist in the early 1950`s, Johanna was a senior scientist in the German Federal Health Office, comparable to the American FDA but perhaps with less corruption. Her task was to help determine what might be appropriate for cancer curing medication from German pharmaceutical companies.

A pharmaceutical company forwarded applications to her for a sulfhydryl group, which are proteins (amino acids) that contain sulfur. That company was considering applying the sulfhydryl group toward cancer medication. The data obtained from that company enabled Budwig to get an overview of the problems involved with oxygenating cancer cells through dietary means. Cancer cells cannot thrive in oxygen.

It was known in medical science circles that sulfur from the sulfhydryl groups was present in all healthy tissues requiring oxygen that were healthy. And it was also known that somehow fats or fatty acids were involved in either enhancing or inhibiting that process of extracting oxygen from those sulfuric proteins and into cancer cells.

Otto Warburg

Otto Warburg

This was an area that the 1931 Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg had hoped to resolve. He was the one who discovered that cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic environment, but could not survive in an oxygen rich environment. He was looking for a respiratory enzyme that would help oxygenate cancer cells.

Warburg was aware that fats had something to do with inhibiting or enhancing cellular oxygen absorption, but during his time fats were not classified with their biochemical structures and functions. It was around 1951 that Johanna Budwig discovered methods for determining the different properties of fatty acids.

As a result, she was funded to continue her research categorizing the different properties of fatty acids. Johanna examined the molecular properties of many fats, determining if they were saturated or unsaturated, if they were isolating linoleic acid or linolenic acid and if they inhibited or enhanced cellular oxygen absorption.

In 1952, Dr. Budwig submitted a paper on the results of her research: “It is basically proven that highly unsaturated fatty acids are the heretofore undiscovered decisive factor in respiratory enzyme function, i.e. constitute the second part of the `equation` that Nobelist Otto Warburg had been unable to find. What sounds insignificant to the layman`s ears, is arguably one of the greatest breakthroughs in medicinal science: from that moment onward we have known that the highly unsaturated fatty acid is the decisive factor achieving the desired effect of cellular respiratory stimulation”.

Johanna Budwig determined that organic cold pressed flaxseed oil was the most suitable fat to combine with an easy to eat protein-sulfur of quark/cottage cheese for the elusive respiratory enzyme. These two disparate foods were able to combine and create the oxygen within cancer cells for restoring normalcy.

The Budwig Diet was arrived at from extensive research, which was not even possible until her discoveries of how to determine the properties of fatty acids. Cottage cheese/quark with pure cold pressed flax oil for curing cancer is not merely a culinary quirk.

Johanna Budwig
johanna-budwig_300dpiShe was born in 1908 and died in 2003 at the age of 95 from complications due to injuries after a fall in her home. As a result of her research from the 1950`s and on, she was nominated for the Alternative Nobel Prize, Europe`s one-up counterpart to the Swedish Nobel Prize, seven times.

Naturally, her successful treatment of many cancer patients, some of whom were terminal, led to professional envy in Germany. She was harassed through the German court system a couple of times, and both times the courts favored her! She proceeded to expand her knowledge and legitimacy by getting a doctorate in Natural Sciences to become a PhD Naturopath.

This broadened her understanding of how connected all living things are with bio-electrical energy and sunlight. She talks of how seeds that absorb the sun`s energy, such as flax seeds, connect with the human organism`s innate intelligence to convert bio-electric energy for its organic needs – thus the sunshine aspect of her therapy to connect with the flax oil consumption.

However, she considered herself blacklisted because she overtly and publicly opposed chemotherapy and radiation on cancer patients. She also didn`t make friends with cooking and salad oil manufacturers when she started exposing the terrible health consequences of using heated, chemically treated processed or hydrogenated oils that were being foisted on the public from the 1950`s on.

~ Part II ~

After Johanna Budwig’s groundbreaking research, she put the Budwig Diet to the test on 4500 cancer victims over 50 years in Germany. She had a 90% or more success rate, even with terminally ill patients. However, getting her diet out to the world was not as successful. Now that Johanna has passed on in 2003, she is not available to monitor her cancer curing protocol.

Of course, the medical establishment has made sure hardly anyone would use the Budwig Diet. Only word of mouth, and now the Internet could spread news of the Budwig diet enough for a few to take advantage of it. But there are times when Budwig’s cancer cure diet is not used properly, leading to failure of curing cancer. So it is important to get the right information from good sources.

Some Good Sources
Johanna Budwig was approached by medical doctors and authorities from different areas of the world to obtain the rights for her Budwig Diet. The terms were never satisfactory. She perceived that others would exploit her regimen for big profits while she wanted her cure to be available to everyone. This is typical with virtually all medical establishment offers for inexpensive cancer cures.

Then there was Johanna’s concern over the protocol’s integrity. It is always legally possible to obtain exclusive rights to procedures; cut out the originating source and then shelve it so no one can use it. Or pervert the therapy so that it doesn’t cure, thus rendering it easily discreditable. But in the year 2000, Johanna was visited at her home by a small group of English speaking doctors creating a Cancer Cure Center in Spain.

After negotiating an agreement with her that was satisfactory on her terms, they were granted permission to officially use her protocol. Johanna Budwig’s terms were to make it affordable and available to all who needed and wanted it, and to ensure the Budwig Diet’s integrity. These conditions are very similar to the conditions proposed by other humane healers with valid alternative cancer cures. In memory of her great work, the center in Spain was renamed The Budwig Center.

Although the Budwig Center does incorporate other alternative therapies that do not interfere with the Budwig protocol, including Rife Technology and Essiac Tea, the Center is very strict with the Budwig Diet guidelines. They even point out that many who say they are doing the Budwig Diet cure for cancer are misguided or only partially informed. But there is very little, if any, margin of error with this diet.

For example, a family website, Flax Oil and Cancer established by Clifford Beckwith, explains how he cured himself of fourth stage prostate cancer using the Budwig Diet. And Clifford tells the tale of how a friend was getting positive results from the Budwig Diet for his cancer, but then he got lazy and careless. Instead of using the proper flaxseed oil, he switched to flaxseed capsules. Months later, he died from his cancer. Johanna Budwig did not approve of oils or even most vitamins and minerals in pills!

Also in keeping with their pledge to Johanna Budwig, The Budwig Center has several different fee options to include different budgetary allowances. They had a recent case of a woman who had brain cancer. When the cancer was discovered, her husband abandoned her with 5 kids! Somehow she found out about the clinic in Spain. The Budwig Center provided her with the herbs needed and guided her through the dietary protocol with no charge! She has recently completely recovered from her brain cancer with the Budwig Diet!


A Few Budwig Diet Basics
The following is an excerpt from a Budwig Center document explaining the Budwig Diet therapy for cancer:

“NO hydrogenated oils, NO trans-fats, NO olive oil (sunflower seed oil is the best choice), No animal fats, NO meats, NO chicken, NO fish, NO eggs, NO butter, NO ice cream, NO cane sugar, sugar, molasses, maple syrup, preservatives, NO processed foods (NO pastries), NO Soy milk or Soy products (unless fermented) pesticides and chemicals, even those in household products & cosmetics. NO microwave, NO Teflon or aluminum cooking ware or foil. Drink chemical-free water. Avoid leftovers – food should be prepared fresh and eaten soon after preparation to maximize intake of health-giving electrons & enzymes. Please do not add to the Budwig program any Oxygen therapies or Laetrile (Vitamin B17 injections) or Vitamin C infusions or any supplements NOT approved by the Budwig protocol.” [End of excerpt from Budwig Center]

Editor’s NOTE: With the study of metabolics and the development of his ‘Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types,’ Dr. William D. Kelley encompassed the teachings of of Beard, Warburg, Budwig and Gerson – in addition to his own discoveries – hence the accolade from the prestigious Price-Pottinger institute claiming Kelley’s work to be “The greatest advancement in the field in 150 years.” However – even today  – Kelley would acknowledge – that there is always room for improvement as new discoveries of merit and import are made. Kelley’s variation on the Budwig diet are worth your consideration. ~ J,B.

Using a slow speed masticating juicer for juicing organic fresh vegetables is a good way to obtain minerals and enzymes for rebuilding your health with or without cancer. Coffee enemas are useful also. These procedures are taken from the Gerson Therapy for Cancer and can be safely used in conjunction with the Budwig Diet to enhance renewed health.


Written by Paul Fassa for Natural News as a two-part series in November of 2009.

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