Exposed to Agent Orange at US Bases, Veterans Face Cancer Without VA Compensation

A chemical in Agent Orange is a known carcinogen linked to several cancers, chronic conditions and birth defects.

A soldier participates in the Norwegian Foot March at Fort Ord National Monument, in Monterey County, California, Oct. 28, 2022. Mounting evidence shows that to kill pervasive poison oak and other weeds at Fort Ord — a former Army base, which closed in 1994 — the military sprayed and experimented with the powerful herbicide combination Agent Orange as far back as the 1950s. (WINIFRED BROWN/U.S. ARMY)

As a young GI at Fort Ord in Monterey County, California, Dean Osborn spent much of his time in the oceanside woodlands, training on soil and guzzling water from streams and aquifers now known to be contaminated with cancer-causing pollutants.

“They were marching the snot out of us,” he said, recalling his year and a half stationed on the base, from 1979 to 1980. He also remembers, not so fondly, the poison oak pervasive across the 28,000-acre installation that closed in 1994. He went on sick call at least three times because of the overwhelmingly itchy rash.

Mounting evidence shows that as far back as the 1950s, in an effort to kill the ubiquitous poison oak and other weeds at the Army base, the military experimented with and sprayed the powerful herbicide combination known colloquially as Agent Orange. Continue reading

Inside the Cancer Waiting Room where HOPE Hangs in the Balance

I sat there, frozen in time, full of fear, full of anxiety. Waiting for my time to “face the music,” but this wasn’t a dance party.

My fellow patients, complete strangers, were seated about me, and each of us kept a safe distance apart from each other – a carry-over from the pandemic, I guess. All of us waiting to get our news – a thumbs up or thumbs down… Continue reading

Snyder: It is Being Projected That New Cases Of Cancer in the U.S. Will EXPLODE To A Brand New Record High This Year

We are witnessing an explosion of cancer in the United States that is absolutely unprecedented. As you will see below, it is being projected that the number of new cases of cancer in the U.S. will hit a brand-new record high this year, and cancer rates are rising particularly rapidly among our young people.

There have been so many prominent individuals in the news that have been diagnosed with cancer recently, and so many people who I personally know have also been diagnosed with cancer recently. I am sure that most of you also personally know people who have been affected by this disease. Of course, cancer has been one of the leading causes of death for a very long time, but we have never witnessed anything quite like this.

According to the American Cancer Society, this year the number of newly diagnosed cases of cancer will surpass the 2 million mark for the for the first time everContinue reading

More Doctors Confessing to Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People with Cancer… to Make Money

Why shouldn’t Doctors lie when the entire cancer industry is one gigantic fabrication from start to finish?

It happens more often than you can imagine, but more doctors are finally getting caught in the act of misrepresenting their oath and fraudulently diagnosing healthy patients with cancer to turn a quick buck from kickbacks on chemotherapy poisons.

Is it any wonder that cancer societies worldwide put a far greater financial initiative on chemotherapy and radiation research than disease prevention techniques? Preventing disease doesn’t make money, but treating disease certainly does.

Take Dr. Farid Fata, a prominent cancer doctor in Michigan who admitted in court one year ago to intentionally and wrongfully diagnosing healthy people with cancer. Fata also admitted to giving them chemotherapy drugs for the purpose of making a profit.

Were his patients shocked? You bet they were. Who would ever suspect a Doctor of faking a diagnosis to collect money. It’s unconscionable. Yet it happens with cancer and almost every disease that medical doctors can generate income through kickbacks and commissions based on the volume of patients treated with specific pharmaceuticals. Like anything people are used as a comodity. Continue reading

Doctor Who Is Dedicating Her Career to Solving Mystery of Colon Cancer in Young People Reveals What Could Be Causing Explosion of Cases – and the Three Warning Signs of Disease

Dr Kimmie Ng, an oncologist at the premier Dana-Farber Cancer Center has dedicated her life to the study of GI cancers and is particularly concerned about the rise in such cancers in people under 50

Dr Kimmie Ng has become a frontline witness to one of the greatest medical mysteries of her generation.

The Boston oncologist has launched one of the the world’s first center dedicated to studying an explosion of cancers in young people.

In the 1990s, doctors began seeing a rise in the number of otherwise healthy people under 50 being stricken with cancer, especially colorectal cancer.

Three decades later, scientists expect the number of early-onset colon cancer sufferers will double by 2030 in what some have labeled an ‘epidemic’.

Dr Ng, who specializes in gastrointestinal cancers, which also include cancers of the stomach and pancreas, said the days of cancer being a disease of the elderly was over.

‘That is not what we’re seeing in our clinics. Actually, these very, very young people are often very healthy,’ she said. Continue reading

These 5 Foods May Extend Your Life and Reduce Risk of Chronic Disease

Researchers have identified five key plant-based foods that can help lower your risk of chronic disease and increase your lifespan. Westend61/Getty Images

Healthy you, healthy planet? Research suggests the two may be closely linked.

In a new study, presented in July at NUTRITION 2023, the flagship annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition in Boston, researchers used a tool they created called the Planetary Health Diet Index (PHDI) to review foods and their impacts on human and environmental health.

The results show that individuals consuming a more environmentally sustainable diet were 25% less likely to die within a 30-year follow-up period than those following a less sustainable diet. Continue reading

Your Health Checkup: When Life Begins (AGAIN)

As young doctors begin their life in medicine, they often seek my advice, perhaps mistaking my gray hair for wisdom. In response, I often stress several factors that have guided me in my career: family first; follow your heart; persevere even when (especially when!) the going gets tough. You may not be able to control all that life throws at you, but you can control how you react to it. And remember that the journey is most important because life is a long race, not a sprint.

Success at one point does not necessarily mean success throughout. Continue reading

Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Linked to Lower Risk of Heart Disease- CANCER and Death

An analysis of nearly 50 studies suggests that plant-based diets have a multitude of health benefits.

A plant-based diet is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and death, according to a large-scale review published Wednesday.

The Research, which appears in the journal PLOS ONE, analyzed the results of nearly 50 studies published from 2000 to 2023.

The studies examined the health effects of either vegetarian diets or vegan regimens, which restrict any food derived from animals, including dairy. Continue reading

Truth About What’s Sprayed on Veggies in Grocery Stores Has People Outraged

There has been an increase in awareness among Americans regarding their food choices. Consumers are now more committed to avoiding ultra-processed foods, seed oils, and artificial additives. There are growing concerns about using toxic pesticides to cultivate fruits and vegetables.

That’s why many people were upset to learn that additional chemicals may be in the produce they buy from grocery stores. Continue reading

Pfizer Agrees to Settle 10,000 Lawsuits Accusing Pharma Giant of Hiding Cancer Risks of Heartburn Drug Zantac

Pfizer has agreed to settle more than 10,000 lawsuits alleging it it of hiding the cancer risks of its heartburn drug Zantac.

The financial details have not been revealed but pharma rival Sanofi agreed to pay more than $100million to resolve 4,000 Zantac-cancer claims last nonth.

The over-the-counter pill was pulled in the US in 2020 after animal studies found a key ingredient released ‘probable human carcinogens’.

Pfizer was the primary manufacturer of Zantac from 1998 to 2006, when several suits claim it should have known that the drug was contaminated with NDMA. Continue reading

Is THIS What’s Causing Mystery Rise in Colon Cancers Among Young People?

New research points to bacteria in the gut linked to processed food and not eating enough fiber

The above graphic shows the seven factors scientists say raise the risk of colon cancer in younger men

Scientists say they may be one step closer to understanding what’s driving a mystery rise in colon cancer in young people.

Researchers have discovered that patients with an aggressive form of the disease have unusually high levels of three bacteria in their guts.

Levels of fusobacterium, clostridium and shewanella have all been linked to diets high in processed foods and sugar, and low in fiber, fruit and veg. Continue reading

Study Finds ‘Significant Increase’ In Cancer Mortality After 3rd COVID Dose

A new study out of Japan found a significant increase in cancer deaths after taking a 3rd Covid vaccine shot. The data showed that cancer deaths started rising again in Japan in 2021.

Once we go to the 3rd dose, cancers started to go up” said renowned Texas based doctor, Peter McCullough, “It’s very disturbing, and the Japanese data has shown that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine’s could cause cancer through multiple mechanisms.” Continue reading

American Cancer Society Warns That a ‘TIDAL WAVE‘ of Tumors is Coming – with Cases Set to Rise 80% by 2050

Illustration of a cancer cell. (Science Photo Library/Canva Pro)

A tidal wave of cancer cases is expected to sweep the globe by 2050, jumping 77 percent between now and then, a new study says.

About 20 million cases of cancer were diagnosed in 2022, but that number is projected to balloon to more than 35 million cases by 2050, thanks in part to rising obesity rates and junk food diets. Continue reading

When Are You Too Old to Get a Colonoscopy?

Results of a recent cross-sectional study suggest that surveillance colonoscopy may be riskier than it’s worth for adults aged 70 and older.

Can you be too old to get a colonoscopy?

Perhaps, according to results from a cross-sectional conducted at Kaiser Permanente Northern California in Oakland, California. The study was published on April 2 in JAMA Network Open.

The results indicated that colonoscopies rarely detect colorectal cancer in older adults – even if they have a history of benign tumors called adenoma. Continue reading