Category Archives: In the Money

Greed does not heal – it kills.

Xanax could be driving America’s next drug epidemic

Top psychiatrist warns addictive anti-anxiety meds are being dished out like opioids were in the 90s – and patients are struggling to quit

Opioid prescriptions peaked in 2012. But the rate of benzodiazepine prescriptions climbed 67 percent between 1996 and 2013, and more patients are struggling to quit, Dr Anna Lembke of Stanford warns

America is on track for an epidemic of addiction and overdoses from anti-anxiety medication, a top clinician warns.

With the nation’s attention on prescription painkillers, there has been scant conversation about the climbing rate of people being prescribed benzodiazepines, potent drugs like Xanax and Valium designed to alleviate anxiety and panic attacks on a short term basis. Continue reading

ADHD is a FAKE Disease Invented by Big Pharma to Drug Children for Profit

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is ubiquitous in the American classroom, there’s little debate about that. According to CDC statistics from 2012, 11 percent of children between the ages of four and 17 had been diagnosed with ADHD at some point. With over six million kids diagnosed, it’s hard not to wonder: Is this condition even a real problem? Continue reading

CONFIRMED: Google is actively censoring natural health websites to protect Big Pharma and destroy knowledge of natural medicine

There’s a strong argument to be made that if iron-fisted tyranny ever comes to America, the statists in Silicon Valley will be leading the charge. These people (including workers at Facebook, Twitter, and especially Google) think nothing of undermining the United States Constitution and the freedom of speech in order to fulfill the Left’s twisted political agendas. Silicon Valley’s ongoing and seemingly unstoppable censorship of the Internet is, to a large extent, planting the seeds of tyranny in the fabric of America. Continue reading

Many ordinary meds cause depression

Public trust in Pharma hits new low!

For years, I’ve been writing about the medical system’s self-feeding mechanism:

Give a patient a drug to treat his symptoms; the drug causes new symptoms, which are diagnosed as a new illness; and then new drugs are given, and those drugs cause still more symptoms, which in turn are diagnosed as a new condition…on and on it goes. Drugged patients suffer tragically and needlessly, and cash piles up in Big Pharma’s coffers.

At one time, this circle of devastation might have been called an accident. But now, all the experts know the truth. Therefore, this is rightly labeled a MARKETING STRATEGY, and, at the highest levels, a covert op to disable the population. Continue reading

Agent Orange During the Vietnam War and Its Effects Today

U.S. Army Huey helicopter spraying Agent Orange over Vietnamese agricultural land.

August 10, 1961 marked the start of the aerial spraying of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Defoliant tests began on that fateful day in the Kontom Province of Vietnam.

Agent Orange was one of the color-coded herbicides and chemical defoliants used by U.S. forces to kill vegetation, crops, and trees in order to deplete resources and cover for enemy forces. It was prominently produced and manufactured by Dow Chemical, Monsanto, and other chemical companies as part of the U.S. military herbicidal warfare program. It was the unique way it was shipped – in gigantic orange striped barrels, that gave it the popular name – Agent Orange. Continue reading

Eugenics equals Genocide

Utah’s new mandatory vaccine schedule is cold hard proof of vaccine ill intent and sabotage

Take a look at this list of vaccines a child has to have before kindergarten!!! They REALLY WANT THE MORMONS WIPED OUT, I will explain what is going on here…

Here goes…
Look at the polio shot. Polio has been eradicated in the United States since 1979, and it was eradicated with a single shot. WHY THE HELL ARE THERE NOW FOUR REQUIRED SHOTS FOR THAT? Continue reading

Look in the Mirror America, to See a Reason Drug Prices Are So High

Until we are willing to accept the trade-offs and sacrifices needed to fix the system, the status quo will persist.

The idea of bringing down U.S. drug prices is universally popular. The hard choices, trade-offs and political fortitude needed to actually do it, however, are a harder sell. So here we are, with a drug-pricing plan so toothless that biotech shares soared as it was unveiled by President Donald Trump (recently). Continue reading

Huge surge in kids poisoned by ADHD pills

Why aren’t celebrities talking about this instead of spouting off about gun control? We should be looking for REASONS our kids are so messed up.

The rate of kids being poisoned by ADHD medications – accidentally and intentionally – has soared since 2000 – with thousands of under-6s taking them accidentally as teens use them to get high. Continue reading

Spring Has Sprung: Monsanto’s Roundup Kills Everything In Our World

Monsanto has long been accused of causing health hazards. Here was a 2013 eat-in protest in front of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition in College Park, Maryland April 8, 2013. (REUTERS)

Life springs eternal with the advent of spring! Frisbees fly around city parks. Girls wear short-shorts. Dogs sprint across the yard. Butterflies grace the colorful flowers while hummingbirds zip around like crazed fighter pilots. Grasses turn the landscape green while trees bud into full foliage. Ah, yes, the promise of spring inspires everyone in America… Continue reading

Flu Vaccines Are Killing Senior Citizens

A JAMA study has found that the flu vaccine, taken by 60% of people over 65-years-old, may be killing a significant number of senior citizens.

Sharyl Attkisson, a former investigative journalist for CBS, says the study shows there is no improvement in mortality rates among senior citizens who get flu shots, and may actually contribute to increased ill-health and death. Continue reading

More than one million children under age 6 are on psychiatric drugs

… parents don’t know what they’re getting into

Are children in the United States being over-medicated? According to some recent statistics, it surely looks that way. Over a million children six years of age or under are prescribed a psychiatric medication. Overall, more than eight million kids in America are on some sort of psychotropic drug — and the medical establishment is hardly batting an eye. Continue reading