Who Are The Real Killers?

Got kids? Who’s minding them? Your doctor? It’s time to wake up America! People are dying for lack of knowledge! We have given up all self-responsibility in this nation. It’s time we take it back. For over five years, Kettle Moraine Productions and its radio program, Perspectives on AmericA have endeavored to “wake up America” by reporting on and bringing truth to the public. Truth doesn’t hurt – lack of it does. (Ed.)

Why is America suddenly experiencing an explosion of new mental diseases and disorders never heard of thirty years ago? Why are children seemingly out of control, refusing to listen to parents and teachers – even driven to violence? I submit that psychologists have developed the habit of simply making up diseases and disorders if there is money to be made. Many of these so called diseases, such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) could in fact be side effects of the drugs, which are being poured into our children to ‘cure’ them.

My first suggestion is to have you follow the money trail. Since ADD was “invented” by the American Psychiatric Association, psychiatric hospitalizations to private institutions have tripled. Insurance healthcare fraud is a $60 to $80 billion dollar a year business – but it’s only the tip of the iceberg . . . . The greatest source of new profits for the psychiatric industry is our schools. As education restructuring grew into a full-blown behavior-modification assault designed to change the attitudes, values and beliefs of the children, a key element in the process was to turn healthy children into “patients.” By diagnosing a child to have a mental disorder such as ADD or ADHD, the school could gain federal funds. And at $400 or more per year for each child “labeled” – and as a result, the number of cases has soared. Sidenote: the number of educational psychologists in the U.S. grew by nearly 400% in less than 23 years.

Today, nearly seven million children have been diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD – and most have been placed on behavior altering drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac – the two most well known of the behavioral drugs. The questions that have been raised in recent years about these prescribed drugs are well documented. But there are other drugs, which should be questioned as well.

Is your doctor prescribing dangerous drugs?
It takes a 3,000 page book – in fine print – just to list the detrimental side effects of dangerous drugs, which doctors are prescribing all day, every day – all year long! (Reference: the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR)). The number one cause of death in America today is the side effects of prescription drugs. Heart conditions are caused, in many cases, by prescription drugs.

Every prescription drug has side effects. Biaxin, a commonly prescribed anti-biotic is a known cause of uticaria (skin eruptions), anaphylaxis (a type of allergic reaction) which varies in severity from person to person, Steven’s Johnson Syndrome (when you can’t see, hear, feel, taste, smell or move until you’re near death), moniliasis (a disease resulting from damage to the immune system); – all known to be caused by prescription drugs.

Other known side effects of Biaxin are chloestatic hepatitis, jaundice (usually due to toxic effects of a drug), liver dysfunction (sometimes severe – occasionally fatal). Hearing loss, vomiting, dizziness, behavioral changes, hallucinations, ringing in the ears, vertigo, pneumonia, aids (see PDR), cancer, heart condition, anemia, kidney damage, liver damage, cold, flu, brain damage – and 11 more pages of life threatening side effects.

Another FDA approved drug, Amitriptyline hcl (Elavil) routinely prescribed for depression causes depression, myocardial infarction, stroke, heart block, arrythmias, hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, coma, seizures, hallucinations, delusions, confusional states, disorientation, incoordination, ataxia, tremors, peripheral neuropathy, numbness, tingling, parathesias of the extremities, abnormal involuntary movements and tardive dyskinesia, dysarthria, disturbed concentration, excitement, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, nightmares, drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, headaches, tinnitus, paralytic ileus, hyperpyrexia, urinary retention, blurred vision, skin rashes, urticaria, photosensitization (when you’re sensitive to sunlight – and going out in the daylight destroys your vital organs – and you die), edema of face and tongue, hepatitis, anorexia, black tongue, bone marrow depression (including agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, purpura, eosinophilla, testicular swelling, impotence, weight gain or loss, dry mouth – and several more pages of life threatening side effects.

Listed under precautions in the PDR, it states that “schizophrenic patients may develop increased symptoms. Patients with paranoid symptomatology, may have an exaggeration of such symptoms, and depressed patients may experience a shift to mania or hypomania.”

The PDR states; “It’s mechanism of action in man is not known.”; meaning that they have no idea how it works or exactly what it does to men. If the drug companies didn’t know these drugs have different side effects on men than women; why did they list it that way??? They do know the side effects on men – but are hiding them to cover up the truth! These international owned pharmaceutical company’s learned of these effects by testing the drugs on people – as well as from doctors reporting the side effects to them.

  • Can you believe that none of the hundreds and hundreds of tests were performed on men?
  • Can you believe that all the thousands of doctors that prescribe this drug may have conspired to not tell the drug companies just what the side effects were on men?
  • Or can you believe that the drug companies knew what the side effects were on men and have been hiding it by claiming that they didn’t know?

I’ll tell you what the answer is – of course they know what the side effects are – and of course they are covering up and hiding it – BECAUSE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF Elavil ARE TOO HORRIBLE TO PRINT! They are willing to print that the drugs are causing cancer, heart attacks, stroke, coma, siezures, hallucinations, dilusion, anxiety, nightmares, headaches, brain damage, kidney damage, liver damage, etc., etc., etc., – and they printed dozens of ways this drug can kill you – and does kill people. So what is it that is so much more horrible that they willingly hide it from you?

We have all witnessed the side effects of Elavil on men – even though we may not have known that they were taking it by prescription – and I can tell you that it causes males to murder their families and has even been known to cause boys to murder their parents and their friends at school. Sound familiar? Have you noticed that none of these kids killing family and friends are female? Why is it that they are male – and NOT female?

Consider asking your elected officials to investigate THESE drug-related murders and suicides!

Cases have shown that prescribing Elavil can result in spousal abuse, suicide, or even murder. People’s lives are being destroyed due to the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of drugs – such as Elavil – that cause suicide or murder. There are more restrictions placed upon harmless, natural products – which have proven to have no side effects – than on manufactured drugs that cause people to murder! Could this be the reason that so many of our young people are murdering their friends and classmates in school?

If Congress would do a REAL investigation of the school shootings, the mailmen shooting their fellow employees and the teenage boys killing their parents; I have no doubt that they will find that all of them were on one of the so-called anti-depressant drugs – the same drugs which cause depression, suicide and murder!

Another drug approved by the FDA is Ephedrine. It is used as a bronchodilator; and prescribed to patients with asthma, bronchitis and pulminary emphysema. It is also used in over the counter products, such as nasal sprays, asathma remedies, mini thins and energy pak, and others. Products that anyone – including our children – can purchase over the counter in any drug, convenience or grocery store – without even a warning about the hundreds of deadly side effects or cautions about over-indulging. And as with Elavil, they take Ephedrine and go kill their classmates at school.

Other known side effects of Ephedrine are headache, dizziness, angina. Palpitations, hypertension, rapid heartbeat and other heart irregularities, in addition to seizures, death, psychotic episodes, depression, bizarre mentation, hallucinations, paranoid behavior, aggressiveness and other schizophrenic behavior; heart attack, stroke, seizures, death and even murder.

If Ephedrine is used in conjunction with Elavil; according to Psychologists, it will cause uncontrollable destructive and self-destructive measures – leaving the patient unable to reason or think properly; often causing death to themselves or others. Elavil alone often causes these side effects; but the two drugs together are almost sure to produce a disaster according to prominent psychologists.

How can we be sure what the side effects are for these – or any other drug? When any drug manufacturer applies to the FDA for a license to market their drug; they are required – by law – to furnish a list of side effects. They least each of the effects of their drug; sign the application, send a notarized copy to the FDA – swearing under oath – that the side effects which they itemized are true, correct and accurate. Then more times than not – they sit back and wait for the proverbial rubber stamp of approval. The previously listed side effects were all itemized on the application. The FDA knew about those side effects before approving the drug!

The Commissioner
Although the Food and Drug Administration is a Regulatory Agency of the United States Government, you may be shocked to learn that the FDA Commissioner is a citizen of a foreign country, and the one before him was from that same foreign country, as was his predecessor. Every time we elect a new President, he says that he’s going to appoint a new FDA Commissioner – but each of these respective idiots appoints another Commissioner who is a citizen of the same foreign country as the last Commissioner. As far back as we can remember, the FDA Commissioner has always been a citizen of that same foreign country. How does this happen? Is it a conspiracy? Bribery? What? Is it coincidental that they are citizens of the foreign country that controls our prescription drug industry? The country in question got control of the pharmaceutical industry in America with money that the United States Government gave them. That country is Israel!

This information about the side effects of prescription drugs was taken from the Physician’s Desk Reference Book and provided by the drug companies that make the drugs – as required by law – but it is less than 1% of the tip of the iceberg. The PDR is 3,ooo of fine print and lists hundreds of other deadly drugs and their life threatening side effects. Believe it or not you can purchase the PDR at your local book store.

One or more of the side effects damages everyone who takes these drugs. The damage begins with the very first dose and gets progressively worse with each additional application. You can die from the side effects of antibiotics within 5 minutes after taking them – or any time within the next 50 years. It’s like carrying around a time bomb without knowing when it is set to go off.

Officially, the number one cause of death listed in most statistical files is “heart condition”. Cancer is listed as the second leading cause of death. However, an alarmingly high percentage of heart conditions were caused by antibiotics, while the cancer rate has risen from one in every 6,ooo people to greater than 1 in 3 since the “invention” of antibiotics. While there are many other contributing factors; antibiotics are the number 1 cause of the increase in the cancer rate and of heart condition.

The FDA knew of the side effects of the antibiotics and other drugs listed in this article before they approved the drugs for market. Why then, did the FDA Commissioner approve them??? Why does the FDA reject products, which are completely safe – and ten times more effective than the antibiotics, which they approve???

People keep going back to the mainstream Medical Doctors for more and more “treatments”, which cause more and more illness; to make more and more money for the “good” Doctor who is killing them with his prescription drugs. Why can’t these “patients” understand that they are paying for their own destruction??? And why can’t the Doctors wake up to the reality of what they are doing??? Are they so blinded by the power and control of the International Pharmaceutical Giants and their weekly “free” samples that they can’t see that they are in fact committing murder???

“And it will come to pass;
that they will love the lie;
more than the truth;
even unto death”!!!

You can help stop the senseless shootings caused, in part, by prescription drugs and over the counter drugs. Help stop the boys from murdering their families and friends. Help stop the senseless suicides. Send a copy of this lecture to your congressmen and senators; and then call them and remind them to listen to the audio transcript. Follow up with faxes and emails if necessary. Although gun “control” (read: CONTROL) is the darling of politics today, Congress, under public pressure, can and must put an end to the senseless slaughter of innocent people. But they must go after the real culprits – if they have the backbone and fortitude to attack the REAL enemy. The FDA will not do it because the Commissioner is a citizen of the same nation that is responsible for the Pharmaceutical Industry in America today.

It is up to you and your elected officials. With public outcry and pressure, Congress will help IF they know about the problem.

The life you save may be your own!
We are unfamiliar with the original authors of this piece of investigative reporting, however, their work checks out – and it is what set us off on this crusade. (Ed.)

Published on DrKelley.info, November 3, 2000. Embedded links may no longer be active (Ed. 12.30.10)

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