Parsley Tea and It’s Benefits

Parsley Tea a common herbal remedy

parsleylDo you know the benefits of parsley tea? This was used as one of the common herbal tea remedies in the past. Do you have it growing in your herb garden?

Parsley tea has been used for its therapeutic properties for centuries. The parsley plant, also known as Petroselinum crispus, is the most easily identified of all herbs. It name is from the Greek word meaning “rock celery” (it is a relative of celery).

It can be found in the produce departments around the world. This is probably the most familiar garnish used when plating food. There are two common varieties of parsley, curly and flat leaf (Italian) parsley. The Italian variety is more fragrant and has less bitter taste than the curly variety.

Growing Parsley
Parsley is a bright green biennial herb that develops clusters of yellow flowers from June through August. Parsley has a long taproot, so it needs area that is deep for planting. It requires a location that gets at least six hours of sun and needs mulched and regular deep watering. It does not recover well if left to wilt, so it is important to keep it watered.

Growing parsley is a good choice for a potted indoor herb garden. Give it bright morning light, and keep it away from cold drafts in winter. Because it has a long taproot, it will need a deep pot. Parsley loves consistency when it comes to watering. Using a wicking system will assure that it receives an even supply of water.

The health benefits of parsley tea are:
Parsley is one of the most important herbs for providing vitamins and minerals to the body. It is truly nature‚s immune-enhancing vitamin and mineral complex in plant form.

Parsley has been found to contain two types of unusual compounds that provide some very unique health benefits. The first component found is a volatile oil that includes myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. The second components found are flavonoids-including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin.

The oil in parsley-particularly myristicin-has been shown in animal studies to inhibit tumor formation. It particularly has been shown to inhibit tumor formation in the lungs.

The oils in parsley qualify it as a “chemo protective” food. This means that it can help neutralize particular types of carcinogens, such as cigarette smoke.

Luteolin, one of the flavanoids found in parsley has been shown to function as powerful antioxidants that help prevent oxygen-based damage to cells. In addition, the components in parsley have been shown in animal studies to help increase the antioxidant capacity of the blood.

Parsley is also rich in the source of two vital nutrients that are also important for the prevention of many diseases: vitamin C and vitamin A. These are both powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for the development of many medical conditions, including atherosclerosis, diabetes and colon and cervical cancer and asthma.

Eating a diet rich on Vitamin C acts as an anti inflammatory and provides individuals with protection against a form rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Like vitamin C, beta-carotene may also be helpful in decreasing the severity of medical conditions such asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Beta-carotene is converted by the body to vitamin A. This vitamin is so important to a strong immune system that its nickname is the “anti-infection vitamin.” Make parsley tea to soothe a cough.

parsley_2Parsley is also rich in folic acid, one of the most important of the B vitamins. Folic acidŒs most critical role in the body relates to the benefits it bring to cardiovascular health. It is necessary nutrient the body utilizes to convert homocysteine into benign molecules. Homocysteine, a potentially dangerous molecule, at high levels, can directly damage blood vessels. High levels of homocysteine are associated with a significantly increased risk of heart attack and stroke in individuals diagnosed with atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease.

It is also rich in potassium and has a diuretic effect on the body. It was successfully used in World War II to treat soldiers with kidney conditions and dysentery.

Drinking parsley tea is an especially good habit for those individuals who either have been diagnosed or wish to be proactive and prevent these diseases. Folic acid is also an important nutrient that assures proper cell division. It is important for cancer-prevention in two areas of the body that contain rapidly dividing cells. These areas are the colon for both sexes, and the cervical area in women.

Drinking parsley tea has been used for centuries to regulate helping in regular process of monthly periods and used for women after delivery to promote uterine contractions after delivery. This has been found to be due to the presence of apiol in parsley. Apiol is a component of the female sex hormone estrogen. Ingestion of parsley should be avoided by pregnant women.

Parsley has been found to be effective for all kidney and urinary conditions except severe kidney inflammation. Drinking parsley tea helps to prevent salt from being reabsorbed into the body tissues. In other words, parsley literally forces debris out of the kidneys, liver and bladder. It helps improve edema and general water retention, fatigue and scanty or painful urination. Germany‚s version of the FDA has recently been approved parsley as a treatment of kidney stones and bladder infections.

So, next time parsley you are in your garden, take time to remember to partake of its abilities to improve your health by making a pot of tea. As an extra added bonus, you’ll also enjoy parsley’s legendary ability to freshen your breath as well.

Making Parsley Tea
Place approximately 1/4 cup of fresh parsley in an infusion basket. Put the basket into a cup or tea pot and pour 1 cup of filtered boiling water over it. Allow to steep for 5 to 7 minutes. Remove the basket to remove the parsley. You may want to sweeten with honey and a fresh bit of lemon juice to enhance the flavor. Enjoy!

~ Other useful herbal teas ~


Published at Your Cup of Tea.

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