Category Archives: WARNING: Radiation

Radiation, X-Rays, mammograms and more – I mean – just what do you think that your cell-phones and Wi-Fi are doing TO you? AND, OH GEE – Now it’s all gone to 5g. STOP sleeping with that cell-phone by your bedside each night… and while you are at it – the Micro-wave in your kitchen isn’t helping either – and those ‘Smart’ meters? All of these things are just turning up the temperature and cooking us like the proverbial frog. ZZZAAAAPPPPP!

Simple ways to protect yourself from the harmful effects of radiation exposure from today’s electronics

warning_radiation_riskTo say we live in a technological age may be an understatement. Much of our electronic gadgets today can be very helpful and convenient. However there’s a downside to all of this technology and it is this: our bodies are being exposed to harmful radiation at an alarming rate and unless we take measures TODAY to limit and/or reverse the damage our bodies are experiencing as a result of this especially in or near major cities in our nation, there could be very expensive consequences to face down the road.

Some possible health problems associated with exposure to electronic devices such as a microwave, cell phone, computer, Ipad, Kindle etc… Continue reading

SHOCK: Americans’ drinking water could become thousands of times more radioactive under new EPA proposal

American-Flag-Water-SampleThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed rule changes that would permit drinking water to become hundreds of thousands of times more radioactive than currently allowed. The rule would permit water so radioactive that it would expose those drinking it to the equivalent of 250 chest X-rays per year.

Environmental groups immediately condemned the proposal. Continue reading

Chemo child abuse: Connecticut FORCED 17-year old girl to have chemotherapy without her consent…

… now her cancer is back

Cassandra Callender

Cassandra Callender

Cassandra Callender, of Windsor Locks, Conn., was diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma when she was 17 years old. Shortly after the diagnosis in September 2014, she refused chemotherapy, and decided to look into alternative treatments to protect her body from long-term effects such as organ damage and infertility. Continue reading

Alan Rickman, David Bowie: VICTIMS of Cancer Industry

Exploiting humans for money (while suppressing natural cures).

lan-Rickman-David-Bowie-Cancer-Profits-SkyrocketThe cancer industry is a for-profit industry that relies on repeat business to keep padding its bottom line. David Bowie and Alan Rickman are just two of the industry’s latest victims, but there will sadly be millions more.

Chemotherapy alone kills an estimated one million people a year. See for a running tally…

Anyone who thinks the cancer industry would ever research and release an actual cancer “cure” is delusional… there’s no chance that a multi-billion-dollar industry will deliberately make itself obsolete and obliterate its entire business model. Continue reading

Treating Radiation Exposure with Classical Homeopathy

warning_radiation_riskNow that Fukushima has been spreading its noxious radiation across much of the Pacific, increasing radiation exposure, among others, in the western coastal areas of the American continent, an alternative method of treating such exposure with classical homeopathy can be useful.

Another source of radiation exposure is radiation therapy for cancer. You can take the classical homeopathic remedies irrespective of any other medicines you may be taking, as there will be no interference or cross-effects. This is because classical homeopathic remedies contain no chemicals, no drugs—only information in pills made of lactose, i.e., milk sugar.

Some further sources of radiation exposure are X-rays for dental treatment, mammograms, CT scans and fluoroscopy (the use of X-rays to obtain moving images of your body). Continue reading

Cell Phones Are Cooking Our Reproductive Organs And Causing An Epidemic Of Cancer

Cell-Phones-PublicIs your cell phone keeping you from having kids and slowly killing you at the same time? Most people have no idea that one of the greatest threats to their health may be something that they are willingly carrying around with them all day long. A brand new study has just come out that shows that men that carry around cell phones in their pockets continually are much less fertile than other men. Continue reading

Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours

~ Editor’s NOTE ~
The following is a mixed bag of information, but still worth the share. Glean through it and as always, make the decisions that are right for you. (J.B.)

Artemisia Annua

Artemisia Annua

We hear of cancer so often these days its scary. Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases around. Scientists are constantly trying to find a cure. Here is another herb that can kill up to 98% of cancer cells in just 16 hours. The herb used by itself reduces lung cancer cells up to 28%, but in combination with iron, “Artemisia Annua” successfully and completely “erases” cancer, and in the experiment this herb had no impact on healthy lung cells. Continue reading

Cancer patients who have chemotherapy have a less peaceful death often in hospital instead of the comfort of their home

warning_radiation_riskCancer patients who receive chemotherapy during the last stages of their life are more likely to die in hospital rather than their preferred location at home, a study has shown.

The research showed that many doctors have a hard time initiating end-of-life conversations with their patients, especially the young, even after cancer has spread to different parts of the body.

Such patients were also less likely to have discussed their final wishes with their doctors, meaning many were placed on a ventilator and had a less peaceful death than those who ended treatment early. Continue reading

American Cancer Society admits conventional cancer treatment causes more cancer

chemo_02The more radiation therapy you receive, the more likely it is you’ll develop a second cancer caused by that radiation, according to a document[PDF] released by the American Cancer Society, which admits that certain organs such as the breast and thyroid are more prone to developing a second cancer.

This information is followed by a new study which found that second cancers in Americans have increased a whopping 300 percent since the 1970s, all of which are a completely new type of cancer and not a reoccurrence of an old cancer.

The study also found that first cancers have spiked 70 percent over the last 45 years, highlighting the burgeoning profitability of an industry that shows no signs of slowing down as capital gains from cancer drugs reached the $100 billion mark last year. Continue reading

Hiding the Truth About Losing the War on Cancer

For well over half a century mainstream medicine has regularly promised us that a cure or major breakthrough for cancer was just around the corner. Every year we see “promising” new drugs and therapies announced. Yet every year we also see more people contract cancer and more people die of cancer. Despite all the rosy announcements, statistical juggling and outright deceptions, it should be painfully obvious that the “War on Cancer” has been a losing one.

cancer_incidenceInstead of focusing on natural and safe methods of prevention and treatment, we continue to treat by using surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to cut out, poison out and burn out the symptoms of cancer while leaving the underlying causes untreated – and we continue to largely ignore the role that proper diet, nutrition and lifestyle plays in preventing and helping cure cancer. Continue reading

Cancer industry now admits that chemo and radiation treatments generate huge repeat business and repeat profits

VICTORY_cvr_webSecond cancers are on the rise in the United States, according to a new study, which found that one in five new cases involve someone who has had the disease before. The study also found that second cancers, which don’t include reoccurring cancers, but are a completely new type of cancer, have increased 300 percent since the 1970s.

First-time cancers have also spiked, increasing 70 percent in the same time frame. Continue reading

Extremely High Radiation Levels All Across America

Fukushima’s Pummelling Of Pacific Ocean Brings ‘Invisible Blanket Of Death’ To US Shores

the-gates-of-hell“We have a very very serious problem. Nobody apparently believes it to be so, but my guess is that the folks at the highest levels of our world governments are preparing for the societal breakdown once this ‘cat’ gets out of the proverbial bag. 20 years? Who knows? But one thing is clear: As the Pacific Ocean dies, so do the rest of the world’s oceans in time. The onslaught of the radiation is never ending in human lifespans.”

Since we last published an update on Fukushima death in the Pacific Ocean back on August 26th, we continue to run across heart-breaking reports of what’s happening to animals, birds and ocean life all across the Pacific. Through stories such as: “Skyrocketing Deaths On The West Coast” from ENENews, “Fukushima: The End of Mankind?” – the story quoted above from Dennis Simino at Veterans Truth Network and “Animals Delirious, Disoriented Up And DownWest Coast,” also from ENENews, we see that things are not getting better and in fact, according to many, our own problems have only just begun. To quote one Canadian Parliament Minister on Fukushima, ‘an invisible blanket of death covers everything’. Continue reading

Trace levels of radioactive cesium-137 from Fukushima now being detected in Florida citrus fruits

citrusRadioactive cesium from the 2011 Fukushima disaster is still being detected in citrus and other plants as far away as Florida, according to a report sent to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

In March 2011, multiple nuclear meltdowns took place at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. The explosions ejected massive amounts of radioactive material into the environment, most notably radioactive cesium isotopes. In the weeks after the disaster, winds carried airborne radionuclides to every corner of the globe. Most of the radioactivity, however, settled into the Pacific Ocean. Continue reading

EPA Knew EMFs Were a “Probable Human Carcinogen” Decades Ago and Covered It Up

A major study could change care for many of the hundreds of thousands of people each year who have cancer that spreads to the brain from other sites (file photograph depicting brain cancer)

Did you know that back in 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency was all set to release a report that admitted electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are dangerous to our health, including that EMFs have been linked with “the development of various cancers” but stopped short of straight up admitting they are “probable carcinogens”? Continue reading

Illness vs. Industry: Will Scientists Ever Find a “Cure” for Cancer?

VICTORY_cvr_webWhat would happen if the Cancer industry admitted there was a CURE for cancer? There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been cured of cancer via “alternative” methods, however many of those methods have been banned by the FDA and proclaimed as “unsafe”.

Of course, oddly enough, chemo and radiation are undoubtedly two of the most dangerous treatments offered by modern medicine today!

Latest statistics show the incidence of cancer in the US continues to increase despite pre-cancer screening and outrageously expensive cancer treatments. In fact, per statistics of 2011, nearly 13 million people per year are diagnosed with cancer and sadly nearly 8 million will not survive. Continue reading