Category Archives: WARNING: Radiation

Radiation, X-Rays, mammograms and more – I mean – just what do you think that your cell-phones and Wi-Fi are doing TO you? AND, OH GEE – Now it’s all gone to 5g. STOP sleeping with that cell-phone by your bedside each night… and while you are at it – the Micro-wave in your kitchen isn’t helping either – and those ‘Smart’ meters? All of these things are just turning up the temperature and cooking us like the proverbial frog. ZZZAAAAPPPPP!

Bogdonovich: After Stroke Scans, Patients Face Serious Health Risks

When Alain Reyes’s hair suddenly fell out in a freakish band circling his head, he was not the only one worried about his health. His co-workers at a shipping company avoided him, and his boss sent him home, fearing he had a contagious disease.

Only later would Mr. Reyes learn what had caused him so much physical and emotional grief: he had received a radiation overdose during a test for a stroke at a hospital in Glendale, Calif. Continue reading

Connolly: Reassessing mammogram advice

Data casting doubts on X-rays confuse patients, doctors

Annual screening appears to add 36 hours to women’s life spans, said one doctor; ‘you would get a better benefit from walking to the doctor’s office than getting those mammograms.’

Her patients cannot believe it. For years they had taken it for granted that mammograms saved their lives, or would. For years they had subjected themselves to the cold metal of the machine, the painful pinch of the plates. After all, everyone knew that early detection prolongs life.

BUT NEW ASSESSMENTS of the pivotal research supporting the effectiveness of mammography have cast serious doubt on that assumption, and Carolyn Hendricks, a Bethesda oncologist, finds herself “inundated” with questions. Continue reading

X-Ray Vision in Hindsight: Science, Politics and the Mammogram

For decades, it was an article of medical faith: Get a mammogram; it could save your life.

Now, seemingly overnight, that faith has been shaken. The mammogram — that yearly ritual for millions of American women — has become the focus of a bitter and unusually public scientific dispute that is being fought in the pages of medical journals and the columns of daily newspapers. Scientists, policy makers and politicians have scheduled meetings and Congressional hearings. Continue reading

Feds Still Support Mammograms

What would one expect? For the government to admit that they had been misguiding women for all these years? Stick around – for the end is not yet in site – unless YOU want it to be! (Ed.)

WASHINGTON – The Department of Health and Human Services said Thursday that it continued to support regular mammography exams for women ages 40 and over. Continue reading

Foster: Abortion-breast cancer Link Still Ignored!

3 out of 4 medical studies indicate significant cause and effect…

Even though 27 out of 35 studies published since 1957 have linked abortion with breast cancer, pro-abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood continue to deny such a link exists and refuse to inform prospective abortion recipients of the studies.

Led by group president Karen Malec, the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer is working to inform the public about a link since abortion providers, as a rule, do not. Continue reading