Category Archives: Perspectives…

A wide range of lessons and commentary about many health related issues. Many are point-blank op-ed pieces based upon personal experiences by the writers (as patients or witnesses IE, spouses, children…) – or even by some doctor’s and other medical practitioners, who actually have a conscience – in addition to some spiritual issues addressing our well-being..

Kroger and Mark Cuban join forces to spread the availability of low cost prescription drugs

The partnership could be bad news for pharmacy benefit managers

Little by little, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) are getting their comeuppance and American consumers are getting their due when it comes to the cost of prescription drugs.

Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drugs has cut a deal with Kroger that will give consumers in 35 states the power to find the lowest price for a prescription drug.

Anyone who’s watched ‘Shark Tank’ knows that Cuban is a take-no-prisoners kind of guy and he apparently sees an opportunity when it comes to high-priced drugs.

The Cost Plus business model is simple. It marks up each drug by 15% and adds a $3 pharmacy fee where applicable. The company makes a profit and customers can finally get their prescriptions filled without taking out a loan. Continue reading

Medical Schools Look for Activists, Not Healers

What qualities should medical schools look for in future doctors? Probably academic excellence, experience in the medical sector, loyalty to medical ethics, and good interpersonal skills.

These are all characteristics that future doctors should have, but they’re not what medical schools now emphasize. Medical schools are looking for social justice zealots to advance the diversity, equity, and inclusion dogma.

Look no further than medical school applications… Continue reading

Wrong Diagnosis Kills Hundreds of Thousands in US Each Year

The number of Americans who suffer permanent consequences from medical misdiagnoses is higher than previously thought, according to a new study, but there are some simple steps you can take to lower your risk.

A study from researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that an estimated 795,000 Americans suffer permanent disability or death as the result of medical misdiagnoses, and there’s a chance the number could even be as high as 1.02 million people.

Of the patients who are misdiagnosed, the researchers said, nearly half (371,000) die. Continue reading

Johnson & Johnson sues researchers who linked talc to cancer

(Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Johnson & Johnson has sued four doctors who published studies citing links between talc-based personal care products and cancer, escalating an attack on scientific studies that the company alleges are inaccurate.

J&J’s subsidiary LTL Management, which absorbed the company’s talc liability in a controversial 2021 spinoff, last week filed a lawsuit in New Jersey federal court asking it to force three researchers to “retract and/or issue a correction” of a study that said asbestos-contaminated consumer talc products sometimes caused patients to develop mesothelioma. Continue reading

Foreign Countries with Drug-Price Controls Ride for Free on U.S. Investment

A trainee pharmacy staff member puts in order medications on shelves at Monklands University Hospital in Airdrie, Scotland, March 7, 2022. (Andy Buchanan/Pool via Reuters)

European and other developed countries that have imposed drug-price controls are free-riding on the research and development (R&D) investment of the U.S. and a handful of other countries, a new study has found.

Stephen Ezell, vice president for global innovation policy at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, told National Review that while many countries around the world are willing to invest heavily in combatting climate change because they see it as an existential global threat, the same zeal falls away when it comes to public health and developing new, life-saving drugs.

Countries that have instituted drug-price controls do not pay market value. For example, the European countries pay around 30 percent less, said Ezell, adding that “historically it’s been the American consumer that bears the real cost of [these] innovative drugs.” Continue reading

Frequencies, Part 2: Demystifying the World of Electromagnetic Medical Devices

The second in a two-part series on frequencies, Rob Verkerk, Ph.D., sifts through the rapidly emerging field of frequency-based medical devices.

You’ve heard the news of a revolutionary frequency-based device that has a list of diseases it can supposedly remedy that would make Pfizer’s R&D team leader quiver.

You’ve read dozens of testimonials and your head’s still spinning. Some were from cancer patients who were classified as terminally ill and had gone into “spontaneous remission.”

Others came from people so ill they were permanently bed-bound — until their frequency treatment got them walking again. Let’s also not forget the athletes who used it and developed superhuman powers.

Your critical mind tells you this could mean only one of two things. The testimonials are from intensely satisfied people who’d experienced what many might typically classify as a miracle. Or they’ve been fabricated by over-zealous marketeers keen to make a buck.

Any of this sound familiar?

This article is about helping you to make sense of this rapidly expanding sector of primarily electrically-powered frequency medicine devices. Continue reading

The $80 Million in Health Care Fraud Exposed After Patient’s Suspicious Death

The death of a patient led to the end of a scam that robbed Medicare for years.

A chiropractor’s office stole from Medicare for years. Here’s how crimes like this affect you

It was a Friday afternoon and Debbie Dillinger was hoping for a pain-free weekend. Car accidents had left the 47-year-old mother of three with chronic neck pain and headaches, and to deal with it she was visiting Dolson Avenue Medical, a clinic in Middletown, New York.

Around 5 p.m., Dillinger swung through the glass front door of the office. She checked in at a curved reception desk in the clinic’s large, open treatment area, where patients lay on massage tables and exercised on a variety of equipment. Behind the desk, a floor-to-ceiling mural of a waterfall, trees and a soaring eagle set a serene tone. Continue reading

Dr. William D. Kelley’s Nutritional-Metabolic Therapy

What we are about to share was published in 1993 in a book by Richard Walters in his book, OPTIONS – The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book. We have elected to publish the chapter in its entirety.

As this web-site is resigned to information and solutions, which are deemed to be of benefit to your health – and specifically the protocol of Dr. William D.Kelley and his cancer treatment program, we post this article without the permission of the author. (Editor)

kelley_clr_webOver a twenty-five year period, Dr. William Donald Kelley, a dentist by training, developed a complex approach to treating many chronic and degenerative diseases, including cancer. The three main elements of his metabolic program are nutrition, detoxification, and supplements of pancreatic enzymes. Although the controversial Kansas-born practitioner was condemned as a charlatan by the orthodox medical establishment, thousands; of severely ill patients sought his advice and followed his program, many with reported good results. Today, a number of practitioners claim to be using the Kelley regimen, though whether they actually are is open to question.

Interest in Kelley’s therapy has increased dramatically in recent years, largely due to the work of Nicholas Gonzalez, a New York City physician who treats cancer patients in advanced or terminal stages using a modified version of the Kelley program. A graduate of Cornell University Medical School, Dr. Gonzalez undertook a five – year case study of Kelley’s own cancer patients who had done well on the program. Gonzalez’s 500-page study was prepared under the sponsorship of Robert Good, M.D., Ph.D., then president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. It is “widely regarded as the finest case review ever conducted concerning an alternative cancer therapy,” according to Misinformation From OTA on Unconventional Cancer Treatments, by Robert E. Houston. Continue reading

Deadly bacteria at Mayo Clinic

Arizona lab workers exposed to bug with up to 50% fatality rate that is now ENDEMIC to US Gulf coast.

Lab staff were exposed to the bacteria at the Mayo Clinic center in Phoenix, Arizona

A deadly bacteria that kills up to 50 percent of people it infects was recently detected at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

Three laboratory workers were exposed to the Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria while testing samples from a 58-year-old man who had come in with an artery infection.

The employees were swabbed for the bacteria at the Phoenix hospital for three weeks to ensure they had not become infected. All three tested negative on every test. Continue reading

Medical Students Aren’t Showing Up to Class

What does that mean for future Docs?

Many medical students do not attend lectures in the first two years, instead opting to watch recorded classes on their own time. (Tom Fowlks/Getty Images)

During my first two years as a medical student, I almost never went to lectures. Neither did my peers. In fact, I estimate that not even a quarter of medical students in my class consistently attended classes in person. One of my professors, Dr. Philip Gruppuso, says in his 40 years of teaching, in-person lecture attendance is the lowest he’s seen. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, first- and second-year medical students regularly skipped lectures. Instead, they opted to watch the recordings at home on their own time. The pandemic accelerated the shift.

This absence from the classroom has a lot of people in the medical education system wondering how this will affect future doctors, and has precipitated wide discussion among medical institutions. Medical education is changing rapidly, and the change is being driven by students — so how do schools incorporate the reality of virtual learning while training them adequately for the huge responsibility of patient care? Continue reading

Summer Lee’s First House Bill Would Guarantee Hazard Pay for Frontline ‘Healthcare Heroes

“Every time disaster strikes, our healthcare workers show up for us – even when it means putting their own lives at risk. It’s time we show up for them with pay and protection, not just bells and whistles.”

Rep. Summer Lee (D-Pa.) arrives at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. on May 18, 2023, Photo: Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc.

In her first piece of House legislation, Democratic Pennyslvania Congresswoman Summer Lee on Thursday introduced a bill that would provide hazard pay, protective gear, and transportation for essential U.S. healthcare workers.

The Hazard Pay for Healthcare Heroes Act—co-sponsored by Reps. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), with a companion bill introduced in the upper chamber by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) – would empower the Department of Health and Human Services to authorize hazard pay of up to $13 per hour or $25,000 annually per worker. Continue reading

Letter to the Editor: Cancer Treatment Should Be Better Prioritized

What follows below was published on May 10, 2023 in our local-weekly, community newspaper, the West Valley View. As regular readers to Dr. Kelley’s site, and to our Wednesday evening broadcast – many of you will agree with what the author has to say – but there are certain aspects that we will disagree with – one of which deals with her guidance and expectation for CON-gress to commit to what she is suggesting – and hoping for. BIG Pharma buys these elected officials off – hence – her wishes shall not come to pass. It is among our greatest concerns. ~ Ed.

As an oncology nurse, I see patients every day who are dealing with various forms of cancer.

We should be doing everything we can to support medical research and drug development so that no family has to face heartbreaking decisions.

Recently, more price-setting policies have been included in President Biden’s health care priorities package. I worry that these additional measures could deprive patients of access to future cancer medicines and hope for a healthier, more comfortable future. Instead, I hope Congress focuses their efforts on one of the biggest headaches for many patients dealing with health issues – pharmacy benefit managers (PBM’s). Prescription drugs play a large role in oncology because many forms of cancer are treated with a combination of medications and care. Continue reading

Medical Schools Look for Activists ~ Not Healers

What qualities should medical schools look for in future doctors? Probably academic excellence, experience in the medical sector, loyalty to medical ethics, and good interpersonal skills.

These are all characteristics that future doctors should have, but they’re not what medical schools now emphasize. Medical schools are looking for social justice zealots to advance the diversity, equity, and inclusion dogma.

Look no further than medical school applications… Continue reading

Leibowitz: Valley Firefighter a Miracle on 2 Feet

Gilbert Aguirre (West Valley View File Photo)

If the measure of a human is how they bear up when life turns ugly, then Gilbert Aguirre is stronger than all of us, a testament to what can be survived and the power of faith.

His body has been attacked, his spirit shattered, his finances destroyed, his family visited by death. Yet whenever we meet, he hugs me and offers up his small, shy smile.

Husband, father, firefighter, son of God, cancer survivor, plaintiff. Aguirre is all those things. He is also surely the strongest man walking. Continue reading

Frequencies, Part 1: Was Einstein Right About the Future of Medicine?

The first in a two-part series on frequencies explains the intimate relationship between electromagnetism and life and suggests we should question the ever-greater reliance humans have on wireless information and communication systems and the electrosmog they create.

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” ~ Albert Einstein

Have you noticed the upsurge of interest in frequency and energy medicine? Have you even been hooked up to a frequency medicine machine of late — or do you know friends or family who have been? Have you wondered which ones have a decent scientific evidence base behind them — and which ones don’t appear to?

The reality is that frequency medicine is experiencing a renaissance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and there is an increasing diversity of technologies being used.

Some of it is being foisted on the public, including sectors of those that have been injured by COVID-19 vaccines, in an aggressive way, sometimes by way of multi-level marketing enthusiasts with no training or background in the healthcare professions.

Others are touted as miracle cures for absolutely any condition. Continue reading