Category Archives: PHARMACEU’TIC: A Spoonful of Sugar


PHARMACEU’TICAL, adjective [Gr. to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.

“A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down…” focuses on professionally administered and prescribed drugs and pharmaceuticals. Initially on conception this category was developed to deal with the aspect of the abuse of children, ie; Ritalin, Prozac and other legal, “Mood altering” drugs. As time went on – we chose to attack the poisons that we are ALL being fed by our medical ‘professionals.’ The overpriced products of BIG Pharma are slowly – or rapidly killing us.

Harris: F.D.A. Finds Short Supply of Attention Deficit Drugs

Medicines to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are in such short supply that hundreds of patients complain daily to the Food and Drug Administration that they are unable to find a pharmacy with enough pills to fill their prescriptions.

The shortages are a result of a troubled partnership between drug manufacturers and the Drug Enforcement Administration, with companies trying to maximize their profits and drug enforcement agents trying to minimize abuse by people, many of them college students, who use the medications to get high or to stay up all night. Continue reading

27 Years: No Deaths From Vitamins, 3 Million From Prescription Drugs

Over the past 27 years ­ the complete timeframe that the data has been available ­ there have been 0 deaths as a result of vitamins and over 3 million deaths related to prescription drug use. In fact, going back 54 years there have only been 11 claims of vitamin-related death, all of which provided no substantial evidence to link vitamins to the cause of death. The news comes after a recent statistically analysis found that pharmaceutical drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the US.

In 2009, drugs exceeded the amount of traffic-related deaths, killing at least 37,485 people nationwide. Continue reading

Antidepressants, Pain Relievers Linked to Increase in Drug-Related Poisoning

Approximately 700,000 visits to the emergency room were linked to drug-related poisoning in 2007, according to a new study published February 28 on the Nationwide Children’s Hospital website. Researchers found that 44 percent of poisonings were caused by prescription medications such antidepressants and opioid pain relievers. Continue reading


If you harbored romantic notions that an Obama FDA would be less controlled by the pharmaceutical industry than a Bush FDA, think again. The case of Avandia proves once again that FDA will sacrifice the health of the American people to defend the economic interests of its favored regulatees, the big drug companies.

In an April 2, 1999 internal memo to his superiors FDA medical reviewer Dr. Robert I. Misbin objected to FDA approval of the GlaxoSmithKline Type 2 diabetes drug Avandia. He expressed concerns “about deleterious long term effects on the heart” from the drug. Continue reading

Gucciardi: Aspartame exposed – GM Bacteria used to create deadly sweetener

(NaturalNews) The manufacturers of the most prevalent sweetener in the world have a secret, and it`s not a sweet one. Aspartame, an artificial sweetener found in thousands of products worldwide, has been found to be created using genetically modified (GM) bacteria. What`s even more shocking is how long this information has been known. A 1999 article by The Independent was the first to expose the abominable process in which aspartame was created. Ironically, the discovery was made around the same time as rich leaders around the globe met at the G8 Summit to discuss the safety of GM foods. Continue reading

Matthews: So Young and So Many Pills

More than 25% of Kids and Teens in the U.S. Take Prescriptions on a Regular Basis

Gage Martindale, who is 8 years old, has been taking a blood-pressure drug since he was a toddler. “I want to be healthy, and I don’t want things in my heart to go wrong,” he says.

And, of course, his mom is always there to check Gage’s blood pressure regularly with a home monitor, and to make sure the second-grader doesn’t skip a dose of his once-a-day enalapril. Continue reading

Markle: READ The Deadly Truth About Aspartame (‘NutraSweet’-‘Equal’-‘Spoonful’, etc)

“…when they remove brain tumors, they have found high levels of aspartame in them”.

I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on “ASPARTAME marketed as ‘NutraSweet’, ‘Equal’, and ‘Spoonful”‘. In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, and they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant across the United States. I explained that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject. Continue reading

Many Doctors Don’t Report Incompetent Colleagues

One-third of those surveyed would decline to intervene

If your doctor had a drug problem or was impaired in some way, you would probably hope that his or her colleagues would intervene and see that he gets help. A new survey suggests that doesn’t happen very often.

A study in JAMA says a survey of physicians finds that while most support the professional commitment to report other physicians who they feel are incompetent or impaired — such as from alcohol or drug use — many did not follow through on making a report when faced with such a situation. Continue reading

Aspartame: A Plague of Neurological Disease

Just some food for thought!

Ms. NANCY MARKLE wrote an article recently concerning the collusion between EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and Monsanto (one of the largest drug manufacturers in this country). Nancy had recently attended numerous meetings and hearings With the World Environmental Conference and the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. These are her Words…  Continue reading

Prescriptions for the dead!

Medicaid audit finds that prescriptions were filled for 1,800 dead patients

In Texas, a dead doctor “wrote” prescriptions for Medicaid recipients. Not to be outdone, pharmacies in Texas and four other states filled controlled-substance prescriptions for more than 1,800 dead Medicaid patients, according to a forensic audit by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Taxpayer dollars were also blown by Texas physicians who handed out narcotics prescriptions while lacking the authority to write them. And “doctor shopping” for drugs cost Medicaid $63 million over two years. Continue reading

Ryter: The FDA’s Stealth War Against The Consumer

~ Foreword ~
The article below is admittedly long (it comes to twelve single spaced printed pages) but it is of EXTREME importance to the future health of you and your families. It is critical that you read and understand exactly what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is stealthily attempting to slip past your awareness. Unless this is stopped by the American people, your access to vitamins, minerals and other health products will be severely limited or eliminated altogether! Continue reading

Smith: Gangsters in Medicine

The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reported that as many as 106,000 deaths occur annually in US hospitals due to adverse reactions to prescription drugs that are properly prescribed by physicians that use them as directed by the drug companies.

Even worse, the National Council for Patient Information and Education reported that an additional 125,000 deaths occur annually due to adverse reactions to drugs that the physician never should have prescribed. Continue reading

Pelfrey: Out With the Bath Water!

A True story: As charge nurse on a locked adolescent psychiatric unit, my responsibilities included insuring unit safety as well as screening incoming calls. So I kept a vigilant eye on the hallway as I answered the incessantly ringing phone. A woman’s frantic voice shrieked into my ear, “What do I do? He’s choking the cat and I can’t get him to stop!” Continue reading

Hawkins: Who Put The ‘Tame’ In Aspartame?

In 1994 the Republicans, having just taken over the House of Representatives for the first time in forty years, went to work tearing apart much of the socialist/liberal agenda. That folks was when we started to see herbs available in the market. It was also at that time that a businessman was finally allowed to write off the cost of his own health insurance. The democrat answer to that concept was to tax the benefits of those who had them rather than allow someone to write theirs off. Typical! Continue reading

Big Brother: Coming Soon to a Health Store Near You!

One more step toward…

Forget terrorism for a minute, because right now it’s time to activate the level orange bureaucracy alert…

Last year, I wrote in Real Health about our government’s attempt to wrap their greedy tentacles around the supplement industry with a bill before Congress ironically monikered the “Dietary Supplement Fairness Act.” To refresh your memory (or bring you up to speed if you weren’t one of my readers back then), this bill ostensibly provided tax-based subsidization for vitamin and nutrient supplements – “nutraceuticals” by their nomenclature. Sounds good, right? Continue reading