Twelve Great Superfoods Needed for Brain Acuity, Mental Alertness, and Mental Health

Your brain is the epicenter of your health. A great thinking brain requires a fresh, raw plant, bush, and tree food diet that ensures mental acuity, a razor-sharp memory, and an alert learning system. If we could look back and find the secrets of thinking that great scientists required, we would probably find that these […]

Why Monitor C-Reactive Protein Levels?

There is a protein produced by the body that correlates directly with cancer risk. It is called C-Reactive Protein, or CRP, and there is also a simple blood test you can take to determine if your levels are elevated. Periodic testing for CRP is extremely important on the Healthy Breast journey and is a great […]

When Hope Runs Out, Cancer Patients Are Making Their Own DIY Immunotherapy Treatments

Every generation has had its breakthrough that promised to, at long last, finally cure cancer, but this time around the chances of actually pulling it off are looking pretty good. Rapid advancement in fields like genetics have led to incredible success using immunotherapies to turn patients’ own bodies into cancer-fighting machines. Pharmaceutical companies, philanthropic billionaires […]

Anti-Inflammation Guide: The Rules and Foods You Need To Know

Inflammation. We’ve all dealt with it in some form or another, whether it’s a stiff joint, a fever, or an infected wound. But for some people, inflammation causes much more serious damage. Diseases like arthritis wreak havoc with the joints, causing enormous amounts of pain and suffering. When infections get out of control, inflammation can […]

Kelley’s Kitchen: 05.24.17

Eating two chocolate bars A DAY ‘cuts your risk of heart attack and stroke by up to 25%’ It is considered one of life’s guilty pleasures – but that could be about to change. Scientists now say that regularly tucking into a few pieces of chocolate may actually be good for us. A study has […]