Category Archives: WARNING: Radiation

Radiation, X-Rays, mammograms and more – I mean – just what do you think that your cell-phones and Wi-Fi are doing TO you? AND, OH GEE – Now it’s all gone to 5g. STOP sleeping with that cell-phone by your bedside each night… and while you are at it – the Micro-wave in your kitchen isn’t helping either – and those ‘Smart’ meters? All of these things are just turning up the temperature and cooking us like the proverbial frog. ZZZAAAAPPPPP!

The Best Breast Test: The Promise of Thermography

~ Forewords ~

JFB_2009_portAs far back as the year 2000, this site and its Editor/Publisher were recommending our listeners and readers to avoid mammograms and the like and find a doctor who would work WITH you and not ON you – by going the route recommended in this marvelous five year old column.

Take heed – the answers are here – and out there. After all – it is YOUR health (J.B.)

Every year when Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) comes around I am a saddened and surprised that thermography hasn’t become more popular. Part of this is my mindset. I’d rather focus on breast health and ways to prevent breast cancer at the cellular level than put the emphasis on testing and retesting until you finally do find something to poke, prod, cut out or radiate. That’s why I call October Breast Health Awareness Month, not Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I understand that mammography has been the gold standard for years. Doctors are the most familiar with this test, and many believe that a mammogram is the best test for detecting breast cancer early. But it’s not. Studies show that a thermogram identifies precancerous or cancerous cells earlier, and produces unambiguous results, which cuts down on additional testing–and it doesn’t hurt the body. Isn’t this what women really want? Continue reading

Spending more than 15 hours on a mobile phone each month leaves you ‘three times more likely to develop a brain tumour’

cellPeople who make more than 15 hours of mobile telephone calls a month are three times as likely to develop brain cancer, new research suggests.

French scientists claims that sales and business professionals are particularly at risk as they travel from meeting to meeting while communicating with clients and bosses constantly.

While most people average around two-and-a-half hours each month talking on their mobiles, busy executives can quickly reach far higher figures.

Those who clock up around 900 hours of mobile use during the course of their career are particularly prone to developing a brain tumour. Continue reading

Over 1100 First Responders Contracted Cancer After the WTC Attacks

It makes you wonder why Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials told everyone in New York after the World Trade Center attacks that “the air is safe to breathe”, when 1,140 first responders have now been diagnosed with cancer 12 years later.

NEW YORK – Emergency responders proceed into the PATH train station during an emergency drill staged at the World Trade Center site on May 17, 2009 in New York City. The drill simulated an explosion involving a PATH commuter train in an underground tunnel between New York and New Jersey and involved more than 800 emergency services’ first responders. (Photo by Seth Wenig-Pool/Getty Images)

NEW YORK – Emergency responders proceed into the PATH train station during an emergency drill staged at the World Trade Center site on May 17, 2009 in New York City. The drill simulated an explosion involving a PATH commuter train in an underground tunnel between New York and New Jersey and involved more than 800 emergency services’ first responders. (Photo by Seth Wenig-Pool/Getty Images)

Recently a study was conducted by the Mount Sinai Medical Center revealing that first responders and people close to “Ground Zero” during and after the September, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC), are 15% more likely to contract cancers than people who were out of the area. Continue reading

Doctors Who Profit From Radiation Prescribe It More Often

warning_radiation_riskWASHINGTON — Doctors who have a financial interest in radiation treatment centers are much more likely to prescribe such treatments for patients with prostate cancer, Congressional investigators say in a new report.

The investigators, from the Government Accountability Office, said that Medicare beneficiaries were often unaware that their doctors stood to profit from the use of radiation therapy. Alternative treatments may be equally effective and are less expensive for Medicare and for beneficiaries, the report said. In other recent studies, the auditors found a similar pattern when doctors owned laboratories and imaging centers that billed Medicare for CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging. Continue reading

‘Smart’ Utility Meters Causing Sleep Trouble, Headaches, Heart Problems

Smart meters—utility meters that use radio frequencies (RF) to report data to utility offices for billing and other purposes—may be harmful to your health.

Just ask Joe Esposito, on whose home the Public Service Company of Oklahoma slapped a smart meter despite his explicit wishes it not be installed. Shortly after installation, Esposito began to experience tooth aches, constant tingling, and aches in his leg that kept him from sleeping. After watching a video by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt called “Smart Meters & EMR: The Heath Crisis of Our Time,” Esposito put up lead sheeting around the meter. He began immediately to sleep well, to feel no pain in his leg, and relief from his other symptoms. He even experimented on himself by removing the lead once in a while, noting that the pains and sleeplessness returned upon doing so. Continue reading

Revealed: Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with ‘radioactive’ particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology

The United States Military conducted top secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri, for years, exposing them to radioactive compounds, a researcher has claimed.

While it was known that the government sprayed ‘harmless’ zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population in St Louis, Professor Lisa Martino-Taylor, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, claims that a radioactive additive was also mixed with the compound.

She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying which exposed the unwitting public, predominantly in low-income and minority communities, to radioactive particles. Continue reading

Planned Parenthood scandal? The real scandal is that Komen’s mammograms actually cause breast cancer

I have never sent one cent to Komen and I have often wondered what it is that attracts people to the runs and giving their money to this – what I call a huge money raising operation and nothing more.  I detest these outfits that play upon the fears of people.  Take a good look at how the heads of these money grubbing outfits live.  Do they live at the level of the average person?  Hardly.  They are nothing more than snake oil salesmen – giving false hope to those who give them any attention at all.  It is one thing to provide a REAL service to someone and hand them a bill for that service – it is another to do what all these faux-disease and illness money grubbers do.

I hope this article from Natural News will open a few eyes, but I won’t hold my breath.  People really do love to be lied to and send their money to those who are nothing much above a parasite.

Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a giant Baby killing operation – may they rot in hell for what they do. – Jackie Juntti

The media is abuzz with chatter about Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s flip-flopping on the issue of whether or not to fund Planned Parenthood, the controversial reproductive health services group that provides abortions for women, in order for it to offer breast exams and promote mammograms. But the real controversy is the fact that Komen’s mammograms, which are promoted as a “lifesaving” intervention, actually cause breast cancer. Continue reading

DHS’ X-ray scanners could be cancer risk to border crossers

Internal Homeland Security documents describing specifications for border-crossing scanners, which emit gamma or X-ray radiation to probe vehicles and their occupants, are raising new health and privacy concerns, CNET has learned.

Even though a public outcry has prompted Homeland Security to move away from adding X-ray machines to airports–it purchased 300 body scanners last year that used alternative technology instead–it appears to be embracing them at U.S.-Mexico land border crossings as an efficient way to detect drugs, currency, and explosives. Continue reading

Screening for Terrorists vs. Screening for Cancer

As the holiday travel season approaches, millions of American air passengers will become painfully reacquainted with Transportation Security Agency (TSA) screening measures. Passengers must submit to either medically unnecessary X-rays or intrusive gropings. Yet in the realm of health care the federal government has adopted a new policy of discouraging routine screening tests for many cancers. Although these two policies may seem superficially contradictory, they demonstrate an underlying common theme of the government seeking ever-greater control over our bodies and our freedom.

Screening travelers and screening patients share some common features. In both cases the goal is to sort through a large, mostly-normal population to identify the relatively few problem cases — either an undetected terrorist or a hidden cancer. Continue reading

Radiation Worries for Children in Dentists’ Chairs

Because children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to radiation, doctors three years ago mounted a national campaign to protect them by reducing diagnostic radiation to only those levels seen as absolutely necessary.

It is a message that has resonated in many clinics and hospitals. Yet there is one busy place where it has not: the dental office. Continue reading

A Pinpoint Beam Strays Invisibly, Harming Instead of Healing

Scores of patients have received overdoses due to operator error, safety issues

The initial accident report offered few details, except to say that an unidentified hospital had administered radiation overdoses to three patients during identical medical procedures.

It was not until many months later that the full import of what had happened in the hospital last year began to surface in urgent nationwide warnings, which advised doctors to be extra vigilant when using a particular device that delivers high-intensity, pinpoint radiation to vulnerable parts of the body. Continue reading

As Technology Surges, Radiation Safeguards Lag

Editor’s NOTE: With the ongoing power “grab” gooing on at the airports, all around the owrld, the following is offerred as an ongoing study into the concerns of radiation, and its effects on the human body. Is too much of a “good thing”, too much? (Ed.)

In New Jersey, 36 cancer patients at a veterans hospital in East Orange were overradiated — and 20 more received substandard treatment — by a medical team that lacked experience in using a machine that generated high-powered beams of radiation. The mistakes, which have not been publicly reported, continued for months because the hospital had no system in place to catch the errors.

In Louisiana, Landreaux A. Donaldson received 38 straight overdoses of radiation, each nearly twice the prescribed amount, while undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. He was treated with a machine so new that the hospital made a miscalculation even with training instructors still on site. Continue reading

Orient: The Medical Problems of Airport Screening: It’s Not Just the Radiation

The radiation dose is likely the least of the problems with airport screening.

If operating as specified, a scanner delivers about 0.01 millirad of radiation, or 0.00001 rad. You unavoidably get 10,000 times as much from the natural environment every year.The worry is not surprising in a nation that has been barraged with antinuclear propaganda for decades. Keeping people terrified of doses even tinier than those from airport scanners seems to be government policy. Fearmongering has likely caused a $10 trillion loss to our economy by stopping the expansion of nuclear power plants, and greater dependency on hostile foreigners for energy?including those who sponsor terrorism. Continue reading

Knox: Scientists Question Safety Of New Airport Scanners

Editor’s NOTE: The following was published in May of 2010, months before the political uproar surrounding the full-body scans and pat-downs began. Our concern is that of the excessive radiation exposure to all who choose, or need to fly. The following is presented for the readers ongoing education and consideration. (Ed.)

After the “underwear bomber” incident on Christmas Day, President Obama accelerated the deployment of new airport scanners that look beneath travelers’ clothes to spot any weapons or explosives.

Fifty-two of these state-of-the-art machines are already scanning passengers at 23 U.S. airports. By the end of 2011, there will be 1,000 machines and two out of every three passengers will be asked to step into one of the new machines for a six-second head-to-toe scan before boarding. Continue reading

Medicine: X-Ray Danger

Over the past ten years, and through the teachings by Dr. Kelley, I have been privileged to dedicate many hours of broadcast efforts and lectures, to educate the public about the dangers of X-Ray technology. The basis or these teachings go as far back as the 1950’s, when it was common place for the public school systems all across America, to use this diabolical procedure on unwitting children.

The post we offer here, was published in TIME – in 1956. The warnings were not heeded then, and are still being ignored today. Are X-Rays a contributor to heart disease and cancer? This category will endeavor to uncover the TRUTH. (Ed.) Continue reading