Canola oil: A Chemical Carcinogen That Doesn’t Belong Anywhere Near Your Food

We all have been trained by the government and food industry to believe that processed vegetable oils, such as canola oil, are healthy, and natural saturated fats coming from butter, lard, or coconut oil increase the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity. Though canola oil is marketed as a healthy oil, it is anything […]

Loudon: Vegetable Oils on the Grocery Shelf Cause a Health Risk

Have you wondered why nutritionists say “Be careful about using oxidative vegetable oils on the grocery shelf? It is because all oils on the grocery shelf except extra virgin olive oil have been boiled to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit EXCEPT COCONUT OIL, PALM OIL, BUTTER, RAW LARD, AND SUET. These omega-6 Cooked oils on the […]

Bioelectric Information About Fats and Oils

People do not get very much information about fats and oils. Many people consume them every day but may not know if the kind they are consuming is good for their health. There are four different common oils (fats) that people consume. They are polyunsaturated oils, monounsaturated oils, regular saturated fats (oils), and highly saturated […]

Healthy” soybean oil causes genetic changes in the brain linked to neurological disease Details

Eating soybean oil has already been linked to obesity and diabetes.[1] Now new research from scientists at the University of California Riverside shows it could also adversely affect neurological conditions like autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, schizophrenia, and depression.[2]

Vegetable oils cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more…

Use these healthy alternatives instead Vegetables oils have been heralded as a healthy alternative to using normal fat when cooking. However, it turns out that vegetable oils are not all they’re cracked up to be when it comes down to it. We’ve all been told, even by government and medical associations, to use more vegetable […]

Why This Common Cooking Oil is a Cancer Nightmare

In 1956, a major cooking oil company published a series of magazine advertisements claiming that “fried foods become light foods” when vegetable oil is used in place of butter or lard. The clear message to health-savvy homemakers was that vegetable oil was a low-calorie solution to the more traditional fats they were cooking with. Millions […]