Category Archives: WARNING: Chemotherapy

Category originally based on the premise of a single column, written in 1985, by a Pharmaceutical sales rep. The names of the drugs have changed, but the results may not have. It is our purpose to provide you with quality information, which will enable you – the cancer patient – to ask questions of your physican, and to be in a position to make your own choice.

Mr. “X”: FACTS of Chemotherapy

I will never forget the first time I saw those words. I was entering a cancer ward for children. Written on a large easel at the entrance to this ward was the following inscription…

I Am Not Afraid Of Tomorrow,
For I Have Seen Yesterday,
And I Love Today.

I walked past crib after crib. The cribs were like cages. Babes were in these cribs; pitiful small children – starry eyed, listless – some whimpering. They didn’t even notice anyone walking past them. Needless to say, my heart softened – went out to them – and I cried. Continue reading

Chemo Overdose‘ – Silent Crisis Killing Hundreds of Americans Each Year and Hospitalizes Up to One in 50

                    …while the rest could KILL You!

Experts have sounded the alarm about hundreds of cancer patients dying preventable deaths due to a lethal side effect of chemotherapy treatment.

The complication, which affects one in 50 patients, destroys healthy cells in the body, eventually leading to multiple organ failure and, in the worst cases, death.

It effects those given some of the most common types of chemotherapy who lack specific enzymes required to metabolize the drug. Continue reading

Chemobrain Is Real. What to Expect After Cancer Treatment!

Scientifically, it’s referred to as “cancer-related cognitive impairment” or “chemotherapy-related cognitive dysfunction.”

A few years ago, one of my students came to me and spoke about her mother who was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She said her mother was losing her memory and her bearings, and was very worried because nobody knew what to do about her symptoms. The oncologist sent her to the psychiatrist. The psychiatrist sent her back, saying that her symptoms were a result of the cancer treatment.

This experience prompted my student and me to begin studying the problem of ‘chemobrain’ or ‘chemofog’ – the terms used by people who have experienced memory loss or cognitive impairment following cancer treatment. Scientifically, it’s referred to as ‘cancer-related cognitive impairment’ or ‘chemotherapy-related cognitive dysfunction’. Continue reading

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD ~ The Truth About Chemotherapy

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, a student of Dr. William. D. Kelley, DDS, MS, reveals the unspoken history of chemotherapy; news about its side effects that Western medicine has ignored for decades and, most importantly, what you need to know about its success rate – unreported by the mainstream media.

In this video he takes a very unbiased approach to the pros and cons of chemotherapy. Patients should always do what they think is best for them whether it involves conventional or alternative treatment. ~ July 24, 2015

I love this interview. I am amazed at how generous and kind Dr. Gonzalez is to conventional oncologists. There have been several polls of conventional oncologists in which they were asked if diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer they would take chemotherapy or give it to a loved one. More than 73% said, “No”. How then do they justify continuing to give it to their patients? How do they sleep at night? ~ Jeff Bell
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Five Cancer FACTS That Big Pharma is Now AGGRESSIVELY Claiming are MYTHS

The following was originally posted on this site on December 8, 2015. ~ Editor

According to the conventional wisdom of mainstream medicine, the world’s leading health practitioners in alternative, complementary and integrative medicine have it all wrong and are misinforming millions in practice and on the internet with a barrage of myths and misconceptions they claim are causing more harm to cancer patients.

Could this initiative to sway opinion by leading cancer authorities possibly – just possibly – be related to the revolution that is happening around the world – highlighting the dangers and ineffectiveness of toxic chemotherapy and radiation, bringing cancer cures such as cannabis to the forefront, or the emerging mass markets now creating awareness on the reality of our food and the consequences of the cancer industry itself? Continue reading

Chemotherapy May Sometimes Reactivate Dormant Cancer Cells

Scientists are looking into why dormant breast cancer cells sometimes reactivate. Roberto Jimenez/Getty Images

* Breast cancer is a common type of cancer. After treatment with chemotherapy, there is the risk for some cancer cells to become dormant and then become active later.

* A recent study found that a particular chemotherapy treatment affects surrounding tissues and that this interaction further induces the reactivation of cancer cells.

* Further research is needed to understand the effects of these findings in the clinical treatment of breast cancer.
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What Does It Mean to Have Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer?

When cancer that first formed in the pancreas spreads to other parts of the body, doctors classify it as stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

The pancreas is an organ that supports the digestive system and helps the body regulate blood sugar. Pancreatic cancer accounts for around 3% of cancers in the United States.

Pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect early because the pancreas is located deep within the body. People usually have no symptoms until a tumor has become very large or the cancer has spread to other organs.

According to research from 2015, about 53% of people with pancreatic cancer receive a diagnosis when the cancer is in  . Continue reading

What to Know About Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer develops when uncontrolled cell growth begins in a part of the pancreas. Symptoms include jaundice and pain located in the abdomen or back, but these might not appear until the later stages.

The pancreas is located behind the stomach in the back of the abdomen, near the gallbladder. It contains glands that create hormones, including insulin, and enzymes.

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), around 3% of all cancers in the United States are pancreatic cancers. In 2021, the ACS expects around 60,430 people to receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

In this article, learn more about the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer, as well as the causes, treatment options, and outlook. Continue reading

At 23, Cancer Never Crossed My Mind — Until My Diagnosis

In 2022, I was diagnosed with cancer at 23 years old. Here’s what I’ve learned since.

September of 2022, at 23 years old, I was experiencing difficulty breathing and feeling under the weather, which landed me in the emergency room. I had recently been on a bachelorette trip to Vegas which lead me to assume I may have caught an illness considering my flu-like symptoms.

Sure enough, I was diagnosed with acute pneumonia, but little did I know that was not the only diagnoses coming my way. I was experiencing night sweats and swollen lymph nodes, and a 5-cm mass pushing on my bronchial tubes was seen on a CT scan, which lead doctors to perform a biopsy on a lymph node in my neck as well as my bone marrow a few days later. Continue reading

Loudon: The Origin of Diseases and the Effects on the Brain

Some of the time many physicians treat the symptoms of disease rather than the cause. With cancer, many times the cause of the disease is missing from their mode of treatment. Many times, cancer patients are dying when the cause and a cure are now available. In Europe, Asia, India, Japan, England, and many other countries, a very high-pressure non-invasive cancer machine called the Cellsonic VIPP therapy machine has been curing cancer for many years. Recently, the company got a license from the FDA to use the machine in the United States. This is very great because cancer patients will be non-invasively cured when many oncologists are now mostly treating the symptoms of the disease with chemotherapy and radiation.  Continue reading

The Truth About Chemotherapy (with Nicholas Gonzalez, MD)

He died a while ago. I do remember him. He was heavily educated too. As usual, the establishment called him a quack. Nothing new there, if someone does not go the chemo, radiation, surgery, etc. route. He was a M.D. so it made him different in many eyes. What I know, he was a good man and his treatments were good or better than the established protocol. RIP. ~ Tom Jones

WARNING: Chemo may be linked to cancer relapses in patients with leukemia

It’s incredibly devastating to experience a relapse after cancer goes into remission, but for patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the possibility is all too real. In fact, as many as 1 in 5 kids who undergo chemotherapy for the disease will relapse, even if they were in complete remission, and now it appears that the very chemotherapy that could be helping them initially is actually making the situation worse. Continue reading

The Fungus and Cancer Connection

Studies Show Fungus on, or Inside Your Body Could Not Only Cause Cancer, but Also Feed It

Here’s something your doctor, or Oncologist will never tell you. If you have cancer, then you have fungus/mold/candida. It feeds the cancer, it is cancer itself. Here’s all you need to know and how to deal with it.

Few things are scarier than hearing the words, “you have cancer.” And yet it’s something that an estimated one third, to half the population will hear at least once in their lifetime.

With such staggering rates and so much money and research poured into combating cancer, you would think we would have rounded the corner towards reducing it, or even found a cure by now. What is terrifying is that despite the millions of dollars spent every year on research, we seem to be no closer to knowing exactly what causes cancer, much less finding a cure for it. Continue reading

Chemotherapy Shortens Life-Span of Cancer Victims

Professor Dr. Hardin B. Jones of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California, studied cancer patients for 25 years and announced at a Cancer Society Seminar in 1969 that patients who are not treated with chemotherapy live longer than those who treated with it. It sent shockwaves through the medical community who believed traditional treatment was better than nothing.

Another of his discoveries was that breast cancer patients survived longer if left untreated than those treated with conventional therapies. Continue reading

How many people have died from chemotherapy, NOT cancer?

The following has been posted on this site twice in the past. once within days of the author’s original publication, and a second time roughly two years ago. It is far too important not bring back to the forefront once more, in addition to the fact that a once disappeared video has surfaced once again – and we have included it. ~ Ed.

If you cripple your immunity, what have you got? If you wipe out all of your good bacteria in your gut, what’s left? Did you know that if you survive with chemotherapy and cancer for five years you are statistically entered in the “cancer books” as a survivor, even if you drop dead the next day due to chemo-overload, organ strangulation or total lack of immunity? The chemotherapy and radiation treatments are leading to death stemming from the simple common cold or the flu. That’s right, then pneumonia takes over, because you have no more white blood cells to fight off infections. Who knew? Continue reading