Pravda Tells Truth About Breast Cancer/Abortion Link

If American women want to know the truth about the well-established link between breast cancer and abortion they’ll have to read Russia’s Pravda because America’s pro-abortion media won’t tell them what they need to hear about link between the deadly disease and the killing of the unborn.

And amazingly the one-time Soviet-controlled propaganda sheet took pains to castigate the U.S. media for their propaganda campaign to cover up the real truth on this subject so vital to the health of America’s women.

According to Chicago’s feisty RFM News, the former communist mouthpiece called the American mainstream media establishment “liberal” and “asserted that “dozens of studies” associating abortion with breast cancer are not being discussed in the American public forum.

Pravda noted that this occurs because the women’s health issue is a “taboo subject” as a result of “intense pressure from the billion-dollar abortion industry.”

RFM said that the Pravda article warned Russian women, “Thousands of women could die because of the failure of the medical establishment and government to warn women of the link between abortion and breast cancer.”

Citing a Dec. 4, 2001 article in the British publication The Age, Pravda said, “British researchers from Populations and Pensions Research Institution, an independent group of statisticians, reported that women who procure abortions double their risks of breast cancer.”

Pravda reported on a controversy that has erupted between U.S. Rep. John Hostettler, R-Ind., and a handful of Hoosier activists associated with the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) revealed in a report, “American Congressman Scolded for Citing Abortion-Breast Cancer Link.” reported that 11 NBCC activists lobbied Hostettler in May 2002, in order to raise more taxpayer money to support breast cancer research. The congressman, who is up for re-election in November, was publicly chastised by six members of the NBCC three months later and called Hostettler an “embarrassment” to his district in a letter to an Indiana newspaper, the Evansville Courier and Press, because he discussed abortion-breast cancer research.

In a letter to Courier and Press, California physician Frank Joseph wrote, “I was appalled that U.S. Rep. John N. Hostettler, (R-IN) was given such a hard time for trying to expose America’s best kept secret – and from women who were fighting breast cancer, no less.

“He should have been given a medal.” Joseph lamented that American journalists “will not report on 28 scientific studies done world-wide, which found that abortions increase the risk of breast cancer, but they did inform the public that cell phones might increase the risk of brain cancer. This, after only six studies, in which the pros and cons were equal.”

America’s P.C.-Controlled Media
Joseph expressed wonderment that Pravda ran a column about the research. On the topic of Pravda and the former Soviet Union, Joseph said “for years, the USSR did not have a free press. One has to wonder which country now has the freest press.”

Joseph added: “They are no longer controlled by politics. Unlike the American press, they are not afraid to print the truth. What a turnaround! It is now the American media that is politically controlled.”

Written by Phil Brennan for, and published on, August 29, 2002. Embedded links may no longer be active (Ed. 12.27.10)

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