The Cause to Never Mix Natural Substances with Government – Part III

“The medical establishment works closely with the drug multinationals whose main objective is profits, and whose worst nightmare would be an epidemic of good health. Lots of drugs MUST be sold. In order to achieve this, anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks. Doctors are the principal salespeople of the drug companies. They are rewarded with research grants, gifts, and lavish perks. The principal buyers are the public – from infants to the elderly – who MUST be thoroughly medicated and vaccinated…at any cost!” – Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, M.D., author of The Medical Mafia How To Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth.

~ Part A – Reflections ~
Can this be – that the worst nightmare for the medical establishment would be an epidemic of good health? Does this not mean that the medical establishment promotes and propagates bad health? If so, how can this be?

After all, do we not have a Congress and all officials that protect our individual rights? Isn’t it the goal of “…a President of the United States of America” (Constitution’s proper title) to assure no agency or Congress or any other body politic allows intentional dangerous substances used on our people?

Do we not, for example, have organizations led by the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) that assures all substances taken in by our people are safe?

Is it not the alleged purpose of the Drug Enforcement Agency (D.E.A.) to assure damaging drugs do not stay available for use by the public? Is it not part of its duty to assure no organization makes these dangerous drugs available for use by the public?

Or, are these stated goals purely a myth with true intent disguised?

If so, how can the medical establishment possibly promote substances that do not promote good health but instead promote bad health?

Is it possible that we people face a cartel of organizations that do not promote good health? Is it possible a cartel works to assure substances that could make us healthy are removed from use by the public?

Does the cartel, if such a thing exists, depend on the faith that people have in medical doctors to promote the very things that cause and perpetuate poor health rather than the converse?

Are doctors just as dummied down as most people? Do they not act as if they believe the falsehoods told by the prescription drug industry? Do they not support those that stand to gain by our people becoming sicker and sicker, with chronic conditions prevailing instead of excellent health?

Should we be calling the F.D.A. the Fraud and Deceit Agency; the purveyor of poisons rather than the protector of cures of medical conditions and proper food (nutrition)?

Should we not think of the D.E.A. as a criminal agency since it supports the use of damaging drugs upon the people, while enforcing against the most beneficial naturally occurring substances? Or, is it just the opposite?

Does it – and the F.D.A. – also not work diligently to keep natural drugs (actually foodstuffs) from the people that we have every right to use at our choice?

If so, is it just so they can keep their cushy government jobs? Is it in part so that they can satisfy their psychopathic tendencies? Do they not use violence and other coercive measures to force compliance to changing rules? Are these measures not psychotic and genocidal?

In that light, would it not be more appropriate to think of the D.E.A. as a Domestic Enemy of America’s way of life – the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)?

Is it actually unreasonable and against the facts to believe that there is a cartel (interest group)? How about if we include those that work together to deny people natural foods and medications? Does this group not include drug companies and agricultural based firms, such as Monsanto? How about corporate farming and food processing during which they add in F.D.A. approved toxins?

Is it possible that medical schools and hospital staffs do not figure into the mix? How about other members of government, from state and local, that make and enforce de facto rules coerced upon us that regulate synthetic drugs (poorly) and natural foods (unconstitutionally)?

Is it true that all of these and others are involved in creating and increasing chronic and often death-causing illnesses to epidemic proportions? Do they all not aid in increasing other less life-threatening conditions in our people?

Are a huge number of our people drugged from birth on, beginning with vaccinations that usually cause more harm than good? Or, is the opposite the truth?

Does it not seem as if the goal is to drug all our people? Kind of, “Hey, don’t fix the problem. Got an ache? Take a pill. Child misbehaving? Give him some psychotropic pharmaceutical drug. Can’t sleep? Take a pill. Can’t wake up? Take a pill. Depressed? Take a pill. Over active? Control it chemically with a pill or two.” And, so on and on it goes.

Then, the D.E.A. enforces the cartel’s unconstitutional (within the many states) desires and orders. This includes acting against the healthy foodstuffs we may use. Often, as well depicted in mainstream media, F.D.A./D.E.A. attacks against the people involve state and local enforcers.

The above, including Parts I and II add up to this amazing fact. Our population is about 4.6 to 5.0 percent of the world’s human population. Yet, our people are responsible for over 50 percent of pharma’s bill for prescription drugs. See Leon Mosher, M.D. in “Prescription for Disaster…” cited within. And, this doesn’t count the over-the-counter drugs that people buy and use like candy.

So, just what the heck is going on? Why are Americans the most drugged people on this good Earth?

~ Section B – Pharma’s Control over the F.D.A. ~

Please note this addendum. The quotes contained below came from the documentary by Gary Null unless stated otherwise. The effort cited within is Gary Null’s and those professionals speaking or writing of their findings and concerns.

No doubt, there are those that might start thinking “conspiracy theorist”, so let us examine a few facts. After all, if there is a verifiable fact, then a conspiracy theory becomes a conspiracy. As we all should know, the best lies include some truth. So, if a truth exists that exposes the lies, then doubt of a conspiracy cannot withstand.

Dr. David J. Graham, MD, MPH, was serving as the Associate Director for Science, F.D.A. Office of Drug Safety. He reported that the drug industry thought that every day of approval delay costs the industry from a million to two million dollars. Thus, it is to the industry’s benefit to get drugs approved as rapidly as possible.

The educational machine teaches we people that the F.D.A. exists to protect us against poor (dangerous) foodstuffs and dangerous drugs. Our protection, after all, is the stated goal of all American governing entities (See the “unanimous Declaration of Independence…”).

As the prime regulatory agency, it is the F.D.A.’s job to determine if the research is valid, and whether or not the drugs produce the desired positive effects while minimizing negative effects. Do the benefits outweigh the risks, one might ask.

The F.D.A. has about an annual $400 million dollar operating budge. The public funding of its operation should assure that it does operate only in the best interests of the people. After all, there is no other reason to use public funds, and this cuts out obvious influence and conflicts of interests.

Enter the drug companies and its most important goal – to make money hand over fist. Allegedly, the companies examine the drugs thoroughly, including do they work and if they have any bad side effects, both short and long term.

You see, no matter what, drug companies do not produce natural substances, as the companies cannot patent natural substances. They are, therefore, foreign to the human body, which makes the potential of harmful side effects very real.

The problem for pharma was how to get around full research that might take years before the F.D.A. approved a drug. Drug companies hired lobbyists. The lobbyists spend billions in pushing for rapid approval for new drugs. In other words, the goal was to buy (bribe) our “illustrious” members of Congress and F.D.A. officials.

The lobbyists were (and are) did their jobs so well that in 1992 Congress made an agreement with the drug industry. Our “caring” members of Congress created the “Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA).

As reported by William Faloon, founder of the Life Extension Foundation – “In recent years, nearly half of the Center’s (F.D.A.’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research) 400 million budget has been paid for by drug companies

What this amounts to is the drug companies pay the F.D.A. nearly half of its budget, or close to 200 million per year. If this is true, there can be only one reason. Drug companies “buy” rapid approval rather than assuring the drug works safely.

Certainly, neither companies nor the F.D.A. determine long-term effects, as many drugs have side effects that take years to show up. I believe Dr. Graham stated the F.D.A. approved some new drugs within three to four months.

In other words, it appears as if the F.D.A. works closely with the drug companies to get drugs approved. This is the theme one hears in documentaries or reads over and over in writings by investigative journalists and other researchers.

Let us examine this hypothesis (theory).

Add the fact that the largest contributions (bribes) to members of Congress come from regulated industries, including the drug industry. This amounts to billions through the years from just the drug companies.

The Denver Post, May 23, 2004, had an article by Anne C. Mulkern, titled “When Advocates Become Regulators”. In it, she stated that, “Bush [the 2nd] installed more than 100 officials who were once lobbyists, attorneys or spokespeople for the industries they oversee.” Does this “buddy” system exist?

Please do not get the idea that this is to bash Bush, one of the poorest presidents ever. The fact is that control of government officials and medicine/drugs/food is the fault of every official since the 1930’s. And, I might add, of the American public manipulated (brainwashed) by behind the scenes controllers.

The extreme control became most apparent with D. Rumsfeld (former U.S. Secretary of Defense) getting a puppet in as the head of the F.D.A. in order to get the neurotoxin and deadly poison, Aspartame, approved. Just search for Aspartame or Rumsfeld’s Disease for the complete story of Aspartame and Rumsfeld, former C.E.O. of G.D. Searle, Co. (the patent owner of Aspartame).

Many sources state that the F.D.A. and pharmaceuticals have a “revolving door” policy. Basically, the policy is, “you help me and I’ll help you.”

For example of the “revolving door policy”, an attorney named Dan Troy was for a time the general counsel at the F.D.A. Prior to this, his law firm was an activist for the pharmaceutical, tobacco, and other elements of our economy regulated by the F.D.A.. While in the F.D.A., he was an advocate for pharmaceutical (and other regulated entities) companies.

When he left the F.D.A., he went right back to serving as an advocate for the regulated industries and most probably gained financially, as reported by Maurice Hinchey, U.S. Congressman (D – New York).

There are many sources for information on this topic. One that I relied on and noted above is a documentary by Gary Null, “Prescription for Disaster – Drug Profiteering and Deceptions”.

Here is the question to answer. Was the Mulkern article correct? Let us consider that James T. Reilly, University of Cincinnati volunteer law professor and long-time attorney with the F.D.A. had this to say: “The FDA is now in the business of helping lawsuit defendants, specifically the pharmaceutical companies.”

Then there is Dr. Graham that testified before Congress (2004) that Vioxx killed over a 100,000 people while injuring thousands more. He stated that the F.D.A. is incapable of protecting the people, that, “We [meaning the people] are virtually defenseless.”

Ray Moynihan, Australian freelance investigative reporter and author, with an associate, Alan Cassels, wrote, Selling sickness: How the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies are turning us all into patients. Nation Books, New York, 2005.

Mr. Moynihan is also one of the visiting editors of the British Medical Journal (BMJ). One of the articles he wrote for the British Medical Journal led to the cover of the BMJ 2003;327:E160 issue having the lead question of, “Who Owns the FDA? The drug companies or the people?”

In an interview shown in the source documentary by Gary Null listed above, Mr. Moynihan stated that for a most senior medical journal to bring up the question shows that there is “…a massive crisis of legitimacy in the F.D.A.”

Dr. Graham and many others agree, as do any honest researchers for reasons that I hope are clear by the end of this series.

In the September 1991 F.D.A. Hearing on Prozac, an extremely dangerous anti-depressant that is still on the market, witnesses revealed that many young people died. One witness stated 65, with some committing suicide in a matter of days.

Go to, here, to read the warning about all anti-depressants, not just Prozac. And, wonder just how many people have died since 1991 or been seriously damaged. Additionally, one must wonder why professionals do not help patients by seeking the cause of their depression, rather than advising chemicals that mask the symptoms.

It also came out during the hearing that the F.D.A. had verifiably suppressed information about drugs; that it fought against the truth by discrediting whistle blowers; or attacked experts by attempting to discredit them. Dr. Graham was one of the expert witnesses that the F.D.A. attacked in this manner.

Tom DeVine, Legal Director of the Government Accountability Project, stated that suppressing information is a severe threat to public health and safety.

Reasonable people must agree, considering the deaths of hundreds of thousands of patients were/are attributed directly to pharmaceutical’s chemical treatment of symptoms.

How bad is it?

Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D. has stated that 8,000,000 people in the last ten years have died from orthodox medical and medicines. Causes for the conditions were not treated, only symptoms.

Dr. Sidney Wolfe added that adverse drug reactions resulted in 100,000 deaths per year, and that an additional 1.5 million required hospitalization.

I might add this is largely due to adverse side effects.

For examples of the dozens of side effects caused by approved drugs, rather than “tuning out” or paying attention only to the alleged benefits expressed by smiling, happy people in ads, listen carefully to the side effects of drugs advertised on television. (There is more on advertising below.)

Shane Ellison, Ms.C, Pharmaceutical Chemist, stated that drug approval is not based on science, that it is based on financial conflicts, in that six out of ten scientists have financial conflicts of interest so they advocate the approval of a drug. In other words, not only is the F.D.A. controlled through financial interests, so are the pharmaceutical chemists. (A clear cut example of this will be discussed in a later in either Part IV or Part V.)

What happened to prevention and curing of conditions? Treating symptoms just covers up the problem and ignoring the cause of the condition is in my mind criminal, as it prolongs and allows for hugely damaging side effects to further damage the person. Part IV of this series answers this question, along with the associated criminality.

~ Part C – The Effect of Advertisements, Especially Television ~
One might state with a great deal of accuracy that television is the greatest, most effective, and most used tool to manipulate the thinking of the American people by those in control. Even public education pales in comparison, although public education could well set up the manipulative power of television.

The reason I stress television is because well over half the American people cannot read past the 4th grade level. This figure is estimated from fact that the U.S. Department of education computed a 40 percent functionally illiteracy of graduating seniors in 1975. By 1995, functional illiteracy had increased to 50 percent. If the same rate of increase occurred since 1995, then the level of functional illiteracy is most likely over 60 percent.

With the fact that the majority of the American people are not likely to do much reading for lack of skill and/or inclination, nearly all watch television to some degree. They are subject not only to direct ads and reports containing falsehoods and misleading information but also to subliminal messages.

With parents and then teachers, our youth learn to respond to those perceived as authority. If parents, at least in the early years of their children, say so, then the children perceive it as so.

If a teacher says it is so, then the kids believe it is so, as they are often in contact with teachers more than their own parents. They learn at a very early age to “not talk back to teachers”. After all, teachers are “educated” and know everything.

Soon this bleeds off on any perceived authority, such as newscasters, government spokespeople, attorneys, judges, cops and other enforcers of laws. Coercive measures seen in television shows (including the news) convey the idea that such measures are okay. Even the use of many forms of brutality, including deadly force, are deemed okay, as long as government okays it.

Put a white coat on an actor and suddenly the actor becomes some sort of medical professional.

Put a smile on an actor’s face that prances all over the screen or speaks with authority and whatever the product or action is, the viewer believes it is so and relates the actions to the product.

Show a sexy, barely dressed woman or an actor appearing as a “sexy” man and the product is related to being sexy or acquiring such a sexy man or woman – or both in these days of immorality. As we all know, sex related to products, including various drugs, is in constant use.

Show a person taking some drug with his alleged symptoms controlled and the viewer believes the drug will cure their ills, never thinking that the person is an actor paid to say his lines and nothing more.

If politicians and other spokespeople tell an absolutely outrageous lie about an event, the viewer believes that statements are the truth. Examples are the utter BS put out about 9-11, Panama, our attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, and dozens upon dozens of black ops. The same holds true for domestic enforcers (cops, e.g.) that kill and torture with impunity and the gigantic lie, “just doing my job”.

For many of our “non-thinking for themselves” people, it does not matter how much evidence states otherwise. For these people, the lie is the truth, while the truth is the lie.

The drug industry knows all this and volumes more about how to manipulate people’s minds. And, of course, the two leading parties (actually the same party) and their “yes men” to the controllers, know this.

Thus, couple government entities and special entertainers (actors, sports figures, etc.) with, for example, drug companies in ads and the fix is in. Non-thinking people do not stand a snowball’s chance in hell of avoiding manipulation.

From the documentary video, “Prescription for Disaster…” referenced above, I learned that only two countries permit advertisements for drugs on television. I thought right away, the U.S. and Israel, but not so. It is the U.S. but the other country is New Zealand.

I also learned, as documented by Gene Haislip, former D.E.A. official, that in the 1971 “Convention of Psychotropic Substances”, that there is an, “…agreement by the United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Protocol on Psychotropic Substances…”

The representatives of the member countries agreed that there would be NO advertising directly to consumers.

Mr. Haislip further stated that ads are to sell to make money and for no other reason. If one doubts the intent is making money, check out the markup on pharmaceuticals.

Thus, it appears that the goal is NOT to create healthy people, as the apparent intent of the ads has nothing to do with this. In fact, medical schools do NOT train doctors in nutrition, as drug companies control the information taught through donations. This is comparable to their control of Congress and the F.D.A. Money talks to officials. They listen, as they receive their orders (effectively), and then behave as the drug companies want.

Not only do ads, whether on television or magazine or whatever, influence our people, they also influence doctors. Doctors learn about drugs not so much from professional medically trained people but from drug company trained sales people. They then sell the doctors based on what the drug companies teach them.

People learn what they think they know as the gospel truth from ads, and often relate their physical state – or what they think is their physical state – to whatever symptoms the actor or text in the ad state. They then go to the doctor and say they want some pill, such as Nexium – the little purple pill for heartburn.

The doctor then describes it because, of course, the patient tells him he has the same symptoms as the person in the ad.

Of course, many may state this is BS. If so, then go to the “Journal of the American Medical Association” (J.A.M.A.), Vol. 293 No. 16, April 27, 2005. Read the article, “Influence of Patient’s Requests for Direct-to-Consumer Advertised Anti-Depressants”. The conclusion:

“Patients’ requests have a profound effect on physician prescribing in major depression and adjustment disorders. Direct-to-consumer advertising may have competing effects on quality, potentially both averting underuse [of drugs] and promoting overuse.” (My emphasis and italics)

I suggest that everyone download and watch “Prescription for Disaster…” referenced above. There is much information in it that one should become familiar with and pass on to family and friends.

I also reiterate watching G. Edward Griffin’s documentary type video, G. Edward Griffin’s, “The Science and Politics of Cancer”.

Quite apparent is that fact that drug companies never stress curing the condition but do stress treating the symptoms. These are two vastly different goals.

How different?

Contrast drugs and adverse side effects to treating conditions with natural substances and processes that stress curing with NO side effects.

Mr. Null stated in his documentary that Xanac had a 569,000 percent markup.

Contrast this with the fact that many natural substances that cure are free. Others are already included in the cost of food. And, still others we should exercise our right to freely grow and use without government thugs interfering.

And, that leads us to Part IV about natural substances, etc. that prevent and cure illnesses. They are the combatants against legislators, the F.D.A., and synthetic drugs bring on many – maybe even most – illnesses.

Submitted to Kettle Moraine Publications by the author.

~ The Author ~
lewis_thumbEd Lewis has been widely published on the Internet for several years prior to the last two, when he took a sort of sabbatical to somewhat helplessly watch America being manipulated onto the road to ruin. He holds BS degrees in Biology and Psychology, National Honor Society in both fields, and MS coursework and research in Psychology completed.

Lewis is a 64-year old Vietnam Era veteran that believes every official should be held accountable for treason and other crimes when Law, statutes, and their Oaths of Office are violated.

He believes that every American has the duty to stand against any government or chartered quasi-government that violates the rights of the people, and that no man, or group of men, especially foreign lobbyists and dual citizen people, have the authority and/or the right to interfere in our land and tell us what we might think, say, write, and do. Fear to do so will ultimately destroy America.

Contact Mr. Lewis at