Strong New Evidence Links MMR Vaccine To Autism

Scientists have uncovered the strongest evidence yet that the three-in-one Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine plays a clear role in the development of autism.

Spread the word. If they don’t kill the children in the womb, they’ll maim them with forced [mandatory] vaccinations before being allowed to attend a mandatory government propaganda indoctrination center posing as a public school. And, of course, the one’s maimed will then require ‘special education’ classes. And the whole insidious program of population control is paid for by our property taxes. Oh, lets not forget fluoridated water that lowers their IQ along with Aspartame in the diet sodas and 5,000 foods that break down to formaldehyde, formic acid and methyl [wood] alcohol, which causes seizures. And the ‘beat goes on’ and on and on. Will America wake up?

The Soviets and the Nazis used fluoridated water in their prisons decades ago when they learned it kept the prisoners docile and manageable. Has the Rockefeller/Int’l. Banker controlled ‘shadow government’ had anything to do with the ‘deliberate dumbing down’ of Americans? Incontrovertible documented facts show ‘they’ have had everything to do with it. Will America wake up in time to take action? – David Layton; Wilson, sui juris

Scientists have uncovered the strongest evidence yet that the three-in-one Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine plays a clear role in the development of autism.

Earlier this year British expert Dr Andrew Wakefield and molecular pathologist Professor John O’Leary established a possible link between the measles virus, autism and a related bowel disorder. They found fragments of the measles virus from the MMR jab in the guts of autistic children who also suffer a rare form of bowel disease.

Now scientists at Utah State University have reported finding a strong association between the MMR vaccine and an autoimmune reaction which is thought to play a role in autism.

The team led by Dr Vijendra Singh analyzed blood samples from 125 autistic children and 92 children who did not have autism. Dr Singh, is an acknowledged expert with more than 20 years experience of immunology research.

In 75 of the 92 autistic children they found antibodies showing there had been an abnormal reaction to the measles component of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. Nine out of ten of those children were also positive for antibodies thought to be involved in autism.

These are incredible statistics. The antibodies attack the brain by targeting the basic building blocks of myelin, the insulating sheath that covers nerve fibers. This stops the nerves developing properly and may affect brain functions. Dr Singh has suggested that an abnormal immune response may be the root cause of many cases of autism.

None of the non-autistic children showed the unusual anti-measles response.

Not one. Not any. Zero. Nil. What a damming statistic. Read that sentence again and consider it well.

But incredibly, the UK Government’s Chief Medical Officer and the British Medical Association, both still insist there is a wealth of scientific evidence that the triple jab is the safest way to protect children.

And Peter Lachmann, Emeritus Professor of Immunology at Cambridge, said that the conclusions drawn by Vijendra Singh and his team did not make for a direct link between MMR and autism.

“In my view the associations that Dr Singh makes do not follow. His hypothesis does not show causality; he is drawing unjustifiable conclusions from the antibody data he has collected. I do not think such conclusions can be drawn.”

As these comments reveal, the new evidence has the Government and the BMJ fighting a rearguard action to keep the lid on the vaccine/autism disaster.

Dr Singh’s team report their findings in the latest issue of the Journal of Biomedical Science. The news of their findings is unreported as of this date in the US media.

They sensibly conclude: “Stemming from this evidence, we suggest that an inappropriate antibody response to MMR, specifically the measles component thereof, might be related to pathogenesis of autism.”

Originally published on GuluFuture and reprinted on, August 15, 2002. Embedded links and contact information may no longer be active or valid. (Ed. 12.24.10)

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