Spring Has Sprung: Monsanto’s Roundup Kills Everything In Our World

Life springs eternal with the advent of spring! Frisbees fly around city parks. Girls wear short-shorts. Dogs sprint across the yard. Butterflies grace the colorful flowers while hummingbirds zip around like crazed fighter pilots. Grasses turn the landscape green while trees bud into full foliage. Ah, yes, the promise of spring inspires everyone in America…

National Health Care: Responsibility To Yourself

Part 3: YOU are responsible for your own health As you discovered in the first two parts of this series, the majority of Americans ride a dangerous rollercoaster as to their own health care responsibilities: junk food, fast food, packaged food, GMO food, dyed food, cereal candy food, soda pop, endless TV, obesity, non-exercise, pills […]

National Health Care, Or Is It Sick Care?: Part 2

Part 2 ~ How Americans Avoid Good Health By reading National Health Care: Or, Is It Sick Care? ~ Part 1 of this series — you understand that most Americans that suffer diseases, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, joint pain, arthritis and more problems—simply eat poorly, exercise very little and follow endless addictive unhealthy choices. Yet, […]

National Health Care, Or Is It Sick Care?

Part 1: Americans’ choices for unhealthy lives Even before Obamacare became law, number-crunchers told Congress as well as the Main Stream Media that it could not be financially sustained. They promised collapse within a few years. Additionally, Obamacare forced people to buy premiums against their will and Constitutional rights. It left the health-care industry in […]

Genetically Modified Organisms: Sobering Consequences

Part 2: Unintended GMO Health Risks “If manufacturers are so sure there is nothing wrong with genetically modified foods, pesticides and cloned meats, they should have no problems labeling them as such. “After all, cancer will kill one in every two men and one in every three women now alive,” reports Samuel Epstein, chairman of […]

Genetically Modified Organisms: Unleashing 21st Century Frankenstein on the Natural World

Part 1: Changing the DNA structure of the Mother Nature In the 20st century, the human mob re-arranged rivers, deserts, rainforests and the oceans to suit its voracious appetite for dominance over the Natural World. Stemming from that 100-year epic onslaught, we humans created communities around the globe featuring 10 million, 20 million to 36 […]

Part 3: Normalizing PH Levels Can Stop Cancer in its Tracks

Killing cancer cells with alkaline pH levels and iodine instead of killing your cells with chemotherapy If you or a loved one suffers from cancer, you enjoy a plethora of research and knowledge to take this disease down to the mat and defeat it. In this third part of the series, you will discover two […]


Defeating cancer naturally—remarkable natural cures that work In their brilliant book, Cancer Free: Your Guide to Gentle Non-Toxic Healing, Bill Henderson and Dr. Carlos Garcia offer the best and most effective alternatives to treating cancer once you discover it within your body. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t prepared for the hundreds of emails […]

So many of my friends coming down with cancer

In the past 10 months, nine of my friends contracted cancer in many of its various forms: kidney, stomach, breast, prostate, colorectal, Hodgkin’s, liver, ovarian and skin cancers. All of them struggle for their lives as you read this column. Last year, my long time friend Mike discovered his kidney cancer in November and died […]