Court Docs: Monsanto Paid Chemical Industry Front Group To Claim Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’ and Attack Its Critics

This blows my mind. Not only is it disgusting from a humane point of view but also the fact that a huge company supposedly in the drug industry to help people buys this chemical, lawsuit riddled company. They need to start locking up these executives for long incarcerations. They simply buy their way out now […]

The EPA says a chemical in Monsanto’s weed-killer doesn’t cause cancer — but there’s compelling evidence the agency is wrong

Editor’s NOTE: Correct me if I am wrong, but in reading through this posting, although the writer does alright presenting both sides of the case, to me it appears that she is more supportive of the Bayer-Monsanto position. As for me – I spent 21 months ‘In Country.” I did not love the “smell of […]

California couple who developed the same cancer after using Roundup weed killer on their property for 30 years are awarded $2 BILLION in Monsanto trial

Oh My God – this gives me a Headache! Monsanto must pay $2 billion to a California couple who claim carcinogenic chemicals in the company’s weedkiller, Roundup, gave them cancer, a jury ruled Monday. The company faces a slew of over 13,4000 lawsuits over the product, which uses glysophate, a pest-killing chemical that may raise […]

Brockovich: We Are Being ‘Slowly Poisoned To Death’ By Monsanto

Erin Brockovich, the environmental consumer advocate, took to the Guardian to proclaim, “The weedkiller in our food is killing us.”1 She has vowed to bring down this global industry behemoth to help save both our collective health and the planet’s. Ms. Brockovich is speaking about glyphosate, the herbicidal ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, one of the […]

The world is against them‘: New era of cancer lawsuits threaten Monsanto

A landmark verdict found Roundup caused a man’s cancer, paving the way for thousands of other families to seek justice Dean Brooks grasped on to the shopping cart, suddenly unable to stand or breathe. Later, at a California emergency room, a nurse with teary eyes delivered the news, telling his wife, Deborah, to hold out […]

Monsanto hit with $290 million cancer liability ruling in Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide trial

A San Francisco jury found Monsanto (now owned by Bayer) liable for the glyphosate-induced cancer of Dewayne Johnson, who is dying from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Johnson sprayed glyphosate 20-30 times per year on public school grounds (near children, no less), and he was twice “doused” with glyphosate due to malfunctioning equipment.

Spring Has Sprung: Monsanto’s Roundup Kills Everything In Our World

Life springs eternal with the advent of spring! Frisbees fly around city parks. Girls wear short-shorts. Dogs sprint across the yard. Butterflies grace the colorful flowers while hummingbirds zip around like crazed fighter pilots. Grasses turn the landscape green while trees bud into full foliage. Ah, yes, the promise of spring inspires everyone in America…

Monsanto helped write cancer studies on Roundup

Monsanto ghostwrote studies on the herbicide Roundup for the Environmental Protection Agency, documents unsealed in a federal court case seem to show. Farmers and others are suing chemical company Monsanto, alleging that the company failed to warn them that its glyphosate-based weed killer can cause non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In company emails made public Tuesday in federal […]

Weed-Killer Roundup to Get Cancer Warning After Chemical Giant Monsanto Loses California Court Battle

California can require Monsanto to label Roundup, its popular weed-killer, as a possible cancer threat, a judge tentatively ruled Friday. If it carries out the proposal, California would be the first state to order such labeling for the weed-killer, which is used by farmers and home gardeners worldwide. Monsanto had sued the nation’s leading agricultural […]