Top Gun DOWN: Military pilots have 87% higher risk of melanoma and worse overall cancer rates

Pentagon study shows even ground crews are getting sick

Pilots and ground crews have higher rates of several types of cancer than the average across the US population

A Pentagon study has found high rates of cancer among military pilots and for the first time has shown that ground crews who fuel, maintain and launch those aircraft have also developed life-threatening conditions.

The data had long been sought by retired military aviators, who have raised alarms for years about the number of air and ground crew members they knew who had cancer, but previous military studies showed cancer rates were on par with the general US population. Continue reading

Leibowitz: Giving the Gift Of Life Made Her ‘Feel So Good

At 2:30 a.m. Feb. 15, Maureen Salloom arrived at Mayo Clinic in North Scottsdale perfectly healthy. The 42-year-old came by choice, of sound mind and body, on a mission: for a surgeon to make small incisions in her lower abdomen and left side to extract one healthy kidney.

The organ was rushed to a jet bound for Wisconsin. There, another surgeon implanted the kidney into someone Salloom will never, ever know. Not even his or her name.

Which is precisely what makes this story of epic generosity so worth telling. Continue reading

Chavez: The Respiratory Syncytial Virus Has Become a Huge Issue

Diana Chavez ~ Author

As a pediatric nurse in Phoenix, I have witnessed the devastating impact of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) on children and their families. This highly contagious virus, which causes severe respiratory illness, has become an increasingly prevalent issue in our community over the past year, compounding the strain on our health care system amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and seasonal flu outbreaks.

Last year, we faced an early and aggressive arrival of the virus. RSV season typically lasts from November to March, but in 2022, cases began to uptick sooner in the season than usual. This tells us that RSV is an unpredictable virus and can affect people of all ages, but particularly impacts young children and older adults. It can cause mild to severe respiratory illness in children, including bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Continue reading

Kelley: The Master Gland of Detoxification

VICTORY_cvr_webSeptember 6, 2015 ~ The liver is the major organ of detoxification, and also the most stressed by our modern lifestyle. One cannot live long without the heart, brain, kidneys, or pancreas, yet it is proper liver function, which prevents these organs from becoming diseased. Here, in addition to metabolic wastes, is where environmental contamination, food additives, and all other chemical pollutants are removed from the body. You should be just as much or more concerned about the condition of your liver as about the condition of your heart. If you have had hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, infectious mononucleosis, or other liver damage, you should become very protective of this vital organ. The intake of anything that places undue stress on the liver should be eliminated entirely. Such a list would include: chemicals of any kind; drugs; synthetic foods; artificial food additives, such as flavorings, colorings, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, sweeteners; alcoholic beverages; carbonated beverages; hair sprays; chemical deodorants; and reheated vegetable oils used in frying, commercial pastries, and most fast foods. (Unrefined oils, or butter for sautéing, can be used without creating peroxides and free radicals, which are toxic to the liver.) Continue reading

March 3, 2023: Your Health – YOUR Choice!

Pancreatic cancer rates skyrocket as Covid jabs and boosters send toxic spike protein prions into vital organs
…including the pancreas, fueling turbo cancer!

An alarming trend in cancer rates skyrocketing for perfectly healthy people has garnered major attention, even in reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals. What is being termed “turbo cancer” since the Covid vaccines hit the market may be the prime culprit of this disastrous increase in deadly cancer cases, including those of the pancreas, which has the lowest rate of survival of all cancers. Women under 55 years of age, mainly black women, are especially being targeted by pancreatic cancer, according to a report in the Gastroenterology journal recently, and scientists seem befuddled.

Pancreatic cancer cases increasing, causing more than 3% of all cancer deaths in USA… (Continue to full article)

Men can reduce risk of bowel cancer by 20% if they stick to diet high in veg and beans
Men who eat a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils can cut their risk of bowel cancer by more than a fifth, a study has found.

Women were also included in the research but no link between eating lots of plant foods and lower cancer risk was uncovered, which the scientists put down to men having an overall higher risk of the illness.

The study, published in the journal BMC Medicine, involved 79,952 men and 93,475 women around the age of 60 in the US… (Continue to full article)

Researchers develop new blood test that can detect prostate cancer with a claimed 94% accuracy
Researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the United Kingdom have developed a blood test that can detect prostate cancer with 94 percent accuracy.

The 94 percent accuracy rate beats the currently used prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test used around the world, which is only able to accurately detect prostate cancer in one out of four men who test positive.

The screening process the researchers developed is known as the Prostate Screening EpiSwitch (PSE) blood test. They believe this new test shows significant potential as an accurate and rapid cancer screening diagnostic… (Continue to full article)

‘Forever’ Chemicals Put Kids at Higher Risk of Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseasesdo no harm
A study published Wednesday found that PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — used in a wide variety of consumer products — disrupt key biological processes, putting children and young adults at higher risk for a broad range of diseases.

Exposure to “forever” chemicals can put children and young adults at higher risk for a broad range of diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, according to a study published Wednesday in Environmental Health Perspectives.

Researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California found that PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — used in a wide variety of consumer products — disrupt key biological processes… (Continue to full article)

Millions of Americans are being kept in the dark about toxic trains rumbling through their neighborhoods as railroad companies refuse to disclose which carry hazardous loads
Do you live in the next East Palestine?

Millions of Americans are being kept in the dark about secretive toxic trains like the one that has devastated East Palestine and are moving regularly through their communities, can reveal.

Railroad companies disclose general information on hazardous loads to local authorities and emergency services – but only when asked and even then they only give rough expected annual figures.

Specific details on train times and exact hazmat loads are treated as ‘sensitive information’ by the rail operators and are not disclosed, regulator the Federal Railroad Administration revealed… (Continue to full article)

Mystery of Colon Cancer Epidemic Among Young People

Rates have doubled among under-55s since the 1990s — and experts don’t know why

A mystery spike in colon cancer cases among middle-aged and younger Americans is alarming scientists.

The above graph shows how rates of colon cancer have risen among adults aged 20 to 49. Scientists say more than 40 percent of diagnoses are among those aged 45 to 49 years old. The graph shows rates of colon cancer per 100,000 people in younger adults by stages

Data shows diagnoses among people under 55 have nearly doubled in 25 years. They make up around a fifth of all diagnoses now compared to 11 percent in 1995. Continue reading

Florida Issues Health Alert: mRNA COVID Vaccines Caused ‘Substantial Increase’ in Reports of Adverse Events

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., issued a health alert on Wednesday warning that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines caused a “substantial increase” in reports of adverse events in Florida.

The alert was based on a letter he sent earlier this week to the heads of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pointing out the excess risk of adverse events associated with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Continue reading

37-Year-Old Injured by Pfizer Vaccine Had to ‘Learn to Walk and Speak Again

In an interview with The Defender, Dedra Long described how she went from a surgical technologist and busy mother of three to an invalid after her employer pressured her to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dedra Long had a fulfilling life, working as a surgical technologist and raising her three children. After contracting COVID-19 in February 2020, and being exposed to it several more times through her job, she developed health problems that led her to seek new employment at a credit union.

In 2021, Long’s new employer began pressuring employees to get vaccinated — and that’s when things took a turn for the worse for Long. Continue reading

Long COVID Now Looks like a Neurological Disease, Helping Doctors to Focus Treatments

The causes of long COVID, which disables millions, may come together in the brain and nervous system

Tara Ghormley has always been an overachiever. She finished at the top of her class in high school, graduated summa cum laude from college and earned top honors in veterinary school. She went on to complete a rigorous training program and build a successful career as a veterinary internal medicine specialist. But in March 2020 she got infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus – just the 24th case in the small, coastal central California town she lived in at the time, near the site of an early outbreak in the COVID pandemic. “I could have done without being first at this,” she says. Continue reading

The High Cost of Prescription Drugs

Americans often pay extortionate amounts for their prescriptions, but some relief is in sight.

When I was chief of cardiology at Indiana University School of Medicine, I invited a senior executive from a major pharmaceutical company to lecture about new drugs in their pipeline. He delivered a great talk about their discoveries but was unprepared for the first question I asked when he finished.

“Why are prescription drugs so expensive in the U.S. compared to other countries around the world?” Continue reading

Female serial killers are often nurses or healthcare professionals who kill children or the elderly

Nearly half of female serial killers are nurses or professionals working in healthcare, according to new research from author Dr Marissa A. Harrison.

Released Thursday, Dr Harrison’s latest book, ‘Just As Deadly: The Psychology of Female Serial Killers‘ explores the motivations and circumstances of some of America’s most prolific female serial killers.

Through her research, she found 39% of female mass killers work in healthcare professions, are likely to be of at least average intelligence, to be well educated, and to be after their victims’ money. Continue reading

Most People Don’t Know What a Normal or Healthy Blood Pressure Is

Fast Facts

* Many Americans don’t know the upper threshold for normal or healthy blood pressure readings, despite being confident that they do.

* A healthy blood pressure reading is less than 120/80 mm Hg.

* More than half of U.S. adults are living with high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease.

Blood pressure measurements are a standard part of both routine and urgent health visits – but most Americans aren’t aware of what constitutes a normal or healthy blood pressure reading, new research shows. Continue reading

Loudon: Your Body is an Electromagnetic Machine

Your body has about 9 trillion body cells and over 25 trillion little bacteria in the intestinal gut (BIOME). All of these cells operate on a very low electric frequency measured by “Hertz millivoltage” or pH (acid/alkaline) balance. You are very lucky that you don’t have to feed each one of these little critters individually. But you do have to feed them electromagnetic food to have them stay healthy. Your car has only one battery, generator, and motor. It also runs on electric impulses called “volts.” An electric short will stop the engine. You are dead in the water. It is a big advantage for humans to have trillions of little creatures having small electric impulses. Some can be sick but the rest of the body and gut cells still have electric impulses that keep the body alive, hopefully healthy. To stay healthy, your job to stay very healthy is to eat about 3 cups of good raw electromagnetic foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, grapes, dates, legumes, squash, bulbs, leaves, and other plant foods each day. Animal foods produce some protein and other nutrients like minerals but do not have the electromagnetic energy that plant, vine, and tree foods have. Continue reading

February 12, 2023: Your Health – YOUR Choice!

Do you live in one of these five cancer-causing hotspots?
A map showing the location of cancer gas-emitting facilities reveals more than 4.4 million Americans live in five hotspots – a 10-mile radius of two plants – and experts blame the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for failing to protect these communities.

These facilities are commercial sterilizing plants that use ethylene oxide to decontaminate medical equipment and food products.

Two sterilizers may expose more than 1.6 million people in Los Angeles, California, while 1.85 million people live within 10 miles of six plans in Minneapolis, Minnesota… (Continue to full article)

Do you live near a cancer gas-emitting plant? Map shows more than 14 million Americans live within 5 miles of commercial sterilizing facilities
More than 14 million Americans live within just five miles of 104 cancer gas-emitting facilities, reveals a new report.

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) found that these commercial plants release large amounts of ethylene oxide, a flammable colorless gas used to clean medical equipment and food items.

These facilities, designed to look like warehouses or office buildings, are located in densely populated areas, with more than 10,000 schools and childcare centers within range… (Continue to full article)

Here is the Truth: Medicare Advantage Is Neither Medicare Nor an Advantage
Right now, well-funded lobbyists from big health insurance companies are leading a campaign on Capitol Hill to get Members of Congress and Senators of both parties to sign on to a letter designed to put them on the record “expressing strong support” for the scam that is Medicare Advantage.

But here is the truth: Medicare Advantage is neither Medicare nor an advantage.

And I should know. I am a former health-care executive who helped develop PR and marketing schemes to sell these private insurance plans… (Continue to full article)

Primum non nocere is a Latin phrase that means “first, do no harm.”

Texas bills would force doctors to abide by ‘do no harm
Texas doctors who use their skills to mutilate mentally confused children could lose their medical license if bills in the state legislature become state law.

Two bills before the Texas House and Texas Senate would make it illegal for medical professionals to participate in the transgender-affirming practice that is often described as barbaric and dangerous, and which is making many hospitals lots of money.

Jonathan Covey of Texas Values tells AFN lawmakers are taking action because there is no evidence life-changing hormones and body-altering surgeries improve a child who identifies as the opposite sex.

“There’s a complete lack of evidence that it helps children overcome feelings of gender dysphoria, or confusion about their sex, and improve their mental health… (Continue to full article)

Industry group says detergents meet new environmental standards set by New York
An environmental advocacy group says New York state regulators will take a closer look at several popular laundry detergents, citing a new state regulation limiting the presence of a chemical believed to be a human carcinogen.

However, an industry group representing detergent manufacturers tells ConsumerAffairs that there has been no ban and none is expected because major manufacturers currently meet the new standard.

“People can also be exposed following contact with cosmetics, shampoo, or bubble bath that contain certain ingredients in which 1,4-dioxane may be a contaminant,” the advisory notes. “1,4-Dioxane does not remain in the body because it breaks down into chemicals that are removed quickly.”

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified 1,4-dioxane as a probable human carcinogen… (Continue to full article)