Regush: Vaccine Recklessness

On The Behavior Of Medicine’s Vaccine Pushers Who Think Opinion Replaces Science And The Useless Research That Results In Damage To Children.

The other day, a scientist, funded to look into vaccine safety by the European Commission, warned that studies on vaccine safety were often a bust. Dr. Thomas Jefferson, who is head of the vaccine division of the Cochrane Collaboration – a scientific group that investigates treatment issues – was unimpressed by the quality of vaccine safety research, particular its ability to provide much-needed information on risks and benefits.

This is not surprising for anyone who has bothered to examine what today constitutes a safety study of a vaccine. It is often no more than a brief examination of immediate side-effects. Don’t even think about research over the long-term. It is scarce.

Furthermore, there is something very curious going on that deserves far more public attention than it’s receiving. Time after time, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in focusing attention on a particular vaccine or vaccine issue – for example, anthrax, hepatitis B, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), mercury content of vaccines – issues a report that essentially says: we don’t have enough evidence to conclude one way or another about safety. What this means, of course, is that few studies have been done to satisfy the IOM’s standards. Not only should this be revealing as to the current state of vaccine research, but it should be seen as remarkable evidence that millions of children are getting shots – many of them mandated – without the benefit of appropriate scientific research.

The vaccine “pushers,” as I like to call them – and why not since they cannot possibly base their zeal for vaccination on scientific grounds, particularly when it comes to safety – have come to think in their addicted fashion that their opinions about vaccination needs somehow come from a higher plane. Yes, they do – from the Planet Hallucination, somewhere “out there.”

It’s bad enough that the IOM has to keep repeating itself about the lack of proper research and that more research needs to be done, but there is very little reaction from either government or the medical community to support such an effort. And forget about the vaccine makers and their medical drones who always seem to find a way to spin their useless opinions. How can anyone any longer trust them to say anything of value about vaccines?

One of the Big Lies in Vaccine Land goes something like this: There is no evidence to show that the vaccine is not safe.

There is no evidence because there isn’t often any kind of worthwhile evidence. Period.

Now and then, a study gets done. The latest one that will make news this week is about the MMR vaccine. It will be common for the scientists to announce that there is now strong evidence that the vaccine does not cause autism. On the basis of this one study?

Dream on citizens of Planet Hallucination.

Written by Nicholas Regush – Editor of Redflagsweekly, and published on, November 7, 2002. Embedded links (if any) may no longer be active. (Ed. 12.31.10)

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