Category Archives: VACCINES: A Shot in the Dark

Addresses the controversial subject of vaccinations and their possible side-effects – sometimes referred to as ‘A Shot in the Dark’ – named after a 1964 film with Peter Sellers and a 1935 version of the same title…. But THIS category deals with VACCINES!

Hep B vaccine “may have adverse implications for brain development and cognition

We have previously verified that neonatal hepatitis B vaccination induced hippocampal neuroinflammation and behavior impairments in mice…This finding suggests that clinical events concerning neonatal IL-4 over-exposure, including neonatal hepatitis B vaccination and allergic asthma in human infants, may have adverse implications for brain development and cognition.”

GUANDONG, China —”Unbelievable.” It’s the word I kept saying as I read through a brand new study published in the prestigious journal Cytokine concerning the impact of the Hepatitis B vaccine on the brains of mice. Continue reading

A Shot in the Dark: July 11, 2018

Editor’s NOTE: We wish to thank long time friends, readers and contributors, Randall and Cynthia Bergener for their contributions to this series today. ~ Ed.

Pandora’s Needle
This cartoon (above) is based on the ancient Greek legend of Pandora. She opened the box (actually it was a large jar) out of innocent curiosity and hope. Instead of hope, evil was released and it had long-lasting effect. That about sums up the current situation with Big Pharma with their endless vaccinations and concoctions designed to make them ever-more money… (Continue to full article)

Medical Doctors Concerned We Are Giving America’s Children Too Many Vaccines Too Soon
Very Very Very good article with input from several medical professionals questioning the health impact on children receiving too many vaccines. Hepatitis B vaccine not necessary according to article. Parents stay informed research vaccines before subjecting baby’s and don’t allow hospitals to vaccinate newborns with Vaccines until they are 4 months old. Manufacturers of vaccines are culprits no regulation on manufacturers. Parents need to stay informed even doctors are blindly following government guidelines… (Continue to full article)

Hepatitis B Vaccine ‘Significantly Increased’ IL-6, A Bio-Marker for Autism’: Mainstream Media Silence
“This is the first study to test the effects of immune activation by vaccination on brain development. All other studies of immune activation have used essentially pathological conditions that mimic infection and induce a strong fever. A criticism I have heard often from vaccine advocates is that the immune activation experiments are not relevant to vaccines because vaccines cause a milder immune activation than injections of poly-IC or lipopolysaccharide (two types of immune system activators). This new study demonstrates that vaccines can affect brain development via immune activation…” (Continue to full article)

HPV Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Decline in Fertility Rates in U.S. Women Aged 25–29
This decline in birth rates corresponds to the introduction of the HPV vaccine in the U.S. In 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2006) licensed the first of two vaccines to protect women against the human papillomavirus (HPV). Both HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Cevarix) address HPV 16 and 18, two strains of HPV that produce approximately 70% of cervical cancer cases. The vaccine is recommended for females (and since 2011 for males) aged 11–26… (Continue to full article)

Harvard Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Pose No Risk
It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide. You should be aware that the nature of protection afforded by many modern vaccines – and that includes most of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for children – is not consistent with such a statement… (Continue to full article)

It’s Not New: Pictures Show The Fight Against Vaccines Is Well Over 100 Years Old
The struggle against vaccination, especially compulsory vaccination mandated by a government/industry coalition, was met with fierce resistance from people during the early history of vaccination over a century ago… (Continue to full article)

Another CDC Vaccine Scandal: Data Showing Chickenpox Vaccine Causes More Harm than Good Concealed from Public
“Collusion” is the word du jour, and the practice’s very characteristics—deception, fraud, misrepresentation and secrecy—often prevent collusive acts from coming to light. In the scientific research community, would-be deceivers draw on a variety of tricks to slant their message, including manipulating data, employing other questionable research practices, not disclosing conflicts of interest, harassing whistleblowers and engaging in outright censorship… (Continue to full article)

Health Expert & Vaccine Proponent: Flu Shots ‘Do Little’ To Protect Against Virus
A public health expert is warning that this year’s ineffective flu shot could be even more of a risk to health than previously thought, and for entirely different reasons than we might suspect. Since the flu vaccination will “do little” to prevent the virus, the expert is warning that masks should be worn instead as a more effective way to prevent the spread of the disease… (Continue to full article)

Japan Leading the World in Exposing Fraud with Gardasil HPV Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
Such public debates do not take place where vaccine stakeholders are in full control of vaccine safety information. (Like in the U.S., for example.)… (Continue to full article)

Advance Vaccine Directive: “I Do NOT Consent
The Advance Vaccine Directive is a valid Advance Health Directive or Living Will binding on the medical community under the law of Informed Consent. The Wallet Card our legal team developed is based on the latest US Supreme Court “I Do Not Consent” case, Missouri vs McNeely (2013). It covers circumstances in which you may find yourself facing not-consented vaccination, such as being brought into an ER and being subjected to immediate vaccination.” ~ Ralph Fucetola JD… (Continue to YOUR Freedom…)

Life, Liberty & Your Good Health is heard at NOON (Eastern Time) for TWO-HOURS, each Wednesday on The Micro Effect.

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P.O. Box 579
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Eugenics equals Genocide

Utah’s new mandatory vaccine schedule is cold hard proof of vaccine ill intent and sabotage

Take a look at this list of vaccines a child has to have before kindergarten!!! They REALLY WANT THE MORMONS WIPED OUT, I will explain what is going on here…

Here goes…
Look at the polio shot. Polio has been eradicated in the United States since 1979, and it was eradicated with a single shot. WHY THE HELL ARE THERE NOW FOUR REQUIRED SHOTS FOR THAT? Continue reading

Vaccine Chronicles: May 28, 2018

Why? Why would I be publishing a rash of articles, columns and intense research regarding vaccines at this time of the year? After all – flu season has come and gone… Yes it has, BUT BIG Pharma and the American Medical Association (AMA) never sleep when it comes to the needle. Each of the following are well worth your time, so that you’ll have a more in-depth understanding of what the fight is all about – YOUR life, and that of your children and grandchildren. I have not taken that “Shot in the Dark” since I was in Vietnam in the late 1960’s, and I will not be starting today. ~ J.B./Editor
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Flu Vaccines Are Killing Senior Citizens

A JAMA study has found that the flu vaccine, taken by 60% of people over 65-years-old, may be killing a significant number of senior citizens.

Sharyl Attkisson, a former investigative journalist for CBS, says the study shows there is no improvement in mortality rates among senior citizens who get flu shots, and may actually contribute to increased ill-health and death. Continue reading

Why Are We Still Vaccinating?

25 Questions From A Former Pro-Vaccine Advocate

BSIP/UIG via Getty Images

I used to be pro vaccine. I know the feeling of thinking others were just plain crazy and wrong for not vaccinating their children and themselves. ‘Irresponsible!’ I said when pointing my finger. I’d use the same old arguments about polio and small pox and how vaccines saved us from all those horrible diseases and just swallowing and regurgitating the propaganda I was brought up with. It was only recently, in 2009 that I started questioning my long held beliefs and began digging in to the history, efficacy and safety of vaccines. I was appalled at what I found and the recklessness of those government health agencies entrusted with our health and our children’s safety, and angry with myself that I had put my family’s health at risk by blind faith in others when I was ultimately responsible for the medical decisions of my family. Continue reading

A Shot in the Dark: April 26, 2018

UPDATED: We live in a new age – the MTV age if you will… where the visual is sometimes held in greater esteem than the time consumptive written word.

Watch today’s episode – and THINK for yourself and your family for once! ~ Ed.

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Why Are So Many People Choosing Not to Vaccinate?

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines – Part 1 of 12

What is With All These Vaccine Skeptics?
Most people have a difficult time understanding why any parent would choose not to vaccinate their children. After all, we have been assured by our doctors that clinical trials show that vaccines are safe and effective and that we need to vaccinate to protect everyone. So what’s the reason for these people to refuse vaccination for their children?

Unfortunately, the further we objectively researched the whole body of evidence surrounding vaccines, the more difficult we found it to come to the conclusion that vaccines are safe and effective. The truth is, there isn’t just one reason for vaccine skeptics to forgo vaccination. There are many. Continue reading

Jury Still Out on Link Between Vaccines and Autism

Epidemiology is a basic science, not an applied science. It is not designed to prove anything.

There is no link between vaccines and autism.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clearly states it on its website. It is stated in nearly every newspaper or magazine article written, either by the author or by someone the author has quoted.

In a recent article in HealthDay, postdoctoral fellow Ousseny Zerbo of the Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Study Center was quoted as saying, “[W]e know through numerous scientific studies that there is no association between childhood vaccination and the incidence of autism spectrum disorders.” You can find some variation of this statement in countless other articles. “The scientific evidence is very clear: There’s no link between vaccines and autism.” Continue reading

Court ruling confirms Gardasil vaccine kills people…

Scientific evidence beyond any doubt… So where is the outcry?

May God bless the Tarsell family, who fought the U.S. government eight long years to validate a medical burden of proof that the Gardasil vaccine killed their daughter. The Tarsell’s 21-year-old daughter Christina Richelle “died from an arrhythmia induced by an autoimmune response” to Gardasil, an HPV vaccine that she received only days before her death.
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Worse than Nothing: How Ineffective Vaccines Can Actually Enhance Disease

Mandating Ineffective Vaccines Creates Public Health Crisis

In the current debate over whether or not to legislate the removal of individual vaccine exemptions, the quality of the vaccines themselves gets little attention. According to the CDC, mumps outbreaks are on the rise despite the fact that 94.6% of children in the U.S. have had two doses of MMR vaccine. To combat the situation, the CDC is considering adding a third dose of MMR to the recommended vaccine schedule.

In 2010, California experienced the largest pertussis epidemic since 1958. According to the CDC, the U.S. has experienced increased pertussis disease despite high levels of vaccine coverage. Researchers studying the pertussis outbreaks determined vaccine effectiveness dropped to less than 9% by four years, and that the quality of immunization waned so rapidly that little protection remained 2-3 years after vaccination.
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Influenza vaccines seem to be modifying influenza into a dangerous dengue-like disease

Last year’s influenza vaccine also contained the same H3N2 strain as this year’s vaccine (A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)-like virus). Many people would have developed long term IgE mediated sensitization to the H3N2 viral proteins due to last year’s vaccine [1–4]⁠. Those who received the Flublok vaccine can be expected to have an even stronger IgE response due to its 3X viral protein content [5,4]⁠. This year’s vaccine H3N2 proteins would have been neutralized by these IgE antibodies. Thus resulting in the observed low vaccine efficacy. [6⁠] Continue reading

Researchers have ditched the autism-vaccine hypothesis

BEWARE of the Boogieman in White Jackets: Although I am no “medical” expert by any stretch of the imagination, and the following would appear to be well researched – the information provided would seem tainted – given the abundance of opposing data – from a wide range of authoritative sources – which indicates otherwise. ~ Ed.

Here’s what they think actually causes it… genes and the microbiome are some of the most promising leads.

Katie Edwards: Getty

Of all the issues doctors have explored in children’s health, none has been more exhaustively researched than the question of whether vaccines are linked to autism. After hundreds and hundreds of studies in thousands of children, “We can say with almost as much certainty than anybody could ever say that vaccines don’t cause autism,” Mayo Clinic autism researcher Dr. Sunil Mehta told me. Continue reading

The All-Natural ‘Flu Shot’ The Pioneers Used

Chances are that you have used camphor numerous times in your life — but didn’t even know it. It is used in over-the-counter medicines and even some food products, but long before that it was used by our ancestors, who took advantage of the dried leaves, bark and wood to heal everything from coughs to minor cuts.

Let’s take a look at camphor and how it was used — and whether you can grow a beautiful camphor tree of your own. Continue reading