Research: Plants Cure Cancer, Not Chemicals

Unbeknownst to most, a Copernican revolution has already taken place in cancer theory. Today, the weight of evidence indicates that plants and not chemicals are the solution for reversing the global cancer epidemic. Our understanding of what causes cancer has undergone something akin to a Copernican revolution in the past decade. Biological fatalism has been […]

Diabetes And Mineral Deficiency: Problems & Solutions

Why taking supplements may not be the straight forward solution they are made out to be. Diabetes = Mineral Deficiencies ≠ Supplements It is well known that diabetes, gastrointestinal and other disorders are related to significant mineral deficiencies and imbalances. For this reason, it is quite common that mainstream health professionals suggest that their patients […]

Cooking With Nuts and Seeds

For years, nutritionists have been urging us to eat nuts in place of high-carb and sugary snacks. Regulators allow purveyors of peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and pecans to make claims that these nuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol, may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Seeds like […]

Is Decaffeinated Really A Healthy Choice?

Editor’s Note: We are no longer certain that the Swiss Water Method is safe, so please disregard our recommendation until we have an opportunity to do further research. For now, our recommendation is to avoid all decaffeinated tea and coffee. Decaffeinated drinks have been touted as a healthy alternative for several decades at the behest […]

Ji: Plants Cure Cancer, Not Chemicals

Unbeknownst to most, a Copernican revolution has already taken place in cancer theory. Today, the weight of evidence indicates that plants and not chemicals are the solution for reversing the global cancer epidemic. Our understanding of what causes cancer has undergone something akin to a Copernican revolution in the past decade. Biological fatalism has been […]

10 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, as well as waste products from your urine. Kidney stones form when the kidneys are not able to process toxins efficiently. Specifically, a crystallization of unprocessed minerals builds up. Kidney stones […]

Cabbage: Natural Medicine for Cancer, Diabetes and More

The robust and abundant cabbage, which is closely related to other leafy green vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, has a long history as both a food and medicine. For example, the Ancient Greeks would routinely prescribe cabbage or cabbage juice to treat constipation or mushroom poisoning, while the Ancient Egyptians consumed cabbage before meals to […]

Problems growing tomatoes?

Feed them ASPIRIN say scientists to fight disease and boost yield Growing tomatoes has given gardeners a headache for generations. But now it seems there is an effective cure for blight, wilt and all manner of pests and diseases – and it was lurking in the medicine cabinet all along. For aspirin, scientists say, is […]

Holy Basil Benefits: Growing Your Own Medicine

All herbs have a purpose—whether it’s culinary or medicinal—but, it’s a particularly good sign when an herb is revered as the “queen of herbs” and is held as a holy plant worthy of worship. This plant, holy basil (tulsi), not only has medicinal benefits, but is also said to have spiritual benefits. What’s more, holy […]

Death Rides a Slow Bus in Hunza

How would you like to live in a land where cancer has not yet been invented? A land where an optometrist discovers to his amazement that everyone has perfect 20-20 vision? A land where cardiologists cannot find a single trace of coronary heart disease? How would you like to live in a land where no […]

7 Surprising Reasons You Wake Up Tired

When you can’t sleep, you know it. But what about when you can, yet you wake up feeling tired and achy or you’re groggy again a few hours later? What’s that about? All too often, it turns out, the problem is one that doesn’t keep you awake but does sabotage your sleep in more subtle […]